Solon frowned.

At that moment just now, he suddenly felt that the Dao One text was not just as simple as evolution, and the moment he met the other party’s blade, the body of the Dao One Word seemed to gush out a different force!

It has the power to cut everything off!

Moreover, Solon felt that the stronger his own strength, the stronger the power that could inspire the Harmony Dao Word!

Invincible, invincible!

Divine weapon!

Solon stood up, took off his turban and slowly put it on, and said in a deep voice: “If the vice admiral is only this kind of strength, fight… That’s it. ”

When you wear a headscarf, no one loves it.

Solon, seriously.

Often at this time, Solon is the most terrible.

Bringing a bandana is tantamount to stacking Buffs for Solon.

“The little devil of the great voyage still wants to defeat Lao Tzu? But I really want to thank you for sending a treasure knife that is no less than the supreme fast knife to Lao Tzu!”

The ghost spider laughed cruelly, and the weapon in his hand instantly wrapped around the armed color domineering, just now he was really careless, but not next.

Looking at Solon’s immature face, his heart was full of disdain.

It’s just a little brat, and he dares to fight against the Demon Slaughter Order?

It’s just looking for death!

“Want my knife? Get it yourself!”

Sauron’s smile was cold, and the sword light flashed, killing the ghost spider.

The ghost spider showed a sinister smile on his face, and swung his knife fiercely to meet it, and the two were entangled, and the surrounding naval soldiers could not intervene at all.

The rest of the members of the Pirates of Spades are eyeing the warships that continue to release artillery fire.

Franky drove the power boat around the sea and sent everyone to the warship, while he took Mr3 to shuttle on the sea, using the ability of wax fruit to block the muzzles of all cannons, so that countless cannons exploded and could not cause damage to the capital of seven waters.

On the warship, fierce battles broke out.

Sanji, Robin, Nami, Choba, Mr1, Mr1, and Usopp sweep up ordinary naval soldiers “seven two seven”, but the number of naval soldiers is too large.

Franky’s actions were targeted by Dauberman, who cut off the boat at the right opportunity, and Mr3 fell into the water, if not for Franky catching him, the third brother of Jianghu might have died here.

Do you really think that Uncle Ben only has this little strength!” Mr3 recovered and roared angrily.

Mr3 (Gardino) turned his arm into wax and threw it at the warships on both sides, and after the candle fell on the ship, it exploded wildly and flowed around.

In a moment, the two entire warships were completely filled with candles, and all the naval soldiers on board turned into candle people.

Gardino broke out and directly killed two warships.

However, Gardino also directly entered a state of collapse because of too much physical strength, his legs were weak, and he couldn’t stand.

“Damn it!”

Daubman cursed in a low voice, and then ordered the naval soldiers on the warship in the distance: “This is the Devil Fruit ability, use the sea water to rescue them!”

He didn’t expect the ability on the other side to be so violent, controlling two warships, and this ability was about to catch up with the effect of the natural system.

The fleet of the Demon Slayer Order has been overwhelmed by everyone, especially now that it needs to rescue two other warships, the navy is even more busy.

Over here, Luffy broke out.

Luffy’s body ejected, flew high into the air, and then slammed down.

“Rubber rhino howitzer!”

In Luffy’s fourth gear, his feet contracted to the extreme, wrapped around the armed color domineering, and launched an impact from top to bottom, and the terrifying air pressure made the entire warship begin to waver.

The squirrel gritted his teeth and unleashed his strongest slash, the hard rhino howitzer.


The moment the slash touched Luffy’s feet, he was violently shattered, kicked on the blade of the squirrel, and bombarded him with great force, directly knocking him off, like a cannonball crashing into it from the deck of a warship.

The surrounding naval soldiers had horror on their faces.

Depend! This is the vice admiral of the navy headquarters who was sent flying!

Luffy’s attack completely fell, and the terrifying attack actually shattered the warship from it, and if Luffy hadn’t reacted in time and ejected under his feet to take off again, he might have rushed into the sea, which was really embarrassing.

But now, the warship has been destroyed.

The sea water was pouring and engulfing the warship, and the navy soldiers panicked and called for help.

Seeing this, Dauberman decisively abandoned his entangled opponent, plunged into the sea, and when he reappeared, he helped the severely injured squirrel and shouted orders in the sea: “Hurry up and save people!

When Luffy’s side achieved victory, Solon also made a big move.

Solon jumped up from the deck, retreated again with the help of the power of the moon step, and the three knives in his hand and mouth quietly wrapped around the armed color domineering, and then suddenly swooped down, and began to chant:

“Nine mountains and eight seas, one world. ”

“If you gather a thousand worlds, you will become a small world”

“This realm multiplies three, and there is no self continuing…”

“Three Blades Flow Mystery…”

“One big? three thousand? big world!!”

The unrivaled domineering posture, coupled with the devil-like voice when chanting, reveals a natural domineering!

The ghost spider’s face was shocked, and he was intimidated by Solon’s powerful momentum, and felt inexplicable heart palpitations.

But he has the dignity of being a vice admiral, how can he accept being scared by a ghost?

“Guy full of sin, give Lao Tzu death!”

The hideous knife light flickered, and the ghost spider burst out with an all-out blow.

Meet the slashes that fall from above.

The sword light staggered, and two figures flashed.

Solon directly rushed onto the opponent’s warship, and even stepped on the deck where he landed, which shows how fierce the impact was just now.

He took a deep breath, slowly stood up, and put the knife into its sheath.

There is no need to say too much about his action.

The ghost spider behind him, holding a broken blade with a domineering entwined armed color in his hand, a deep bone wound on his chest, his hideous face was full of incredulity, spitting blood in his mouth, and said intermittently: “How… Probably, Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu are obviously entangled in armed color domineering… Ahem… Why still…”

Before he could finish speaking, he fell headlong on the deck.

“Lord Lieutenant General!”

“Lieutenant General Ghost Spider!”

The Navy soldiers were frightened by this scene.

A warship was just sunk over there, and another vice admiral was hit hard here?

Who is the other party!

However, as soon as the naval soldiers made a move, someone was shocked to find that the deck under their feet was breaking!

A smooth and flat crack quickly expanded.

“Quick, look at your feet! the deck is cracked!”

“No, the ship was cut off!”

The navy soldiers were so frightened that their souls flew out, and the huge warship under their feet was broken into two sections from the middle, slowly sinking into the sea.

In an instant, the Navy calling for help had another ship.

“Solon also defeated the Vice Admiral. Luffy jumped through the air and threw Solon onto another naval warship.

Looking at Solon who landed from the sky, the naval soldiers of the entire ship subconsciously took a step back.

This Nima is also too terrifying!

They are the troops that carry out the demon slaughter order, what kind of monster is the other party?

In the blink of an eye, ten warships lost the combat strength of four, plus the naval soldiers who carried out rescue orders … Wanting to carry out the Demon Slaying Order is already fanciful.

“Damn it! Klockdar, what the hell are you trying to do!”

Storobery’s face was gloomy, and he angrily questioned the man in front of him.

Huoyao Shan covered a dry arm, and the cigar he usually chewed in his mouth was knocked away.

The two joined forces and are still no match for Klockdar.

Klockdar sneered disdainfully: “What are we going to do? ”

On this warship he was on, all the sailors of the navy were solved.

In the distance, the pirate ship before the Spades Pirates shuttled through the sea, breaking the waves, and the driver on board was a member of the French family.

“Captain Krok, the captain said to let you solve it quickly, and prepare to go to sea immediately. The ship’s members shivered and conveyed Lorne’s orders to Klockdal.

“Got it. Klockdar took a deep breath of his cigar, his gaze gradually becoming dangerous.

I was disgusted by Lorne.

Ace is fighting the general over there, and he wastes time here with the lieutenant general…

“You go back to our ship, and this place is handed over to Lao Tzu.” Klockdar shouted to Sanji and the others.

Without the slightest hesitation, everyone abandoned the enemy and returned to the pirate ship of spades, focusing on trust.

“Crocodile, I’ll help you. ”

Luffy greeted from a distance.

“No, don’t play with them. Klockdahl took a sip of his cigar, his voice low, but the grit in his palm shimmered a different dark gold.


In the next second, Klockdar’s lower body turned into a tornado sandstorm and soared into the sky.

And the Dao Dark Gold Devouring Sand was like a floating stream of water, floating in the air, slowly winding all the remaining warships, forcefully devouring and erupting, frantically absorbing all the water.

The materials of the naval warships began to turn into powder as if weathered. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

The water in it was all swallowed by the dark gold devouring sand.

“What is he doing!?”

The navy soldier roared in horror.

“Stop! Klockdar!”

Storoberg’s eyes were red and he roared hoarsely.

However, it was directly ignored by Klockdal.

In just a few breaths, all six remaining naval warships sank.

Symbolizing the Navy’s action of the demon slaughter order, the entire army was destroyed.

In this sea area, all navy soldiers, densely packed, looking down from the sky like ants falling into the water.

Klockdar did not mend his sword, leaving the navy to fend for themselves, and he returned to the Pirate of Spades ship.

“What else did Lorne say?”

“Everyone is waiting here to pick up, Luffy takes me back, drives the new pirate ship out, and leaves here with Ace.” Frankie took the call, and just now his little brother had told him about Lorne’s arrangement.

And the materials needed for shipbuilding are all on board, ready, and the new pirate ship needs to continue to build the requirements that Lorne designed.

“Gone. ”

Luffy sprayed under his feet, grabbed Franky directly and rushed back.

“Hey, hey, Luffy, slow down!” Franky was grabbed by Luffy’s shoulder, dancing for fear that he wouldn’t be able to fall…

Franky returned to his base, his eyes full of reluctance, even tears, and then since he decisively drove the new pirate ship, he followed the river into the sea.

“Senior brother, take care. ”

Frankie murmured in his heart……….

French drives the new pirate ship around the harbor.

Everything is ready and ready to go to sea. French greeted loudly.

Lorne waved his hand, indicating that he understood, but did not turn around, but watched the battle between Ace and the pheasant in the distance.

Fire and Ice!

If it weren’t for Ace’s Burning Fruit Evolution Burst Chiyan, it is estimated that it would be difficult to compete with the green pheasant.

It’s just that the current battle situation is anxious, and it seems that Ace is not allowed to retreat.

Ace couldn’t pull out at all.

Lorne was thinking about how to make Ace retreat when Luffy appeared next to Lorne, “Lorne, when will Ace’s battle end?

Luffy has been lifted from the fourth gear, and although he now says that he will not join the Pirates of Spades, he has already naturally brought his own identity into it.

A bad smile suddenly appeared at the corner of Lorne’s mouth, and he put his arm around Luffy’s shoulder and whispered a few words in his ear.

Luffy’s gaze became excited, and he assured loudly, “Okay! ”

Saying that, Luffy’s arm suddenly stretched out, wrapped around the main pole of the pirate ship a few times, and then charged in the direction of Ace.

Seeing this, the smile on his mouth could not be retracted at all, and he turned his head and ran to the new pirate ship.

Perona was slightly stunned, puzzled: “Why, you don’t plan to take them with you?”

“Oh, what nonsense, you’ll know in a moment. Lorne stretched out his arm, grabbed Perona, who was floating in the air, on his shoulder, and ran towards French.

“Let go of Princess Ben! Let go of Princess Ben! What do you want to do!”

Little Lori suddenly struggled.

It wasn’t until she was patted in a familiar place by Lorne himself that she was forced to calm down, but in her heart, she had already planned a hundred ways for Lorne to turn into a zombie, and a hundred plans to secretly give Lorne a powerful laxative.

After Lorne got on the boat, he immediately told Franky, “Start the boat!


Franky was stunned, did he really care about Ace?

“Hesitate what!,” Lorne jumped up and slapped Franky’s head, which turned out to be like a piece of steel, “Am I the kind of person who abandons his partner? ”

“Good, good, good. “French hurry up and sail.

Luffy’s arm was stretched longer and longer… Longer and longer… This means that the elasticity will become more and more powerful… Getting bigger and bigger…


“Grab my hand—”

Luffy roared suddenly, his arms quickly stretched out to grab Ace.

Ace’s eyes were startled, and his hands jerked out a burst of red flames, and then he flew back and grabbed Luffy’s arms with both hands.

The ice collided with the flames, producing violent steam.

In the steam, the green pheasant like ice shows its figure.

He looked up at the strange scene in front of him and frowned, not understanding what Luffy and Ace wanted to do.

But when he saw Luffy’s arm holding the pirate ship that was sprinting into the distance, the pheasant suddenly reacted!

They are going to run away!

However, as soon as the pheasant made a move, Luffy relaxed his arm and was no longer controlling the extension of his arm… That is, a rubber band that has been pulled to the limit and suddenly loses its pull force at one end, what will be the result?

The pheasant is fortunate to see that the world’s 4.1 largest “rubber band” does limit shrinkage.

Brush –

There was a hissing in the air, and Ace and Luffy rubbed violently against the air.

In fact, Ace realized something the moment Luffy began to rebound, and immediately looked like ashes, and he couldn’t wait to stay away from Luffy immediately.

But Luffy’s arm was still wrapped around Ace’s waist several times, so that Ace could not break free at all, and could only passively rush out like a “monkey”.

“The road… Fly…… You…… Big…… Grandpa…”

Ace opened his mouth to speak, and his mouth was filled with wind, and he couldn’t say it at all, he could only express his meaning intermittently.

Luffy’s face was full of excitement, his cheeks were about to be blown into a hot air balloon, and an excited sound came out of his mouth.

“Oh… Good…… Stab…… Agitate—”

Two people in the same environment, but in completely different moods.

Luffy was happy to die.

Ace wanted to die.

While wanting to die, he also wanted to squash Luffy.

Swoosh –

In the blink of an eye, Luffy and Ace flew back.

Franky and Perona, their eyes widened completely when they saw this scene, and their clear eyes were full of confusion.

What is this special operation?

And this outrageous method of retreat?

For a while, they didn’t know whether Lorne, who proposed this method, was not a person, or Luffy, who used this method, was not a person.

Lorne looked at the two figures that appeared in front of him in an instant, and the corners of his mouth were almost grinning to the roots of his ears, and his expression management was out of control.

In the next second, he jerked his head and crouched.


Luffy flew over his head…


Bang straight against the column.

And Ace… The most classic scene appeared, and instead of successfully getting on the ship, he crashed headlong into the steel guardrail without resistance.


The crisp sound mixed with Lorne’s irrestrain laughter erupted together.


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