On the dock.

Lakeman's ship traveled with a warship, bound for the Sabaody Archipelago.

But Kizaru is not on the warship.

Instead, he was invited by Lakeman to his boat to enjoy lunch made with precious ingredients.

Kizaru wanted to refuse.

But Lakeman showed that if you don't come, I will go to the warship.

Kizaru humiliatedly obeyed.


On the gorgeous Celestial Dragons treasure ship, Kizaru was heartbroken and stared blankly at the sea.


Lakeman had a casual expression on his face, drinking tea slowly and looking at the sea and sky.

The atmosphere was very silent.

The silence made Kizaru feel uncomfortable all over.

But Lakeman's expression remained relaxed and content.

[Current progress: 3.58%...]

[Current progress: 4.27%...]

[Current progress: 5.01%...]

As long as Kizaru is around, Lakeman will still make money even if they are silent and wasting time.

In fact, he wished Kizaru would be mute.

Don't talk about those boring and uninteresting Marine facts.

"Lunch is over, I have to go back to work, Lakeman-san." Kizaru finally made it to the end of lunch, and stood up refreshed like a dead fish coming to life.

"Oh, walk slowly." Lakeman waved his hand nonchalantly.

Kizaru breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the warship.

Seeing Kizaru coming back, the Marine soldiers on the warship also breathed a sigh of relief.

They are really worried about their boss's safety.

"Great, Vice Admiral is finally back."

"Yeah, I'm really worried that Vice Admiral will fall into the clutches of the Celestial Dragons one day."

"Shh, stop talking. Vice Admiral looks very ugly."

"Then let's keep our voices down."

"Want to make a bet to see how long Vice Admiral can guard his back door?"

All the men were whispering.

Kizaru: "..."

Sometimes I really want to kill someone.

He dragged his tired body and mind back to the captain's cabin and lay down weakly on the sofa.

"I was very perfunctory at noon today. I didn't answer or say anything. That Celestial Dragons young master must be tired of it." Kizaru touched his chin and thought seriously.

This was a major issue concerning his chastity.

Don’t take things carelessly!

"Although I don't know where his interest and attention in me come from, after all, he is Celestial Dragons and he is only a ten-year-old child. His curiosity should not last long."

Kizaru thought calmly and analyzed rationally.

After a while.

He got a reassuring answer.

"That's right. Judging from his neither salty nor bland attitude at lunch, he must be bored."

"I should be relieved tonight!"

"Phew, great!"

When Kizaru thought about the vastness of the world, he couldn't help but scream like an ape to cheer for himself.

He suddenly regained his energy.

He turned over, lay down on the sofa, and closed his eyes comfortably.

"You can have a good sleep now."

Kizaru murmured and soon snored.

This is a comfortable nap.

No one bothers.

Kizaru slept until dusk and didn't wake up until just before dinner time.

"It's so comfortable."

He stretched and yawned as he walked out of the captain's cabin.

a few minutes ago.

Lakeman felt the slightest improvement in his body, glanced at Hancock who looked tired from practicing, and walked leisurely onto the deck.


He snapped his fingers, and the servant next to him came over immediately.


"Let's have glass pearl meat from South America's Bud Island for dinner. Send someone to ask Kizaru Vice Admiral whether he wants to eat it at my place or his place." Lakeman ordered.

After saying this, Hancock, who was already tired, widened his eyes.

She looked at Lakeman in disbelief with a shocked little face.

Isn’t the atmosphere at noon awkward enough?

She ate lunch with her two younger sisters, but she also glanced at Lakeman and Kizaru's banquet from a distance.

It was a banquet for just two people.

There was no atmosphere, there was silence.

The two of them drank and ate their own food without any communication.

Although they acted very calmly.

But anyone who watches it can feel the embarrassment and discomfort that overflows the screen.

‘After all this, you still want to eat with Kizaru? ’ Hancock looked at Lakeman in shock, feeling crazy: ‘Are you too interested in him? ! ’

"Oh, Hancock, don't look at me like that."

Lakeman noticed Hancock's eyes, turned around and comforted him: "Although Kizaru Vice Admiral can have dinner with me, my night belongs only to you, and I will not leave until dawn."

Hancock couldn't help but blush, and turned away in shame and anger.

not far away.

The middle-aged woman looked thoughtful.

On the surface, there is nothing wrong with what Lakeman said.

It can even be said to be gentle love words.

But judging from Hancock's reaction, it seems that these words are equated with some unspeakable scenes.


Hancock pushed open the bathroom door angrily and went in to wash away the sweat from his training.

Lakeman's name, I don't know if it's a natural talent or something, but he was able to stand up all night long.

He won't leave until dawn.

If Hancock isn't talented, he has amazing resilience.

I already rolled my eyes.

"What's going on..." After Hancock rinsed off, he soaked in the bathtub and patted his face gently with both hands.

Looking back now, she thinks Lakeman probably didn't mean that.

It’s just that she was overthinking it.

In other words, Hancock seems to have become a shy girl.

Every word Lakeman said could make her want to go crazy.


Hancock was troubled and worried about his changes.

But thinking of her sister, she could only sigh quietly, her eyes suddenly became calm, and her expression was indifferent, as if she were a noble princess raised in a deep palace compound, far away from the troubled world of the world.

Take a long bath.

Hancock got out of the tub and wiped away the water stains.

She took out the bottle given by the middle-aged woman and looked at the silver marrow flowing inside, her eyes flickering slightly.

There was silence for a long time.

She opened the lid, lay on the edge of the bathtub, and dripped the silver marrow in the bottle into her body.


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