Karp nodded silently on the side: Yes!

However, he admired Lorne a little in his heart, “Lorne, that bastard boy, actually misled Xiaohe and Sengoku…”

“Bounty…” Staff Officer Tsuru frowned slightly.

Warring States took a deep breath and said with a headache: “The old man should consult with the marshal of the steel bone.” ”

Now the focus is on how to report this to the world government!


When the five old stars learned about it, they were furious!

Strictly order the world government and navy to eradicate the Pirates of Spades as soon as possible!

When Spandyne learned of his son’s death, he was overwhelmed with grief and immediately led an elite task force of the world government to search for the Pirates of Spades to avenge his son.

Strictly order the three major naval generals to look for the traces of the Spades Pirate Group, and once discovered, they will eliminate each other at all costs as soon as possible!

After deliberation, the bounty was passed to the Warring States.


Marin Fando.

Marshal’s office.

At this time, only Sengoku, Karp, and Tsuru staff officers remained.

“Don’t look at the old man, the old man really doesn’t know what’s going on!”

Karp scratched his nostrils and said toughly.

Sengoku is asking about Ace and Luffy.

“Your grandson is with them, and you contacted them the last time you returned to the East China Sea, and now you say you don’t know?

Karp looked helpless and explained: “The old man knows that his grandson has gone as a pirate, and he can’t go back to see it?”

“You’re a naval hero, and you make your grandson a pirate?” Sengoku slammed the table in surprise.

The table is newly replaced.

“He has to be a pirate, what can the old man do?” Karp shrugged, his expression a little wrong.

Sengoku also thought of something, and sighed helplessly.

Let’s not ask for the grandson problem, Karp’s son is still the number one criminal.

And at this moment, a soldier knocked on the door, “Marshal, the world government has sent a wanted warrant, please take a look.” ”

“So soon?”

Sengoku was stunned, and then said, “Send in.” ”

Sengoku still remembers that when he reported the matter of the steel bone, the dog who was scolded was bloody, as if he returned to the days when he was trained by the steel bone.

Looking at the thick pile of wanted warrants in front of him, Karp came up curiously, wanting to see what the bounty of those guys was.

However, Karp was dumbfounded when he saw the first wanted card.

[Ace: Deputy captain of the Pirates of Spades, a person with the ability to burn fruit, suspected that the ability of fruit has changed. ] The lone battle admiral Qing Pheasant retreats all over, awakens the overlord color, and masters the hegemony. 】

[Bounty: 2 billion!]

[Note: Extremely dangerous!]

“Poof—2 billion bounty!” Karp thought it was incredulous, and even suspected that he had read it wrong.

Staff Officer Crane said on the side: “To be able to resist the strength of the general, the bounty of 2 billion is not high, and his threat cannot be underestimated!”

The strength shown by Ace is fully worthy of this bounty.

Immediately afterwards, the three of them quickly scanned the bounty list.


Bounty: 764 million.

Those who have the ability of the sand fruit, the original king of the Seven Wuhai, is suspected to be the strength of the general.

Extremely dangerous. 】

[Monchi D Luffy.

Bounty: 200 million.

Rubber fruit ability, defeat the vice admiral of the navy headquarters.

Dangerous. 】

[Roronoa Solon

Bounty: 15,600

Three swords and swordsmanship, defeated Vice Admiral of the Navy headquarters.

Dangerous. 】

[Nicole Robin

Bounty: 106 million



After that, there are wanted warrants from Sanji, Franky and others, but the bounties are all average, not as explosive as Ace and Klockdar.

Overall, Ace’s bounty is indeed shocking, and the first time it was rewarded, it was the existence of 2 billion.

And Luffy and Solon are up-and-coming, but this kind of newcomer, the bounty of more than 100 million is already the limit, even if they defeat the vice admiral, it is impossible to give too high a bounty, after all, they still expect the bounty hunters to attack them.

Robin’s bounty has risen a lot, but the reason is not explained, perhaps because he does not want Hades to cause a commotion in the sea.

Flipping through the wanted warrant, Karp’s brows couldn’t help but furrow.

Because I didn’t see Lorne’s wanted warrant.

“Strange, why didn’t there be that kid, he was supposed to be the captain of the Pirates of Spades…” muttered Karp in his heart.


Bounty: 3000 Baileys.

Reindeer with combat capabilities. 】

Choiba did not participate much in the battle, his performance was average… It is also used as a pet reindeer, and the bounty of 3,000 may have a lot to do with the Pirates of Spades.

Until he saw the last wanted warrant, Karp couldn’t help but laugh,

“Hahaha, this bounty number is too auspicious’!”

What would Lorne’s expression be when he saw this bounty?

Sengoku stared at the bounty, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching, this bounty is a little… Ahem.


The next day.

The bounty of the Spades Pirates was held by the seagulls and released throughout the sea.

And the spade group that was suddenly killed also became an existence that shook the entire sea.

The momentum of the sky seems to point directly to the position of the fifth emperor on the sea!



In front of Shanks lay the wanted warrant of the member of Spades.

“Head, Luffy was actually rewarded! The bounty of the first reward reached 200 million! defeated the vice admiral, how did this kid cultivate in recent years?”

It’s hard to imagine that the little ghost head at the beginning has now become a pirate with a bounty of more than 100 million.

Shanks already knew the news of Luffy’s going to sea, and the people sent to the East China Sea to investigate before sent back the news that Luffy had indeed gone to sea, and Karp was suspected of having been in contact with Luffy’s pirate group before going to the New World.

And now, get Luffy’s bounty.

Shanks didn’t speak, but kept staring at Ace’s bounty, not knowing what he was thinking.

“Two billion … Fight the pheasant, master the bully, Captain, do you think this is possible?” asked Beckman in a low voice, smoking a cigarette.

“You can’t go wrong with the bounty. But it does seem unlikely… Unless, this guy named Ace is a natural monster!” said Shanks slowly, in a solemn tone.

Teenage domineering?

How is this possible!

The only explanation is that Ace is a gifted monster!

Powerful talent from birth!

Otherwise, it is impossible to master the bullying at this age and knock out the head.

Lao Tzu’s son is also with them, and this stinky boy is also out to sea? 37 million?” Yesob exclaimed, looking at the list of bounties.

I always feel that something is wrong.

How old is that stinky boy?

Dare to go to sea now?

And there is also a bounty of 37 million?

Yesob couldn’t even believe it was his son.

Hahahaha, it seems that someone is going to challenge you in the future. A nearby cadre patted Yesob on the shoulder and quipped.

Jesob rubbed his head, not wanting to speak, his head hurt.

“Deputy Captain? Strange… Ace is not a captain of this strength? This bounty is hilarious!” Lachiro looked through the bounty, and finally found the wanted warrant for the captain of the Pirates of Spades in the last one.

But the bounty above almost choked him.

“Strange pirate group. Captain, I think they are strange, they are all young newcomers, if one or two people are strong, they can understand… But if all the players don’t play their cards according to common sense, then there is a problem. Beckman analyzed slowly, his brows furrowed slightly.

His gaze also fell on Lorne’s bounty order, a little stunned.

“Lorne, captain of the Pirates of Spades… The escapee who attacked the Draco Pirates, strength: none. Is the Navy kidding?”

“Phew~ It seems that the sea is going to pour in with a group of interesting guys again. Shanks stood up and looked into the distance.

Ace’s bounty and record do show great talent and strength, but this level alone is far from enough.

“Head, what are we going to do?”

A cadre asked curiously.

“If anyone wants to take away the title of the Four Emperors, then just come!”

Shanks said domineeringly.

He’s a man at the top!

It’s waiting for someone else to challenge!

For a kid who has just gone to sea, even if it is a bully?

The pride in Shanks’ heart is not weaker than anyone else!

Not to mention the self-demotion to target others.


Moby Dick.

“Goo la la la la ~ ~ The fledgling brat has angered the navy. But the name Ace…”

Whitebeard stared at the name on the bounty, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

Roger’s sword was called Ace.

It’s a coincidence… Or are there other?

“Daddy, 2 billion bounty! this newcomer is too strong!” said Marko in shock.

2 billion, higher than his bounty! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

“Goo la la la ~ That’s you don’t understand the meaning of overlord color entanglement, wait for it, this group of guys will make the sea chaotic. Whitebeard laughed heartily.

Now the Pirates of Spades are only in the first half of the Great Voyage, and have not yet entered the New World.

Moreover, this incident is so important that the navy and the world government will not sit idly by.

If you really want to grow up, let’s come to the new world!

But I have to admit that Whitebeard became interested in Ace.

“Wait, the captain of the Pirates of Spades turned out to be this guy named Lorne?” said Joz in disbelief.

However, what made him even more unbelievable was Lorne’s bounty.

“What is the situation?”

Marko scratched his head and felt extremely strange.

“That guy from Kroc is ready to go back to sea.” Whitebeard saw Klockdar’s wanted warrant and sighed.

As for Lorne, he didn’t care at all.


Kaido and Aunt also paid attention to this important news, but in the eyes of their four emperors, this degree was far from enough!

Even the rest of His Majesty Qiwuhai was shocked by the birth of Ace.

However, what everyone doesn’t know is that above Ace, there is an even more terrifying guy hidden… It was none other than Lorne, who was despised by everyone.


The Pirates of Spades arrived at the Terror Three-Masted Galleon overnight, and then set off for the Chambord Islands with Moria to prepare for entering the New World.

Today, on the way to sail, then received a bounty order for the sky to fall.

“2 billion! Ace was rewarded with 2 billion Bailey!”

Frankie saw Ace’s wanted warrant for the first time and immediately exclaimed.

“2 billion Bailey!?”

Hearing this number, the whole ship was stunned.

Only Lorne can remain calm.

Nami looked at Ace, her eyes were all reflected in money, “Ace is worth so much now!!”

“Hahaha, it seems that our Spades Pirates are also going to be famous. Ace smiled happily.

He is not afraid of a high bounty, the higher he is, the more excited he is.

“No, do you know what the 2 billion Bailey bounty means, the bounty order above you is the Four Emperors standing at the apex of the pirates!

Ace held up his straw hat and said confidently: “The Four Emperors… One day, I will surpass them and become One Piece!”


However, everyone is on the rise, looking for their own bounty.

“What? The bounty of that bastard of Krok turned out to be more than 700 million? Moria looked upset when he saw the Klockdar bounty.

Klockdar smoked his cigar and looked contented.

Judging from the bounty alone, he is already the number three figure in the Pirates of Spades.

“Is there that much difference?” muttered Solon, looking at his bounty.

Sanji looked devastated, his bounty was not as high as Solon!

Usopp looked at the amount of his bounty, full of nervousness, “It should be considered an official pirate now…”

Nami suddenly felt that something was wrong, “Your bounties are so high, will we be targeted by terrible enemies!”

Nami immediately became worried.

“Hahaha, why is Choiba only 3,000 Baileys?

Everyone finally found Qioba’s bounty order, but they were all stunned by the amount, and they didn’t even break through 10,000 Baileys.

“Pets, reindeer, are they blind!” Lorne gritted his teeth for Joba.

Qioba wiped his forehead, “It’s not important~ people don’t care very much.” ”

Qioba’s mentality is very flat, no wonder the hundreds of bounties in the original work are hundreds of millions of fights.

Perona searched for a long time, and finally couldn’t help but speak: “Strange… Why isn’t there a bounty from Lorne?”

She was curious about how much Lorne’s bounty would be.

“Huh? That’s true. Luffy scratched his head, looking a little dumbfounded.

“Look carefully, you can’t do without Lorne’s bounty, right?” Nami rummaged through the many bounty orders.

Lorne looked a little smiling, and said, “It’s good that the reward is not mine, it means that I hide it well.” ”

Not having its own bounty at least means that less threatening.

However, Lorne looked at the bounty order falling from the sky at this time and realized that his idea seemed to have gone wrong.

It’s good to want to hide your own thoughts.

But the problem now is that Ace is already famous, and with what they do in the capital of seven waters, the actions of the world government and the navy (Li Dezhao) will definitely not be small.

Everyone is together, no matter how much Lorne hides, it is useless … The only effect may be to disrupt the judgment of world governments without a devastating blow.

For example, the scene of the Knights of God, Steel Bone, Sengoku, Karp and the Navy encircling and suppressing at the same time will not happen to the Pirates of Spades at least for a short time.

However, if the identity of the sun god is exposed, it may not be.


Robin finally found a bounty order from Lorne, and she looked at the bounty amount on it, speechless.

Perona floated over, looked down, and then instantly couldn’t help laughing, “Ahh Ahh

It was Perona’s unique laugh, but the laughter was really loud and drew everyone over.

“Isn’t it!

“How so?”

“Tweet hee~” Moria couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ahem… Lorne, your bounty…” Klockdar looked embarrassed and stopped talking.

“Have my bounty?” Lorne was stunned by everyone’s laughter, frowning and rushing up to snatch the bounty order from Perona.

Then, Lorne froze.


Without saying a word, Lorne directly tore off the bounty order, gritted his teeth and said: “Damn the world government! Laozi and you don’t share the sky!”

“250 Bailey!

Perona laughed.

This bounty amount is better than nothing.

Now that it comes out, it is simply naked humiliation!

“Damn, go back, Lao Tzu slaughtered a general to show them!” Lorne roared hysterically.

This bounty is better than nothing!

Damn it!

Kills are not shameful!


“Just now Lorne said that there was no bounty from him. ”

The laughter on board was even louder, and they finally saw Lorne’s defensive side.

Just as they were sailing, a major event broke out in the Chambord Islands.

The Devil Fruit, known as the strongest natural system, the Thunder Fruit, has appeared!.

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