The scene fell into a dead silence for a while.

Everyone in the Pirates of Spades fell silent one after another, one by one, shocked one by one.

“What kind of attack is Lorne, knocking people away before they even touch!” Ace’s eyes widened, his face full of shock.

He thought that Lorne’s even if he could fight Klockdar would not win too easily, and what should have been a hard-fought battle was now solved by Lorne with one punch.

Ace was a little difficult to accept for a while.

When did Lorne get stronger again?

How can he regain the position of captain in this way??

The most important thing is, what exactly is that attack?

A huge doubt lingered in Ace’s heart.

His overlord-colored domineering has not yet reached the point where he can bully, so he does not understand bullying.

Luffy’s eyes lit up and he exclaimed, “So handsome-”

Lorne’s punch was not only strong, but also handsome.

In the East China Sea, or the first half of the Great Voyage, armed domineering is very rare, let alone domineering!

Strike and kill.

“Is this the strength of the captain…” Solon looked shocked, digesting the scene in front of him, and the hand holding the handle of the knife was even harder.

He’s under a lot of pressure.

In front of this monster, one hundred percent effort becomes not enough to see.

The other party is the Seven Wuhai under the World Government, a famous sea thief, how could he be killed with one punch?” Nami Mi’s eyes showed an incredible brilliance, and she subconsciously covered her mouth with her hands, and said in shock.

Klockdar’s identity status, in her eyes, is the pirate that they can’t compete with now, but the result is that they were killed by Lorne in seconds?

Is it Klockdar too dish, or is Lorne too strong?

“The captain is getting worse and worse… What kind of devil fruit is so strong?” Yamaji took a deep breath of his cigarette, his mind making a mess.

He really couldn’t think of any Devil Fruit ability that would make people so perverted.

Usopp breathed a sigh of relief, looked excited, and shook his fist heavily, “Win!!”

Regardless of how Lorne did it, wouldn’t it be good to win?

Lorne saw everyone’s performance, but he only smiled faintly, did not explain, but let people bring Klockdar back.

Solon and Sanji walked up to the mountain and were once again shocked.

Klockdar looked extremely miserable, embedded in the mountain like a specimen, his face was full of stunned and daring, and his eyes were wide and his expression collapsed.

He had lost consciousness and fainted.

“Lorne, what kind of trick did you do just now?” asked Ace as he walked up to Lorne’s side.

Lorne explained with a smile: “Overlord color domineering entanglement. ”

“Overlord color domineering winding, overlord color and this usage?” Ace was taken aback.

Didn’t you say that overlord-colored domineering can only clean up trash fish and pretend?

How is it still so powerful?

“Don’t be surprised, your current overlord-colored domineering strength can’t be domineering, and when your overlord-colored domineering is strong enough, you will be able to master domineering.” The power of the tyrant is more powerful than the armed color… So, Ace, go for it. Lorne said with a serious look of education.

Ace twitched the corner of his mouth.

This wave of truth was loaded by Lorne.

At this time, Solon and Sanji dragged Klockdar back.

It’s just that Lao Sha is still fainting, and he won’t wake up for a while.

Lorne glanced at him, then looked at Robin and beckoned, “Robin, come here, let’s talk while he is not awake.” ”

Robin restrained the fear in his heart and walked over slowly.

In her eyes, Lorne was as terrifying as a demon.

She submits to Klockdal, and even Klockdar is strong, and as a result, Klockdar is killed by Lorne with a punch, what strength is Lorne?

She couldn’t even imagine it.

“Join us, Nicole Robin.” Lorne was straight to the point as soon as he came up.

Pirates of Spades: ???

Robin: ???

Everyone was stunned by Lorne’s words.

“Join you?” Robin tried to steady his mind, his tone full of disbelief. l

Lorne nodded generously and continued: “I know that you are not really following Klockdar, or that you are not a person in essence, he is hungry for power and dominates the sea… And you, want to explore the lost history!”

The deep secret in his heart when he was said, Robin’s expression was no longer shocked and could be described.

“As for the text of history you want to interpret, I will help you find it, no, we will help you find, fulfill your dreams, find the lost history, how?”

Robin was so shocked that he was completely speechless.

She didn’t understand how the man in front of her knew all his secrets.

I don’t even understand, why did the other party recruit her?

Interpreting the text of history… Do you also want to take advantage of her?

Lorne noticed Robin’s scruples, and also saw the puzzled looks of Ace and the others, and finally explained helplessly, “Robin, O’Hara’s only survivor, called the ‘son of the devil’ by the world government… Of course, none of this matters, what matters is your experience. ”

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