Here at the naval headquarters, the Warring States and other high-ranking naval officials tested the flying thunder god technique that the yellow ape had just obtained, which was indeed a divine skill.

In addition to being shocked, he was more dignified and took this Heavenly Dao inventory more seriously!

At the same time, the scrutinizing look at Karp.

Relationship King’s grandfather?

However, just Karp, the grandfather of the naval hero, Luffy is not enough to become the king of relationships!

Even if you add Luffy’s father, Karp’s son Monchi D. Dragon! Not enough!

After all, the powerhouses and forces of this world are not so simple.

If Luffy is really the relationship king, then what other connections are there in the secret?

Who else is there besides Cap who muttered a few times and abducted Luffy as a pirate?

“Karp! Your family isn’t planning anything, are you? Sengoku asked.

Karp is a naval hero of great prestige in the Navy; And his son was the leader of the revolutionary army; Plus Luffy becomes the guide of the pirates, the Four Emperors Shanks…!

This family! No more big things planned, right?

Hearing this, all the senior naval officials also looked at Karp, full of shock and suspicion.

“Definitely not, it’s just a family misfortune.” Karp immediately pulled out his nostrils, looked at the ceiling, and replied with an urn.

“Yellow Ape! How did you guess again? “Warring States aimed at the yellow ape, Kapu he is not easy to ask, then find the answer from the yellow ape who answered correctly.

“Hmm~! Guess, after all, your relationship with Karp…”


The yellow ape’s answer made the Warring States speechless for a while.


Among the flowers of the ancient city of Mary Joya, the five old stars knelt under the high seat of Im.

At this time, they were worried, and their expressions were also tangled and uncomfortable!

This matter of what kind of heavenly road inventory has not yet been figured out, and there is a bad thing for the Karp family!

At that time, Karp, a member of the D family, became the pillar of the navy, they were still very happy, the D family could not kill enough, and it was still very good to get one or two under his command.

But unexpectedly, Karp later looked down on Draco very much, and in order not to serve Draco, he was unwilling to be promoted to admiral.

Seeing that thirty-six years ago, he saved many Draco in the Valley of the Gods, and as a naval hero, his reputation was extremely high, and they didn’t care about Karp’s affairs.

Who thought that twenty years ago, his son Munch· D. Long, actually built a revolutionary army against the world government!

Considering Karp’s performance over the years, and his prestige as a naval hero, the five old stars once again endured.

And then! Some time ago, Karp’s grandson broke into the Justice Island to declare war on the world government, and he beat Draco again in Chambord!

This can make the five old stars disgusting!

But for the sake of the big picture, plus Karp is also old, they are too lazy to think about Karp anymore, and they don’t want to make a fuss that is not worth the loss.

But! Now this Heavenly Dao inventory mentions that Luffy is the relationship king?

Besides Cap and Dragon, who else does Luffy have connections?

Is it the Four Emperors Shanks? Or the connections left by One Piece Roger?

Or… Nika fruit exposed?

If the sun god Nika is exposed, then Luffy will indeed have more connections than he imagined!

Because the sun god Nika is the god that people in many places believe in, Rao has been the world government for eight hundred years, and he has not worn down the faith of those people, such as the slaves of the Bridge Kingdom in the East Sea!

Even! It is very likely that it is related to the three major weapons of ancient times?

Lenovo so, the five old stars sweated coldly!

Because only under this conjecture, Wang Luffy, is it possible to surpass their five old stars and Lord Im in terms of connections!

Otherwise, Karp, Dragon, Shanks and other people even if they add Roger’s Pirates are not comparable to them!

Yim listened to the five old stars trembling to express his guesses, and his eyebrows frowned.

After eight hundred years, she acted cautiously, and she was very annoyed in her heart for such unknown things!

However, CP institutions everywhere have sent information that this Heavenly Dao inventory is really all over the world!

Could it be that above her, there are mysterious gods? Is there really such a miracle in the world?

At the same time, the high-level officials of various forces in the four seas are also beginning to ponder.

When the initial shock gradually retreats, when rationality gradually returns, although the truth of the Heavenly Dao inventory is doubtful, it does not prevent smart people from speculating more through the information given by the Heavenly Dao inventory!

Is it related to Luffy Wang? His naval heroic grandfather, plus suspected head of his father’s revolutionary army, doesn’t seem to be enough?

Who else?

Countless people, consciousness connected to the Heavenly Dao inventory, stared at the inventory screen on the interface.

[Video: Karp’s image gradually dissipates and the video plays! ]

In the picture, seventeen years ago, Karp received Luffy, who was only a few months old, and took him to his hometown Windmill Village, where he asked the village chief to take care of the village chief, Stephen Slap, and the young Marcino, who also returned to the village frequently.

In the process of growing up with Luffy, Karp’s education was basically a simple and crude Spartan education, allowing Luffy to gain strong resilience and resistance to blows by being exercised from an early age.

After learning that Luffy was seduced by Shanks and bent on becoming the Pirate Queen, he threw Luffy into the mountain to raise the thief for more brutal training.

But ten years later, seventeen-year-old Luffy still went to sea and defeated the naval scum Monka the next day.

Knowing that his grandson went to sea to become a pirate, Karp took the job of escorting Monka to the East China Sea.

During this period, he took in Kebi, who had good qualifications and admired Luffy very much, as a student.

The picture turned again, and more than a month later, Luffy and his gang broke into the island of justice and declared war on the world government.

Karp took over again and went to the water capital on behalf of the navy to arrest his grandson Luffy and his gang.

Although Karp rushed to Luffy and the others in an imposing manner, he only taught Luffy a lesson, did not arrest them, and told Luffy that his father was Monch· D. Long.

Although he was scolded by the Sengoku angry call later, Karp pretended to go back and carried out a wave of stroke attacks on Luffy and the others who went to sea, letting Luffy walk them. 】

[World Channel – Shiji: Groove! ] Or Karp you will play! 】

[Lokes: Oh, what about good justice? The navy saw the pirates and let them go? Rise? 】

[Wang Zhi: Catch pirates? No! Send your grandson to sea! 】

[Bucky: I just hate not having a naval hero grandfather! 】

[Roger: Ahahaha! After all, it’s your own grandson! 】

[Shanks: I didn’t expect that Senior Karp still respects the dreams of teenagers! ] 】

[Karp: Damn Shanks! This is all a good thing for you bastard, sooner or later I will beat you to death! 】

“Abominable! It’s a fake public benefit! Shield the pirates! ”

Here at the naval headquarters, the red dog couldn’t bear it anymore and roared at Karp.

You know, this was a pirate who broke into the island of justice that had not been breached for 800 years and declared war on the world government!

With such a bad nature, the Marshal of the Warring States was scolded by the five old stars for splitting their heads and covering their faces.

Good guy, you Karp took the job and actually played like this?

With Karp’s prestige in the Navy, he personally let go of his own grandson so upright, then most of the navy met Luffy in the future, in order not to offend Cap, or to give Kapu face, they would definitely not embarrass Luffy!

This is serious!

Karp has a super thick skin, does not look at the angry red dog, pulls out his nostrils, opens the senbei and eats.

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