This solution, Karp is not satisfied but also has to be satisfied.

After seeing the perverted effect of the cultivation warehouse, Karp felt that what Lorne said was not impossible.

One hour is equivalent to fifteen days, although only one hour a day is enough.

In this way, it only takes 24 days to achieve a year’s cultivation results!

In less than a hundred days, he can have four years of cultivation results!

Absolute cultivation cheat!

Or rather, it is not Lorne that Karp recognizes, but the cultivation cheat!

Also, he knew that Lorne didn’t force Luffy onto the ship, and took Luffy to sail just to let him use the Universal Cultivation Warehouse… This made Karp even more favorable.

“Hahaha, Lorne, the old man remembers you, you kid is good, much better than these two nonsense smelly boys!” Karp nodded in satisfaction.

Knowing that Luffy’s Devil Fruit is the number one enemy of the world government, Karp is terrified!

Therefore, the person who has a more lesson in his heart is the Four Emperors Shanks.

The thought of Shanks made Karp itch his teeth with hatred.

And now, Lorne has temporarily found Luffy hope to break the game, and Karp can only rely on this.

Let Luffy become strong himself, and Ace and others will take care of it.

Lorne, in particular, impressed Karp and thought that his future achievements would not be low, so he made up his mind to approve of their actions.

“Then you see… Can we go?” said Lorne rubbing his hands and smiling.

Karp sighed helplessly, “Let’s go.” ”

“But you brats pay attention to the old man, don’t make too much limelight, especially you Lorne, you are still on the Navy’s key wanted list! Alas, you guys are such a bunch of unsettling guys. ”

Originally, Karp was a serious advice, but in the end, he sighed deeply.

Lorne, Ace, Luffy… Three guys who are not tolerated by the world government and the navy get together, and it is no surprise that they are definitely the future enemies of the navy.

And yet he himself is still releasing water here… It seems a little too … Ahem.

However, it is impossible to let Karp solve his grandson on his own, and he does it with peace of mind.

Lorne patted Ace and Luffy on the shoulder and assured, “I will definitely be optimistic about them and will definitely not attract much attention.” ”

“Let’s go. Karp waved his hand and jumped off the boat.

Looking at Karp’s back as he left, Lorne tentatively asked, “That… If your old man is not in a hurry, you can also sail with us for a while, and the Universal Cultivation Warehouse will also help you, right?”

Karp paused for a moment.

What nonsense is this kid talking about?

Let Lao Tzu sail with them on the sea thief ship?

Are you crazy or is the old man crazy?

“Fuck off!”

Karp scolded with a dark face.

“Okay!” Lorne smiled, turned his head and ordered everyone to sail away as fast as they could.

Until Rogue Town disappeared from sight, Lorne couldn’t help but smack his lips, and sighed in his heart: If only Karp could cultivate for three days….

A huge opportunity was in front of me, and I missed it.

But Lorne is not frustrated, this time it is the secret support of Karp, which is the biggest gain.

And next, everyone is about to enter the great voyage!

“The Great Voyage! Lao Tzu is here!”


“Lorne, this guy is too different from others, what kind of perverted guy that cultivation warehouse is researched!”

“Various skill cultivation… Even the overlord color has a way to improve! It’s terrifying. ”

Karp sighed repeatedly, and an undisguised look of shock appeared under his eyes.

Just entered the universal cultivation warehouse, Karp felt all the training methods, and after coming out, he behaved normally, but he was actually extremely shocked in his heart.

Watch the ships go away, leaving whispered murmurs on the shore

“The future is for young people, you guys don’t let the old man down.” ”


Climb over the Upside Down Mountain and officially enter the Great Route.

The first stop for everyone is to arrive at Fairy Ball Island.

Whiskey Mountain.

This is one of the strongholds of the Baroque Work Society led by Klockdar, and there are many bounty hunters who specialize in hunting pirates.

But was easily killed by the Pirates of Spades.

Even Gar Dino, known as the third brother of the rivers and lakes, happened to be at Whiskey Hill and became Lorne’s prisoner.

Lorne acted according to his plan, from God’s perspective.

Take Gar Dino on board and head straight to the next location, the Little Garden!

The two giants in the small garden are Lorne’s target!

At the same time, Klockdar was contacted through Gar Dino.

Lorne told the other party directly that if he wanted to know the news of Hades, he would come to the small garden to meet him.

Lorne is officially ready to strike at Klockdahl.

Klockdar’s target is Hades, and Lorne uses this as bait to lure him in.

I didn’t want to attract too much attention.

And Klockdar, after learning the news, whether Hades is true or not, he is ready to rush to the small garden.

The Baroque Work Society killers are summoned, led by Klockdar himself, and go straight to the small garden!

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