At this point, Robin can’t care about anything, and is bent on protecting Nami.

The protective shield formed by the armed color domineering combined with the ability of the flower fruit firmly guards Nami.


The explosive lightning slid down and bombarded the cocoon directly.

The strong power instantly dissolved the Cangtian Ancient Tree on the side!

The ground was even more mud splattered and scorched.

Only that big cocoon, in the raging thunder and lightning, gave Nami the most reassuring protection.

The thunder and lightning of God’s judgment slowly dissipated.

The cocoon completely defended against that attack, leaving Nami safe and sound.

“Huh? Not broken?”

The smile on Anilu’s mouth slowly converged, his eyes turned to look at Robin coldly, and said coldly: “Since you are so anxious to die, then it will be fulfilled for you!”

Dare to hinder God’s attack?

God’s punishment must be obtained!

Anilu’s golden stick in his hand struck the thunder drum, summoning the stored thunder and lightning, forming a thunderbird raging with thunder.

The smile at the corner of his mouth turned cruel, and he said softly:

“Thirty million volts thunderbird!”

Thirty million volts of thunder and lightning condensed into thunderbirds, and the mountains roared and tsunamis rushed towards Robin.

Robin, who was already injured, coupled with the consumption of a lot of physical strength by the means of protecting Nami just now, could no longer support it at the moment, and fell to the ground shakily.

Robin has only been on the boat for a week, and the big guys in the middle were punished by Lorne together, and she has not used the Universal Cultivation Warehouse for three whole days, so her real practice days are only four days, two months.

And not all the time is spent cultivating armed color domineering, her armed color domineering is not very strong, just now defense, Robin released all his domineering.

As a result, she herself is now simply unable to resist oncoming lightning.

“Thank you… You guys. ”

With tears slipping from the corners of his eyes, Robin slowly closed his eyes, and there was a relieved and relieved smile on his lips.

Fate is so tricky, there are already partners around, but you can’t enjoy that peaceful time….





Robin gave up all hope and was willing to die.

“Fuck you!”

A roar with suppressed anger came, completely nine days of thunder, exploding in Anilu’s ears.

“What people?”

Anilu looked stunned, staring at the flame figure rushing out from the side with wide eyes, his face full of confusion.

Who is this guy?

“Fire Fist!”

Endless flames gathered behind that figure, forming a huge fire fist and suddenly falling.

After the evolution of Ace’s flame, it has become Bursting Chiyan.

However, this figure is not Ace.

It’s Lorne!

The Bursting Chiyan condensed fire fist came out halfway, instantly defeating the thunderbird that attacked Robin.

Thirty million volts?

In front of Lorne, who shot out angrily, it was a fart!

The scattered thunder and lightning were directly extinguished by the scorching golden flames.


The scorching wave of qi spread, causing Anilu’s brow to furrow deeply.

When did this guy appear?

Why did he not perceive it at all?

Lorne’s figure stopped, his eyes full of anger.

Robin slowly opened her eyes, and after seeing clearly the figure in front of her who blocked the attack for her, tears blurred her vision again.

In the distance, the ability of the flower fruit dissipated, and Nami’s figure was revealed.

There was obvious panic and anxiety on her face, and it was not until she saw Lorne and Robin behind Lorne that she completely relaxed, but fear surrounded her.

If Lorne hadn’t arrived in time, wouldn’t Robin have been…


With Nami’s cry, she couldn’t suppress her crying anymore.

It turned out that Lorne was so at ease when he was there, with the strongest and warmest dependency.

Brush brush brush ——

Several figures rushed from all directions.

Ace, Luffy, Solon, Sanji, Usopp, and Chop arrive.

“Nami, Robin!”

Ace’s expression changed drastically.

I didn’t expect the situation on the battlefield to be so bad.

Solon directly drew his sword, armed and domineering around the blade, the blade pointed straight at Anilu, and his face was extremely gloomy.

“Nami-san, are you okay?” said Sanji, suppressing his anger and leaning over in worry.

“I’m okay I’m okay, go find Robin, she’s hurt. Nami urged with a crying voice.

Robin protected her well.

Sanji’s face was a little gloomy, and anger appeared in his eyes.

Dare to hurt the two ladies on their ship?


“Robin, I’ll bandage your wound right away. ”

Luffy, Chopper, and Usopp just came out in Robin’s direction, and Chopper immediately ran to Robin to medicate her injured back to stop the bleeding.

Luffy’s aura changed, his eyes stared at Anilu sharply, and he walked forward step by step.

Although not a pirate group, Luffy recognizes these friends in his heart.

Now that the friend has been hurt, does he need to say more?

On Ace’s arm, the burst red flame burned.

People from all directions surrounded Anilu, and the momentum on everyone’s body made Anilu’s heart shake.

What kind of people is this?

Especially the aura released by the figure that appeared first, made Anilu faintly feel fear in his heart.

Lorne changed his usual smiling appearance, and his calm eyes were filled with unprecedented indifference, which was a gaze that looked at the dead.

After he blocked the attack, he turned his head just in time to see Robin with a dead and relieved look.

That’s what comes when you’re ready to die.

At that moment, Lorne’s heart clenched fiercely.

When she looked up at Nami, Nami was also crying pear blossoms with rain, panic visible on her face, and lingering fear in her eyes.


What would have happened if I had been one step late?

Lorne couldn’t imagine it.

He just knew that there was a shackle in his heart that had been completely released!

Never before had he been so unable to control his emotions.

Killing intent… Irrepressible diffusion.



[Thanks to 13916.] Big guy’s big tip!】

[Thanks to 13916.] Big guy’s big tip!】

[Thanks to 13916.] Big guy’s big tip!】

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