Seeing this, Lorne handed Ace a look.

Ace immediately caught up with Solon.

No way, Solon is really going to get lost.

Robin, Nami and the others all set off, full of curiosity about this empty island.

“Old Sha, aren’t you going to get off the boat?” greeted Lorne, looking at Klockdar, who was motionless.

Klockdar waved his hand and said, “Everyone is gone, what about the ship? ”


Lorne gave a thumbs up, then slipped through the cigarette.

Klockdar twitched the corners of his mouth.

Lorne was really never polite.


A group of uninvited guests split up and aimlessly explored the empty island.

However, this alarmed the controller of the empty island!

Thor – Anilu!

Owner of the Thunder Fruit.

He sent his four priests to hunt invaders who did not follow the rules.

An imminent storm of gunsmoke is about to spread across the empty island.


Soon after.

Trials of the Ball.

Trials of the Swamp.

The trial of rope.

The Trial of Iron.

They all welcomed their enemies.

Ace, Solon.

Luffy, Usopp.

Choba, Sanji.

Lorne and three cadres under Lao Sha.

Fight…… It doesn’t need much description, it’s just a one-sided battle.

The four great priests pose no threat to everyone at all.

The other side.

Thor’s Palace.

Anilu stood up with a relaxed expression, and a disdainful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: “What a waste, even the intruder can’t solve it… It seems that this survival game still has to be shot by Lao Tzu himself in the end. ”

“Who starts first?”

“Have you found the ruins? Let’s start with you. ”

The murmur slowly dissipated, and between the flashes of thunder and lightning, Anilu’s figure dissipated in place.


Gaya Island.

It is the location of the Golden Township, which is called a relic on the empty island.

The gold here has been used up a lot by Anilu over the years to create the Ark Proverbs.

At this time, the island, which was washed up by the current, was dilapidated.

As if by fate, Robin found the text of history!

“What Lorne said is true, there really is a historical text here… Wait, this line of words… One Piece Roger??”

Robin looked at the text of the history and was stunned.

One Piece Roger also arrived here?

Also left the text on the stone tablet of the main body of history?

“Robin, what did it say?”

Nami and Robin together, asked curiously at this time.

“It was written above…”

As soon as Robin spoke, he was interrupted by a sudden laugh.

“Yahahaha… An intruder who doesn’t talk about rules actually knows the text on it?”

On the stone tablet, a man with a shirtless upper body and extremely long earlobes appeared.

Armed with a golden stick, he arrogantly pointed at Robin and Nami.

“When did it appear?”

Nami and Robin stared at the man who suddenly appeared, his expression full of guard.

“What are you?” asked Robin, ready for battle.

Anilu had a lazy smile on his face, which was full of disdain, and he judged: “The rude guys who intrude into God’s territory can’t escape God’s sanctions!”

“Lao Tzu, it’s the god of the empty island!”


The arrogant laughter echoed throughout the ruins, making Robin’s pretty face completely cold.

That being the case, there seems to be nothing to say.

If the enemy is words, then fight!


Robin posed with both hands, and a connected arm was born on the ground, forming an extremely powerful arm, which instantly formed and slapped towards Anilu.

Nami also did not hesitate, and her hand directly took out a signal flare from the scale in her chest and launched it into the sky.

Lorne said, encountering the enemy first signal.

Wow – snap!

Brilliant red flares exploded in the sky.


The moment everyone in the Spades Pirates saw the signal, they all rushed in one direction.

“I said I should go in that direction. Solon finally stiffened and said to Ace beside him.

Ace helplessly raised his forehead and admitted: “Okay, good, it’s my mistake, go and see.” ”

The two galloped off.

Luffy, Sanji and the others all shuttled through the ancient giant forest, slowly approaching.

When I met those priests before, they didn’t use signal flares at all.

“Something happened?”

Lorne looked at the signal flares that exploded in the sky, paused in his steps, and rushed out like the wind in the next second.

Behind him, three figures followed closely.


“Captain Lorne, wait for us-” Mr3 chased desperately, but in the blink of an eye Lorne was gone.

Since the signal flares were triggered, it meant that the situation was definitely not good, so Lorne was not in the mood to waste time.

Moreover, Lorne already had some guesses in his mind.

Can let everyone sound the existence of signal flares, there is only one person in the entire empty island!


In particular, it will never be Ace and Luffy who pull the signal flare, so it is still a little dangerous for others to encounter Anilu.

Thinking of this, Lorne’s speed was even faster.

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