Chapter 84 Supporting Luffy, Shirahoshi’S Sea Kings Army

“Lord Luffy~!”

After seeing Luffy’s speech on World Channel, Shirahoshi closed his eyes and raised his head to shout.

She doesn’t want to let Luffy down, because this is the person who will guide her in the future.

She wants to awaken the power of Poseidon and become a useful person, then receive Luffy and the others to The fish men island, and then send them to the ghost island to save friends!

She wants to get Luffy’s return, and then Luffy will take her to travel around the world, watching the sunrise and sunset! Watching the sun, moon and stars! Watching a hundred flowers bloom!


Shirahoshi’s strong prayer from the heart, combined with listening to the sound of all things, blooms!

boom boom…

In an instant, five huge Sea Kings over 5,000 meters appeared above the fish men island out of thin air, surrounding the much smaller Dragon Palace!

At the same time, within a hundred miles away from The fish men island Fang Yuan, all Sea Kings, large and small, rushed towards The fish men island!

‘Master Shirahoshi! You can finally communicate with us! It’s great!’

‘My king! You awakened two years in advance! It seems that this heavenly inventory is really a miraculous existence!”

‘And that, thanks to Yiyi!

The ancient behemoth with wisdom communicates with Shirahoshi in the dragon palace thousands of meters away by listening to the voice of all things!

‘You…everyone! It’s so nice!’ Shirahoshi and his mother ran out of the palace, looking at the five giant Sea Kings covering the sky outside Dragon Palace Bubble, and were very pleasantly surprised!

At the same time, millions of people across The fish men island saw this, compared to the panic eight years ago, this time they cheered infinitely!

This is their Poseidon! One of the ancient weapons Poseidon Princess Shirahoshi of Poseidon! O summoned companion!

Yes, it is a call, not a swim after receiving a message!

Although the five huge ancient Sea Kings have been moving around a kilometer away from Fang Yuan, no matter how fast they are, it is impossible for them to reach their king in the blink of an eye, otherwise the sea currents they set off may destroy the fish ten miles away from Fang Yuan men island.

This is the reincarnation of Poseidon, the power of Poseidon Poseidon, which can summon them to come to you instantly!

Of course, the five giant Sea Kings have higher intelligence, so they did not break through the bubble of The fish men island, and avoided destroying the Dragon Palace and The fish men island.

As for Hody Jones, seeing all this in horror, he still refused to surrender!

Seeing this situation, Neptune felt a chill in his heart!

He is a warrior, a warrior who has fought countless pirates who have invaded The fish men island for decades.

Internally, Otohime was just pulling him back then, since Otohime doesn’t pull him anymore.

He just happened to show his prestige!

From the actual results of hundreds of years, from Otohime’s failure many years ago, and from the Tiandao inventory world chat channel just now, I can see everyone’s spurning and disdain for him.

He got it, they were right!

Even if there is a friendly and peaceful heart, it must be based on strength!

Without power, it’s like a seed without soil! It’s just useless!

With the chanting of millions of people in The fish men island, Neptune rushed to the highest point, calling on all people to join him and destroy these evil people who want to destroy the future of the murlocs!

The fighting broke out again tragically!

When many small and medium Sea Kings summoned by Shirahoshi poured into The fish men island, Neptune brought his guards and countless angry people “bloodbathed Hody Jones and the new fish into the pirate group!

We also know that some of the noodles are entrained!

But the failure of Otohime back then made them understand that some deaths are necessary! Redemption cannot be given to everyone!

If Otohime had allowed Shirahoshi to take revenge back then, without the scourge of Hody Jones, The fish men island would definitely have had many, many fewer victims in the past eight years!

At the same time, the opening inventory video is also playing—

[Video: In the picture, Luffy and his gang help The fish men island defeat the enemy, and in the ark that is struggling to resist the fall, they wait until the awakening of Poseidon Shirahoshi, a catastrophe ends, and a new future begins!

Luffy was injured and fainted because of this, and Jinbei gave blood transfusion to Luffy who was on the verge of death under Bai Xingjian’s certificate.

The fusion of blood from both sides, under the witness of countless The fish men island people, murlocs and humans, began to fully resolve the road of mutual hostility.

When the screen changes, Shirahoshi is kidnapped by Kalibu, an infiltrated Logia Marsh Fruit capable user.

At the critical moment, Luffy, who was resisting the fleshy legs, came and blasted Caribou with one blow, saving Shirahoshi.

After the catastrophe, Shirahoshi burst into tears with joy, holding Luffy in both hands and dripping with gratitude.

Next, Luffy and the others are at the port of The fish men island, and they are about to set sail for the New World.

Shirahoshi was extremely reluctant, held Luffy in his hands, and cried like pear blossoms and rain.

“Lord Luffy! Are you really leaving~”?”

“We have become friends with great difficulty. At least one more day… No! One more week… No! One more year!”

Seeing this, Luffy, who was sitting upright in Shirahoshi’s palm, scratched his head helplessly and said, “You really cried from the beginning to the end, coward!”

Facing Luffy’s words, Shirahoshi cried even more and replied stubbornly: “I’m sorry! I won’t be a crybaby anymore!”

Say goodbye to everyone as Luffy sets sail on their Sonny.

Shirahoshi, with tears in his eyes, looked at the Sonny that was fading away, and finally jumped into the sea. Before the Sonny left through the exit of The fish men island, Luffy and the others swam to the Sonny!

Shirahoshi stepped out of the sea, holding the Sonny with both hands, and said to Luffy seriously:

“One day, if we can meet again, I will definitely not be a crybaby!”

Although there were still tears of reluctance in his eyes, he continued to say to Luffy full of yearning: “When the time comes, you must take me for a pleasant walk!”

“Walking? Do you still want to go to your mother’s grave?” Luffy asked with a smile.

“No~!” Shirahoshi closed his eyes with a smile, and then continued with longing: “Next time I will go to a farther place! Go to the real place called the forest on the sea!”

“Really? You have never left the sea, okay! No problem! When we meet again next time, I will take you there!”

Hearing Luffy’s promise, Shirahoshi was overjoyed, and stretched out his little finger to hook Luffy.

At the same time, other members of the Straw Hat Group expressed that they would also make an agreement with Shirahoshi, and everyone stretched out their little fingers to touch Shirahoshi’s big little finger to make an agreement. 】

【World Channel-Ace: Whoa~! Looking forward to Luffy coming to take Shirahoshi out to see the world. 】

【Sabo: The sea is very vast, the sun, moon and stars, flowers and trees, mountains and rivers, I believe Luffy will take Shirahoshi to travel around the world and see many winds and health!】

【Shakky: Heck! Then Princess Shirahoshi is ready to write a travelogue~!】

【Shirahoshi: I will definitely!】

【Luffy: Ahahaha! When you come to pick me up for a banquet at The fish men island, I will take you to the New World right away!】

【Shirahoshi: Really…Really? Master Luffy, I can already use the power of Poseidon! I will come to you soon!】

【Luffy: Really? That’s great, coward, you are amazing! I’m worried about how to hurry! You have to hurry up, please!】

[Klocke Dar: Huh? This can use the power of Poseidon?]

【Tezolo: Didn’t the video mention that Shirahoshi was able to use it eight years ago?】

【Morgas: But she couldn’t communicate at that time!】

【Roger: What’s so strange? It’s not impossible, it just needs someone to guide it! Didn’t Luffy guide Shirahoshi on the World Channel just now?】

【Rocks: Is that called guidance? It’s obviously a tease, okay?】

【Roger: Anyway, it worked. Is there something wrong with it?】

【 Doflamingo: Doesn’t this bring Shirahoshi on board?】

【Quinn: That’s right, why don’t you have such a good weapon?】

[Katakuri: If it were me, I would bring Poseidon, so that both parties can grow faster in the dangerous New World. 】

【Shiki: You silly boy, you don’t understand anything!】

【Ace: Hmph, my brother penetrated New World, why use Poseidon to bully you?】

【Jack: Bastard! Arrogant!】

【Marco: Ahahaha! Sorry, Luffy defeated your Kaido alone in the future!】

【Ah Bell: It was a battle of wheels, and the victory was invincible, and Master Kaido also supported several miles of Ghost Island. 】

【Vista: Hey, you are Uncle Luffy, who are you speaking for?】


“Great! This ship is slow as hell, we can head to Wanokuni and beat Kaido in no time when Cowardly Comes!”

Luffy here, raised his fist in front of Uta’s hospital bed and said happily.

Nami nodded too, slightly worried.

Is their strength now… Can they really deal with Kaido?

Hopefully by the time they get easily defeated by Kaido, Dragon and Garp will show up ‘accidentally’!

It’s a pity that Luffy’s secret technique Uzumaki’s Gate has no quota for contract partners, otherwise Vivi will get one.

Vivi who has just obtained the peak Luffy physique and Conqueror’s Haki, aside from combat ability and utilization ability, at least the current ceiling, should be able to fight against Kaido.

But unfortunately, Vivi can’t come for the time being.

Boa·Hancock only has Luffy in her eyes, and she doesn’t consider any difference in strength. As long as Luffy wants to do it, she will stand in front of Luffy without hesitation and solve everything for him!

Robin is not worried, won’t this bring a mermaid princess next?

Awaken the power of Poseidon and rule the Poseidon Celestial Army.

It won’t necessarily help defeat Wanokuni’s Kaido, but if they have a problem then, when they want to leave, it’s much safer to just be at sea.

Moreover, this is not the end of Shirahoshi’s video, will she still get rewards? At that time, she will be a strong one again, and it is only a matter of how to improve her courage in a short time.

Zoro’s heart is full of excitement here, thinking of fighting against a strong enemy as soon as possible!

Sanji stares into the distance, looking forward to the day when he will meet Pudding.

[Video: The scene changed, two months later, Shirahoshi followed his father and they were going to Mariejois to participate in the World Summit.

During the period, it was Luffy’s grandfather Garp who came to escort them, and Shirahoshi also enthusiastically talked about Luffy with Garp.

Another month later, Shirahoshi received the news from Aladdin in The fishmen island Dragon Palace, that is, Luffy and Jinbei, they encountered big trouble in the kingdom of titan, Albaf, and a huge war broke out.

Luffy was seriously injured trying to save Al Buff, and a large number of Marines did not set out one after another Al Buff!

Anxious Shirahoshi could not wait for Luffy to find her, so he rushed out of The fish men island to save Luffy!

Anxious and determined, she quickly summoned five huge Sea Kings, passed through the next door to The fishmen island, and the Red Line was a tunnel that was more than a thousand meters long and tens of thousands of meters deep in the seabed.

And increase the Sea Kings army along the way from New World to Al Baf.

All of a sudden, a sea wonder appeared, and the mighty and overwhelming army of Sea Kings followed Shirahoshi and the five huge seas and rushed towards Alba for tens of miles away.

Halfway, Shirahoshi ordered the Sea Kings army to intimidate the Marine fleet supporting Al Bhaf, preventing many Marine warships from moving forward.

Although it was shot by Fujitora Admiral, but fortunately Shirahoshi captured the “accidental” Garp and Sengoku in the follow-up, threatening them, Fujitora had to order the Marine who was supporting here to stop.

When Shirahoshi went all the way to Al Bhaf, Luffy’s reinforcements arrived,

Defeat the Marine and World government armies here.

The arrival of Shirahoshi made the Marine and World government forces give up and retreat.

Later, Shirahoshi came to Luffy on the hospital bed, crying like pear blossoms and rain.

But soon Luffy woke up and learned that Shirahoshi’s arrival had made the war a complete victory. Luffy was very grateful to Shirahoshi, and even took the initiative to share his favorite food with Shirahoshi to express his gratitude.

But Shirahoshi stuffed the bento for Luffy instead, making Luffy ecstatic when he just woke up.

Then, I agreed to take Shirahoshi to watch the sunrise and sunset, the sun, the moon and the stars, the mountains and rivers, and the flowers and trees!

Screens flashed of Shirahoshi and Luffy happily having fun in Al Buff!]

Inventory of Shirahoshi’s video, this is the end!

【World Channel-Marco: I call it a good guy! Garp was caught ‘accidentally’?】

【Vista: Ahahaha! The problem is that I brought Sengoku!】

【Edward Newgate: Gu la la la! These two people are really wise in the future! They know what to do!】

【Garp: Don’t talk nonsense! It’s just that Poseidon is too strong, we have no power to fight back!】

【Rocks: I believe you! You’re a bad old man! You just don’t want to stop your granddaughter-in-law from saving her grandson!】

【Garp: What are you talking about, you know I’m just a Vice Admiral, this must be Sengoku’s problem. 】

【Buddha Sengoku: I must have been stalked by this kid, and then I took it to give away the head!】

【Roger: Ahahaha…】

【Aramu: Hey! I didn’t expect you to become a Marine Admiral in the future just like me, Yixiao!】

【Smile: It seems that I agree with your idea in the end?】

【Aramaki: Ahahaha! I’m happy about this, but in the future, you can’t work hard and defeat Poseidon to come Al Buff to save me and Kizaru?】

【Porusalino: Exactly! Aramu and I were desperately fighting in Al Buff, but you actually flinched? What about friendship?】

【Locky: Although I don’t know why the war broke out in Al Buff, but I am very grateful for your help in the future, and the damn World government and Marine, you are all bastards!】

【Dorry: Don’t worry, my lord, although we haven’t met, we will come back to protect Al Buff!】

【Brogy: I really miss Brother Luffy and Usopp. I hope to fight side by side together!】

(Did Zhao) [Luffy: Whoa! It’s you two! Do you still fight? Who wins?]

【Dorry: Don’t fight anymore, I’m building a ship and getting ready to go home!】

【Oimo: Two captains! Luffy and Usopp have informed us that we have brought the fleet and will pick you up at Little Garden immediately!】

【Cassie: Two captains, we are almost there, when the time comes, go back and protect Al Buff together!】

【Rocks: Gan! I’m so excited to see it, it’s really great to have the power of Poseidon in this world!】

【Shiki: No, be invincible! If I get it, I will be the only E in the sky and the sea!】

【Locky: You’re out of character, Shiki!】

【Shiki: Bastard Roger! I will never forgive you in my life, you should have helped me become the king of the world!】


At the same time, among the envy of everyone, Poseidon Shirahoshi, who was counted in the confidante chapter of the relationship king Luffy, also won the reward choice!

[Announcement of Tiandao Questions and Answers: Poseidon Poseidon and Shirahoshi, the mermaid princess mentioned in the inventory, have the opportunity to choose a top reward. The reward options are – 1. Luffy in the peak period

Develop the ability of the second awakened Zoan human fruit · phantom beast species · sun god Nika form fruit; 2. Luffy’s Conqueror’s Haki (superposition) and perfect knowledge kill in the peak period. limited time

30 seconds, outdated rewards will be obtained randomly.

In the real-time video, the peerless figure of Shirahoshi, the world’s number one creature, appeared! Although he was only fourteen years old, he was already ten meters tall and his figure was already very plump.

“…” Oops! The Nika fruit is still exposed!”

Between Mariejois’s power, looking at the first reward option, Five Elders’ faces became serious again!

Why did it take hundreds of years to change the real name of this fruit to Paramecia Rubber Fruit?

I just don’t want this fruit of God’s name to be known!

You know, the influence of Joey Boey is still there, especially Nika, the sun god who was earlier than Joey Boey!

Nowadays, many places “still believe in the sun god, although they don’t know the appearance and name of the sun god.

But now that it is exposed like this, the situation is not good! .

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