“Lorne, even if Luffy doesn’t join, can he follow us on a sailing adventure?” Ace couldn’t help but ask.

He hoped that Luffy could use the Universal Cultivation Warehouse to grow up quickly.

“I can’t ask for it.” Lorne said with a smile.

Ace turned to look at Luffy and asked, “Luffy, let’s go on an adventure with us, and then form your own pirate group when your strength grows, how about it?” ”

“But… Isn’t it possible to go to sea at the age of seventeen? Luffy whispered.

He actually wanted to go to sea, but age was a problem.

“No, that’s just normal. Lorne has a universal cultivation warehouse in his hand, and his cultivation speed will be greatly improved! Usopp is the same age as you, and if you wait until three years from now to go to sea, there will be a big gap between you and Usopp by then! Except for me and Lorne, all three of them are about the same age as you, don’t worry about age, that’s no longer a matter of balancing us. Ace said seriously.

He really wanted Luffy to grow with them.

Only if you have used the universal cultivation warehouse, you know the perversion of the cultivation warehouse, and you can achieve twice the result with half the effort!

Luffy was obviously moved, and finally nodded heavily, “Good!” Then I’m going to sea now! ”

He waved his arms high, his face laughing with irrepressible excitement.

Hearing Luffy’s answer, Ace laughed too.

However, the happiest person is still Lorne!

Everyone’s Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, and Nika Form are about to be obtained!

After everyone discussed for a while, they chose not to say goodbye.

The main thing is the fear of Da Dan blocking it.

If Lorne came to do it, it would definitely run away quietly.

However, both Ace and Luffy are afraid that Dadan is worried, but decide to tell Dadan about Tomacchino.

The sun sets and the world goes dark.

The Da Dan family is brightly lit.

“Boss, Ace and Luffy aren’t coming back yet? It was already dark and the meat was steamed. Magura scratched his head and wondered.

Da Dan took a puff of his cigarette and said indifferently: “A group of children, overplay, wait for them.” ”

It can be seen that Ace is back, and Da Dan is very happy.

Wait for them to come back and have dinner together anyway.

However, instead of Ace and Luffy, she waited for Marcino, who arrived in a hurry.

“Marcino? How did you get over so late? Da Dan was stunned and subconsciously asked.

“Dadan, it’s not good, Luffy and Ace went to sea together!” Marcino said directly.

“Luffy… Went to sea with Ace??? ”

The Dadan people are directly stupid.

It’s a thunderbolt.

Karp handed over his grandson to his care, and as a result, the kid ran straight out to become a pirate ??

The sky is falling!

“Luffy, that little fart is so! Is he going to sea now to find death!? ”

“Why did Ace come with Luffy so messed around?”

“What the hell is their brother trying to do!!”

Da Dan collapsed at this time, and the smoke in his mouth flew to the ground, completely careless.

“They told me when they passed by the tavern, Ace and Luffy are afraid that you are worried, please let me tell you.” Marcino explained.

She was also confused.

I don’t understand the operation of the two brothers, Ace and Luffy.

Ace was obviously out to sea for less than a month, how could he suddenly come back?

Then Luffy went with them….

What the hell is going on?

Da Dan realized the problem, but she couldn’t help it, she rummaged through the cabinets to find the phone bug she thought she would never use, and dialed Karp’s phone.

“Bulu Bru Bru ~~”

“Hahahaha, I’m Karp.”

The phone worm connected, and first there was a burst of laughter.

“Ka, Mr. Karp!” Dadan’s hands began to tremble.

“Huh? Dadan? What are you doing with your husband so late? What happened? Karp’s puzzled voice came from the phone worm.

“That, that, something did happen to tell you… Ace went to sea. Da Dan said cautiously.

“Ace, that smelly boy, the old man already knows.” Karp said indifferently.

It’s not that he isn’t worried, it’s that he can’t stop Ace from running to his dreams, just as he didn’t stop Luffy three years later.

“Ace suddenly came back today…”

“Back?” Karp’s voice was startled.

“Yes, then when he left, Luffy went to sea with him…” Dadan said at the end, his own voice weakened.

A minute-long silence.

Suddenly, there was a roar of collapse from the phone worm.

“Luffy went out to sea??”

Karp held his head and grabbed his hair, and he roared unlovedly.

How old is Luffy?

Fourteen years old to go to sea, are you in a hurry to feed the fish!

“What’s going on? Tell the old man in detail. Karp calmed down for a long time before saying.

“Ace came back today, with four companions, Lorne, Solon, Nami, Usopp… The last three people are all little ghosts, mainly the one named Lorne, who looks older than Ace, and seeing that the attitude of those imps towards Lorne is obviously different, Ace is likely to be bullied. Da Dan directly exported his own opinions, regardless of Lorne’s life or death.

If Lorne were here, he would definitely say to Dadan

I lift me up like this, I thank you for your eighteen generations of ancestors!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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