Chapter 78 Karp: Lorne is Locks!

Marin Fando.

The screen in the meeting room froze at the last moment.

The scene where the light explodes, the pirate ship rises into the air, and the red dog, yellow ape, and tyrant bear are bombarded.

It was at this moment that the video phone bug was destroyed in the storm.

The picture freezes.

Let the three of the Sengoku be completely dumbfounded!

Cold sweat oozed from Sengoku’s forehead, and his eyes were shocked, as if he had seen some incredible devil-like fear.

Deep fear.


His brain went blank, he opened his mouth, but didn’t know what to say.

The confidence just now was completely shattered.

It’s like a stone being beaten into powder, and what is broken cannot be broken.

Originally, the Warring States hoped that Grimmgu Sheng’s move could completely crush the Spades Pirates, but that premise was that Red Dog and Yellow Ape could keep Lorne and his group.

In the eyes of the Warring States, this is a normal thing.

Two generals shot, who can’t stay?

Four Emperors?

Whitebeard did not dare to say that he could leave under the obstruction of the yellow ape and the red dog.

With Ace and Klockdar, they can’t do this step at all, there will inevitably be people who are entangled and difficult to leave, especially the yellow ape still has the speed of light, how can it not be done?

As a result, reality gave Sengoku a heavy blow and jerked his big mouth!

Who would have thought that Lorne would stand up!

With just one blow, the yellow ape, the red dog, and the tyrant bear do not know whether they are alive or dead!


The Warring States were confused.

As a marshal of the navy, he felt such powerlessness for the first time.

The shocks brought to him by the Pirates of Spades group accumulated again and again, plus Lorne’s last shot, completely shattered the Warring States mentality watching the battle!

The most important thing is that Lorne did not know about the Warring States watching the battle.

It was a completely arbitrary move, but it left an indelible wound and fear on the Warring States.

Kill two generals in one hit?

Who can do it?

Lorne himself did not know that he would make the Warring States he had never met so broken and uncomfortable.

Karp opened his mouth wide on the side, grabbed his head with both hands, and was even more confused, “What is this… How so?”

Karp was even more confused.

He was originally worried about Lorne and his group, if Glengu Saint arrived, how could they escape?

Luffy, isn’t that the end of it?

Ace couldn’t run either.

So, Karp was worried.

But seeing this result, he wanted to tear Lorne by hand.

From the first meeting to now, in just over 24 months, can Lorne complete such a big transformation?

No way!

So, Lorne was acting from the beginning!

He is deceiving the old man!

Karp finally reacted.

It must be so!

Lorne uses Luffy and Ace to deceive the old man!

Damn guys!

Maybe Ace and Luffy were also tricked by him!

Karp finally connected everything in his mind: whether Luffy’s fruit was true or not, Lorne was a liar and had always hidden his strength, otherwise there was no way to explain why he was so strong.

Youth? Youth?

Karp suspects that Lorne is Rocks and is not dead!

Almost the same name!

Moreover, there is such a strength against the heavens … Rocks’ ultimate darkness that devours everything, if he absorbs the power of other demon fruits for his own use, although it sounds ridiculous, but if it is Locks’s perverted strength, it is possible to do it.

Moreover, being able to know the secret of Luffy’s Devil Fruit is likely to be someone from the previous era.

Karp’s mind was spinning wildly, and he suddenly found an incredible idea.

Lorne, it’s Loks!

Rocks is not dead, he hides his identity, and he is young for unknown reasons… After lurking for so many years, finding Roger’s children, as well as Joey Boie’s avatar, and recruiting them under his wing, there must be an unspeakable secret.

Destroy the world?

Karp doesn’t know why he has this thought, but only this idea makes sense!

Suddenly, Karp remembered something again.

The battle of the Valley of the Gods was a war launched by Rocks at all costs, but the form at that time was completely unfavorable to the Rocks Pirates, and Rocks actually chose to fight to the end, which was completely a move to seek death.

This caused his pirate group to fall apart, and Whitebeard, John, Kaido, Aunt and others betrayed Rocks and fled the battlefield, just not wanting to die with Locks.

Now it seems that Rocks is hiding a great conspiracy, and has long designed a retreat for himself, waiting for decades to reappear and complete his plan.

And Ace and Luffy are Rocks’ revenge on Karp and Roger!

You hinder Lao Tzu, and when Lao Tzu returns, he takes revenge on your generation.

More in line with Rocks’ ruthless personality.

Karp was stunned, as a naval hero, his heart spread infinite fear and horror, his hands and feet were numb, and a cool breath rushed from the soles of his feet to the heavenly spirit cover.

“Why?” The water cup in Staff Officer Tsuru’s hand fell off and fell to the floor and became shattered, but she didn’t know it, stunned, and horror also appeared under her eyes.

Lorne’s strength is too terrifying.

“Lorne !!”

Sengoku suddenly roared and roared, his forehead was bruised, and all the emotions in his eyes turned into killing intent and hatred.

At this time, the Warring States can’t wait to smash Lorne’s corpse to pieces.


Once again, Lorne made the Navy a joke.

Give him a bounty of 250 Bailey, and as a result, he defeated the combination of two admirals plus the tyrant bear of the Seven Martial Sea?

The face of the navy was pumped to the bottom of the sea by insoles!

“Don’t kill Lorne, the old man swears not to be a man!”

Under the anger, the Warring States could not restrain their emotions and made such a poisonous oath.

But suddenly, Sengoku noticed Karp, who was in an even more wrong state next to him.

Karp trembled all over, his eyes lost his concentration, as if he was in a fear that could not be separated, and his face turned red.

“Karp! what’s wrong with you?”

Sengoku was immediately shocked and hurriedly went to help Karp.

Karp seemed to be awakened by the sound, detached from his thoughts, and just wanted to speak, he felt a tightness in his chest.


A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The rush to attack his heart actually made Karp vomit blood, which shows how intense his emotions are.

“Karp, what’s wrong with you, don’t scare the old man!” Sengoku panicked.

The battle on the front line has already had an accident, and if something happens to Karp, the Warring States will really collapse.

“Karp, calm down!” Staff Officer Tsuru hurriedly leaned over and held Kapu with Sengokuichi left and right.

Karp gasped, his eyes appeared bloodshot, making his eyes red, he didn’t care about the condition of his body, and immediately said: “Warring States! Go with the old man to see the marshal of the steel bone!

“Don’t delay for a moment!

Sengoku was stunned, “What’s going on? What do you know?”

Karp stood up, directly turned around and strode out, “See the steel bone marshal and say together!

The Warring States were completely stunned at this time.

I have never seen such a serious, depressed Karp.

What the hell is going on?

But looking at Karp didn’t look like a joke, Sengoku directly followed with the crane staff officer quickly, and the three of them directly took the fastest warship to Mary Joa.

Karp feels like he’s finally discovered the truth of everything!

If Lorne knew this set of logic from Karp, it is estimated that he would have to worship and surrender, it is simply … So special makes sense!

But it’s fake.

Because he’s not Rocks.

But if the world government thinks that Lorne is Locks, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos.

They cannot allow their greatest enemy to stay alive with impunity, especially if this enemy is too strong to resist, and will do whatever it takes to eradicate Lorne (Lokes).

Chambord Islands.

The green pheasant was stunned for a while before reacting, and hurriedly controlled the cold ice to transfer the three people of Red Dog, Yellow Ape, and Tyrant Bear.

On the ice in the distance, Orochimaru lay on it with a collapsed face, gasping for breath.

At the last critical moment, he strengthened his armed color domineering and survived the impact, which can be regarded as picking up a life.

And the rest of the naval soldiers could not withstand the storm at all.

Lieutenant General Stérez was killed in battle.

Dalmesia survived, unconscious at this time.

The yellow ape remained awake, slowly stood up from the ice, and just about to speak, he saw the shocked expression of the green pheasant, as if he saw something terrifying, and subconsciously looked at it, and suddenly the yellow ape was also frozen.

The eyes of the two of them fell on the red dog.

The red dog’s right arm disappeared.

The right arm is exactly the arm that the red dog attacked.


“Sakaski…” The yellow ape’s eyes flickered, extremely shocked.

In the duel just now, Lorne’s attack hit, shattering the attack of the tyrant bear, followed by the red dog and the yellow ape.

The Yellow Ape Heavenly Cloud Sword shattered… It was equivalent to saving his life.

Because the red dog loses an arm.

“Ahem… Ran away by them. The red dog coughed twice, feeling the feeling of emptiness in the right half of his body and the pain coming from his shoulder, and his brows furrowed fiercely.

He glanced at his right arm, and then said expressionlessly: “This made them run, what a failure.” ”

The red dog actually paid no attention to his lost arm, but somewhat regretted that he did not keep Lorne and the others.

Touching heart!

There can be people who dislike him and dislike him, but no one can deny his absolute faith!

Faith comes first!

How can such a person not have the overlord color domineering?

The green pheasant’s pupils were shocked for a moment, and he slowly stretched out his finger against the red dog’s shoulder, “It’s already like this, go back and talk about it.” Recuperate well. ”

The cold air flowed, freezing the wounds of the red dog.

“Thank you. Chi Inu surprised the pheasant’s behavior and said coldly.

The yellow ape suddenly laughed at himself: “Huh~ The two generals were defeated by a hairy boy, it’s really… Alas. ”

The thick sigh was full of unwillingness.


They were already shocked by the beating.

Completely filled with powerlessness and helplessness, confidence collapsed, doubts about self-strength.

It can only be said that Lorne’s blow destroyed the faith of countless people. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

Admiral strong?

Lao Tzu hit two with one hand!

Strong strength, people are desperate.

An insurmountable despair.

Suddenly, an old man with a sword on the ice slowly walked over.

“People ran away?”

The old man’s voice was flat, his face was calm, and he didn’t seem surprised by the current result at all.

Perhaps, when he felt that breath, he already knew the result.

“You are…” The red dog’s pupils contracted suddenly, recognizing the identity of the old man in front of him.

Both the pheasant and the yellow ape reacted.

When they were promoted to generals, they had all been to the World Government and had seen Grimm Ancient Saint.

It’s just that the three of them didn’t expect that the Grimm Ancient Saint would appear here!

Actually shocked this person?

Can…… Even if Glingu Saint personally made a move, no, before he could make a move, the opponent ran away.

“My lord, we… Failed. The red dog lowered his head in shame.

Green Ancient Saint looked at the traces of the battle around him and frowned, “How did they go?”

Glengu wondered.

It is clear that the surroundings are frozen into ice, and the pirate ship cannot be started, how did the people run?

“Hmm~ flew away… Their pirate ships will fly. The yellow ape recalled the last picture and said in disbelief.

I can’t believe it, but that’s the truth!

Pirate ships fly?”

Glingu Saint paused in his steps, this answer, even he had to react for a while.

Pirate ships can fly?

Are you kidding?

Just what means?

The fluttering fruit of the golden lion?

Just as Grimmgu Sheng was thinking, the phone worm in his arms rang.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

Grimm’s ancient saint unexpectedly took out the unusual phone worm in his arms.

His telephone worm was given a combat order by the Knights of God, and it cannot be used in non-important situations, and now this telephone worm actually rings?

The voice of the five old stars came from the phone worm.

There is news from the Warring States that Karp is going to call everyone to a meeting, which is about the survival of the world. ”

In a short sentence, Glingu Saint immediately returned the same way.

Whatever happened, you have to go back to find out.

Of course, this word was heard by the green pheasant, the red dog, and the yellow ape.

“My lord, what about us?” asked the pheasant suspiciously.

Although he couldn’t understand the meaning of that sentence, this situation now had to be dealt with.

“You guys look at it. ”

Glingu Saint threw down a sentence lightly, and 907 left.

The green pheasant, yellow ape, and red dog looked at each other, and they all saw the confusion and helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Why do they feel as if they are clowns?

The chess pieces that move in the chess game only follow the command to move, and the rest is left alone.

After that, Qingji contacted the staff officers of Sengoku, Kapu, and Tsuru, but unsurprisingly, they were not contacted.

It looks like the top of the Navy has turned a blind eye to what is happening here.

“What do they want to do!”

The red dog suddenly roared.

It can be seen that he is extremely dissatisfied in his heart.

When this kind of fiasco is the case, shouldn’t we think of countermeasures to solve the problem?

As a result, you all play missing?

Grimm’s ancient saint appeared, and he didn’t even put a fart and got out?

How, is it enough?

Disbandment of the Navy?

The green pheasant’s face also sank.

Warring States, they did this, but it was dissatisfying.

“Forget it, there is nothing to deal with, it all turned out like this. You two go back to rest, and I’ll bring the living back. The green pheasant waved his hand and said, and then walked into the distance.

The yellow ape nodded, and then appeared next to Zhan Taomaru, “Hmm~ boy, don’t mess with the old man next time, obviously there is no matter of the scientific army, you have to come to make fun, the whole army of the scientific army is not mentioned, your little life is almost in it.” ”

Zhan Taomaru said ashamedly: “Old man, I didn’t expect it…”

I didn’t expect them to be so strong.

“Hmm~Sakaski, gone~”

The yellow ape greeted, and then walked along the ice to the other islands to find naval warships.

Akainu took a deep breath, his eyes gradually became more determined, and then followed.

No matter what the outcome, he won’t give up!

Evil fellow, damn it.

He will not let go of the Pirates of Spades.

Ace, Klockdar, Moria, Straw Hat Kid, Roronoa… And the culprit who cut off his arm – Lorne!


Holy Land Mary Joya.

A naval warship entered.

The staff officers of Sengoku, Kapu, and Crane, led by the personnel, came directly to the palace where the five old stars were located.

In the palace at this time, the five old stars sat in turn.

Financial Valkyrie: Izambaron V Nasjuro Saint.

Agricultural Valkyrie: Shepard Ten Piter Saint.

Valkyrie: Topman Vochuli Saint.

Environmental Valkyrie: Makas Maz Saint.

Scientific Defense Valkyrie: Jay Golucia Satan Saint.

The steel sat on the side, all waiting for Karp’s arrival.

The port, the fleet led by Grimmgut Saint then returned.

Sengoku, Karp, and Grimmgu returned to Mary Joa one after the other.

Grimm’s ancient saint walked straight to the palace, and no one dared to stop him.

“Tell me, what happened? As soon as he entered the palace, Grimm Ancient Saint spoke.

“Karp, what exactly?” Sengoku frowned and looked at Karp beside him.

From beginning to end, Karp did not say a word, which made the bad premonition in his heart even stronger.

Karp took a deep breath, stepped forward, and said solemnly:

“Lockes, it’s okay. ”

As soon as these words came out, the hall fell into a dead silence.

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