Therefore, Lorne was even more determined in his heart to recruit Moria.

I hope that Moria can be the standard for S-class members, after all, it is difficult to recruit crew members, and they may only be able to rely on the universal cultivation warehouse to fool.

When he heard that Brooke joined Lorne, Luffy suddenly looked like a deflated leather ball, his face was full of sorrow, and his partner was robbed again.

“Lorne, it’s too much…”

Ace was used to Luffy’s state, but it was Brooke’s words that aroused his interest, “Shadow was snatched?

“Moriah did it. Klockdal smoked his cigar and said of course.

The ability of the shadow is only that guy in Moria.

“You know about Moonlight Moria?” Brooke turned to look at Klockdal, wondering in his heart that he might be Moria’s partner.

“Don’t be nervous, he and Moria were both Nanabu Seas before, so they knew each other, but now he is my partner. Since Moriah snatched your shadow, let’s go and grab it back. ”

Lorne tidied up his clothes and greeted everyone.

“He was also a Qiwu Sea before?” Brooke was surprised, he had also heard the news of the Qiwu Sea from outsiders, but he didn’t expect that someone like Moria, who was also a Qiwu Sea, would join this pirate group.

“It’s just a name. Klockdar said lightly.

“Then you have to be careful, Moria is the ability of the Shadow Fruit, and everyone who enters here has been taken away by him. And the thick fog here becomes the protection of those who have lost their shadows, and those who have lost their shadows cannot access sunlight. There was some concern in Brooke’s tone.

Moria’s abilities are tricky, otherwise he wouldn’t have been stuck here for decades.

“Don’t worry, trust the strength of Ace and Lao Sha. Introduction, Ace, the deputy captain of the Pirates of Spades, naturally has the ability to burn fruits. Lao Sha, the captain of the Pirates of Spades Regiment, is naturally capable of sand fruits. Lorne patted Brooke’s shoulder, and the dry skeleton was a little clumsy.

“It’s all nature?”

Brooke began to be impressed by the gang.

“Or wait and find Moria, Ace, you introduce him to us.” Lorne said.

Let Brooke know more about the Pirates of Spades, and then let him feel the utility of the Universal Cultivation Warehouse.

This pirate group, it seems that there are a little too many secrets.


Just when the Pirates of Spades were resting for a while, a sensational event broke out in the New World.

Navy hero Karp fights Four Emperors Red-haired Shanks!

Karp led the fleet and took the initiative to destroy the fleet of two large ship regiments under Shanks.

This annoyed Shanks, who led the pirate group to find Karp, and the two broke out in an earth-shattering battle, only to end in a draw.



“Chief, the Navy has retreated. Raki Lu asked as he nibbled on his meat leg.

In the battle just now, only Karp and Shanks shot.

The two sank an island, then both stopped.

“It is worthy of being a hero Karp, even at this age, compared to when he hunted down Captain Roger, his strength has not regressed in the slightest. Shanks looked in the direction where the navy had retreated, his expression solemn.

A hint of unnoticed wonder appeared under his eyes, why did Karp come to him for trouble for no reason?

Is it an order of the world government?

“Hey, no wonder they all say, Vice Admiral, Karp is Karp. And he’s still Luffy’s grandfather, speaking of which, Luffy and my little ghosts have grown up. The man who looked a little similar to Usopp sighed softly.

He is none other than Usopp’s missing father, a senior cadre of the red-haired pirates, Jesob.


Beckman took a sip of his cigar, his eyes twinkled.

Even he didn’t understand why Karp shot for no reason?

“Karp doesn’t seem to be arresting us, more like being out of breath, and leaving after the fight. Beckman pondered.

Shanks thought of the straw hat and the imp from the windmill village, and said uncertainly, “Could it be that something happened to Luffy?”

Yesob’s words reminded him.

Karp’s behavior is more like a private act.

That could only be because of Luffy.

“Luffy? wouldn’t it?” Raki Lu startled, his expression puzzled.

Luffy has an accident, and Cap is in trouble with Shanks?

Moreover, how many years have passed since they stopped at the windmill village?

Karp isn’t going to be looking for trouble now, is he?

“Captain, perhaps because of the recent recruitment of more large ship regiments, which attracted the attention of the Navy, Karp came to look for trouble. Beckman said slowly, it was difficult for him to connect what happened today to Luffy.

Shanks recalled Karp’s move, and his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

It is impossible for the Navy to officially strike at him!

Even if it is a shot, he will get the news in advance, so… The grudge with Karp is nine times out of ten personal grudges, and it must be related to Luffy.

“Send someone to the East China Sea to inquire about Luffy’s situation. ”

Shanks held the sword Griffin on his waist with one hand and ordered lightly.

The oncoming sea breeze ruffled his hair, revealing the scars at the corners of his eyes, adding a bit of domineering to the man in the black cloak.

“Understood, Headman. ”

“Inform everyone, let’s make a big fuss next, don’t let the navy underestimate us.” Shanks said expressionlessly.

Since the navy strikes first, then he has to pay a good salute.

“Over to us, Captain!”

“Oh roar, little ones, let’s go!”

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