
Shock everyone!

It was as if the word invincible was written on Lorne’s face.


Holy Land, Mary Joa.

The five old stars who saw this scene through the video phone worm lost their expression management one by one in shock and completely collapsed~.

At first, Lorne opened a gambling game, and the five old stars only thought it was funny, but later, they completely subverted their cognition.

“What the hell did he do!” shouted Maz in disbelief.

When he saw Brooke and Karp change one by one, the five old stars were a little strained.

Karp is one of the top combat powers, and it was solved at the beginning?

The five old stars are difficult to accept.

But then, something even more difficult for them to accept happened: Lorne cut off the arms of the members of the Knights of God.

Even Lokes couldn’t have this kind of strength!” Vauchuli shook his head fiercely, saying that he didn’t want to believe what he saw.

It’s like fucking dreaming… No, dreaming is not so outrageous.

How could he cut off two of Gernado’s arms at such a fast speed?”

Gernado is the name of the one-eyed black-armored man, a member of the Knights of God.

The members of the Great Knights of God will become wasted in the future.

They couldn’t accept that kind of change happening in an instant.

He has always been hiding his strength, even if it is only the tip of the iceberg, Lockes is playing tricks on the world government! Satan Sheng roared in shock—his expression was so angry that he couldn’t calm down at all.

Vachuli Saint stood up abruptly, “If it goes on like this, something big will happen, wake up the adults.” ”

He felt a great crisis.

If everything is within Rocks’ control, then the only person who can change the situation is the sleeping Im.

“Otherwise… Let’s wait and see how Grimm’s Ancient Saint handles?” said Maz Saint uncertainly.

“Yes, the consequences of waking up adults are not something you and I can bear. Nasjurang also persuaded.

“Whew~ look and talk, ready to wake up the adults at any time. At the same time, send troops and prepare to receive the Grimmgu saints. Maz Saint finally decided not to wake up Im.

“Alas, in this situation, if Lokes’s strength is really as terrifying as he shows, there may be no need to respond, and with his hatred for the world government, he will definitely not let everyone present go. Vacuuli knew the consequences of awakening Im, and said with a sigh, a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

“What if there is any change?” said Pietsaint, with a fluke mentality.

During the conversation, everyone’s eyes were on the screen again, and they continued to watch the next thing change.


Lorne finally did not choose to hide his strength, unreservedly exposed, and chose the most explosive way to let everyone recognize Lorne’s strength.

Grimmberg and Kaido were speechless.

Karp’s face was full of collapse, and he was even more speechless.

Tezzolo recovered from the shock and tried to restrain the shock in his heart to calm himself.

At this time, the Green Ancient Saint was already a little confused, listening to the screams from behind, his brows frowned, revealing an impatient look, his palm brushed over the hilt, and he pulled out the knife very quickly, took out the knife, and collected the knife.

In the next second, the screaming and wailing one-eyed man died here, completely lifeless.

The man holding the double knife beside Grimmgu Saint was silent.

“Hahaha, Warring States, have you seen the strength of Captain Lao Tzu, right? none of you can run away today!” the golden lion laughed arrogantly and launched a crazy attack on the Warring States.

Sengoku was greatly affected by Karp and the gambling just now.

I didn’t expect that Karp would be directly limited by that means, let alone that the hidden Lorne was so terrifying.


The heart of the Warring States Road collapsed.

The entire battlefield has undergone a great transformation because of Lorne’s actions.

The morale of the Pirates of Spades is high, the morale of the Giants is high, and their opponents are naturally desperate.

Ace, Klockdar, Moria, they are even more courageous.

Even in battle, they were still able to keep an eye on the gambling game opened by Lorne.

Lorne’s purpose is to put pressure on everyone here, so it’s important to let them know what’s going on at the game.

At first glance, it has had the desired effect.

“Then it’s time for the second game. Lorne said lightly, his eyes scanning the battlefield, looking for a target as a gamble.

When he saw the duel between Solon and Hawkeye, Lorne’s eyes lit up.

“In the second game, I bet Solon will defeat Hawkeye to become the world’s number one swordsman!”

“Bet: Lao Tzu’s life!”

Lao Tzu’s life!

Lorne bet with his life that Solon would become the world’s number one swordsman.

What boldness!

What a trust!

The ancient saints of Grimmin froze.

Damn, just gambling with your life for the second time?

Kaido narrowed his eyes, still silent.

From the beginning, he thought the gamble was unfair, but at the time he thought it was unfair to Lorne, so he agreed to play it.

But later, Kaido found that Lorne’s strength was simply unfair to himself.

Lorne gambled with his life, but he was very courageous.

But have you ever thought that even if you win the bet, who can take Lorne’s life?

Kaido converged his previous arrogant look, anyway, he did not have this confidence, so he pretended to be deaf and dumb, and would never participate in this unfair gamble.

And the second one gambles with your life?

It’s too big!

Kaido not only looked at Solon curiously, wanting to see what kind of man could make Lorne gamble with his life.

In fact, no one knows that in Lorne’s opinion, Solon is the one who should be the most successful.

There is no opening, no devil fruit, no modification technology, it is completely cultivated step by step with perseverance, and his strength has increased, all washed by sweat!

Solon is definitely the one who deserves to be successful the most.

Solon, a man recognized by almost everyone.

And he is now charging at his goal.

Grimm’s face changed, and he finally joined the gamble with the member of the Knights of God who held two katanas beside him.

“I bet on Hawkeye to win!

The man whispered.

He has great confidence in Hawkeye.

The three strongest titles in the world. ,

The strongest man.

The strongest creature.

The strongest sword hao.

And the strongest sword master is Hawkeye, and to get this title already says it all.

And Solon, even if he is captain in Lorne, with his age, how much strength can he have?

Even Grimmgu felt that Solon could not be Hawkeye’s opponent.

Kaido’s eyes were full of suspicion.

His thoughts became cautious this time, especially the guy who let Lorne gamble his life, how could it be simple?

“Could it be that the title of the world’s strongest swordsman is really going to change hands today?” said Kaido to himself.

Lorne saw that Glengoushen and Kaido did not dare to gamble, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was a little mocking.

It turns out that people, no matter how high they stand, are greedy for life and afraid of death.

In the distance, the battle between Solon and Hawkeye intensified, and each time it collided more fiercely, making the momentum of both sides continue to climb.

“Solon! Take him!”

“Lao Tzu used this life to bet that you would become the world’s number one sword hao!

Lorne slowly stood up and shouted in Solon’s direction.

This is absolute trust.

Whether anyone can take his life is one thing, and whether he dares to take it out and gamble is another.

Bet with your life!

When Solon heard Lorne’s words, his heart seemed to have taken a reassuring pill, and the smile at the corner of his mouth slowly spread, like the revival of the devil in his body, and the momentum of the whole person became more and more enchanting.


“I won’t let you down!”

Solon laughed in response.

He had the scene in his mind when Lorne found him.

Lorne, Ace, and Solon were the first partners to meet in the dojo.

At that time, no one knew that they would reach this point, let alone that they would grow so fast.

The slogan of that day still echoes in my ears:

“I await the day when you will become One Piece and the world’s number one swordsman respectively!

This was Lorne’s declaration at the time, and Solon still remembers it vividly.

Later, for a while, after Solon saw the strength of the monsters on the sea, although he did not shake his goal, he still generated great pressure… It’s just that he didn’t expect that the pressure would soon be broken by strength, and now, he is competing with Hawkeye for the name of the world’s number one swordsman!

“Hahahaha… Lao Tzu said at the beginning, you are the world’s number one swordsman!” (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!)

“Roronoa Solon!”


Lorne shouted with a wave of his arms, not caring about the image at this time.

Solon, to become the world’s number one swordsman.

Something that many people have been looking forward to from the beginning.

How many years of youth can you witness this day?

Everyone’s eyes involuntarily focused on the battle between Solon and Hawkeye because of Lorne’s shout.

“What are you kidding, Mihawk that guy is going to lose to that imp?”

Steel Bone snorted coldly, not believing it at all.

The name of Hawkeye World’s No. 1 Swordsman was not picked up on the avenue.

“Challenge Hawkeye… If you want to defeat Hawkeye, I’m afraid it’s impossible. The green pheasant said coldly, his cheeks full of frost.

“Oh, then you are wrong, Solon, who will definitely defeat Hawkeye. Ace smiled, his words full of strong confidence.

Solon was so powerful that even Ace was convinced.

Because Ace has witnessed Sauron’s cultivation path since he knew Solon, he is cultivating all the time, except for cultivation, resting and sleeping… It seems that Solon has no other hobbies other than a penchant for a drink.

The strength of perseverance is impressive.

“yes, that’s really we’ll see!”

The green pheasant’s hands surged with cold ice and suddenly burst out.

Ace raised his arms to resist, and both sides invisibly slowed down their offensive as they were both watching the outcome of the battle between Solon and Hawkeye.

Who can win?

Everyone is looking forward to it.

“Hawkeye, from the day I went to sea, you are the target I want to surpass. So, bring out all your strength, I will defeat… But you are the strongest!”

Solon burned with a strong purple aura, and the ground under his feet collapsed overwhelmedly, and a powerful aura suddenly erupted.

He is going to perform the ultimate kill.

Hawkeye’s gaze condensed slightly, the black knife night knife body flashed with a more brilliant green light, the sharp edge seemed to even cut through the surrounding air, his eagle-like eyes stared at Solon, and said lightly: “Roronoa, I remember your name.” ”

“Among the challengers, you are a strong opponent, but that’s the end of it. ”

“I am at the peak of swordsmanship, suppressing all swordsmen in the name of Jianhao!”

Hawkeye’s face was tense, and his expression was gloomy and terrifying.

Lorne’s words, and Solon’s gesture, completely angered Hawkeye, and the black knife in his hand trembled and stirred in the night, as if he felt the anger of his master, and wanted to turn the world upside down.

The yellow eagle-like eyes flashed with a terrifying light, like a sharp sword qi, which made the stones on the ground under his feet tremble slightly, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.

“Oh, are you starting to get angry? Then show your true strength! Solon’s smile looked a little hideous,

Hawkeye’s face did not fluctuate, but his breath became more and more terrifying and terrifying, and his voice did not carry any emotion, and said indifferently:

“You, success infuriated me. ”

“Let’s fight for life and death!”

Hawkeye slowly raised the black knife night, pointing directly at the sky, and the sharp aura rose up into the sky, like a sword blade disturbing the black-pressed clouds in the sky, revealing the light above.

The slashes condensed by Hawkeye gradually formed.

The turquoise light forms a light-like meniscus-shaped slash, and if you look at it from the front, it seems to be a turquoise silk thread perpendicular to the air, a very thin one, the gaze, the sharpness is straight to the eye, making the work.

The steel bones, green pheasants and others in the distance all felt a little dazzling.

Solon’s body was full of ghostly energy, and his momentum became more and more violent, and in the purple breath, Solon transformed into an Asura form with three heads and six arms, and the demon god who was alive descended into the world.

The nine knives flashed with edge, and the momentum suddenly erupted with Solon’s whisper,

“Ghost Qi Nine Sword Flow-”


“Draw your sword-”

“The dead whisper, death is like a song!”

“The drama of death withers!”

The sword qi around Solon is rushing, the momentum is more and more terrifying, the cutting blade sword qi is not weaker than the momentum of Hawkeye, and even Solon has a kind of Asura ghost qi, which can shock everyone more.

At this scene, the guys around who were not optimistic about Solon were silent.

The two-for-tat fronts formed a chaotic field, and the ground began to appear one after another marks of cutting, and even the turbulent sea water had a bit of broken light and shadow.

“Sword Art Mysterious Ultimate Sword Slash!”

Hawkeye’s voice was low, holding the knife in both hands, his figure quickly rushed out, and at the same time his arms waved, and the black knife night and the slash that could split the line of heaven and earth suddenly fell.

Solon’s devilish figure rushed out in an instant.

It was as if there were only two colliding sword rays and slashes left between heaven and earth, and nothing else.

The two most powerful swordsmen in the world burst out the strongest blow.

Slash, bang.

When —


The endless storm spread out in an instant, rushing countless sharp sword qi, cutting everything around, and the dazzling white light made it impossible to see the situation in the center of the battlefield.

It’s just that the collision of edges at the center of the storm is getting stronger and stronger.

Finally, at a critical point, the balance boundary was broken, and all the turbulent sword qi began to flow around.

This proves that the winner and loser have been divided in the field.

The black-pressed clouds in the sky have long been swept away by the sword qi, revealing a clear blue sky, and the high sun has given this island a long-lost light.

The battlefield where everyone was located, the earth under their feet was even more tattered, forming a ruin, and there was no longer a single intact building around.

The strong impact just now made everyone see the strength of Solon.

Even if he can force Hawkeye to this step, it is enough to prove that Solon is strong, and Steel Bone, Sengoku, and Green Pheasant all recognize Solon’s strength, but they still subconsciously think that Solon will not defeat Hawkeye.

The storm in the field slowly dispersed.

Two figures were revealed.

It is still the scene after the classic swordsman duel, with both sides facing away from each other.

“Roronoa… I remember your name. ”

Hawkeye said calmly, his voice containing an emotion of approval.

At the same time, the dark clouds scattered in the sky just shone through a bright light and hit Hawkeye’s body.

It’s like in the ring, the lights shine on the winner.

Ace’s face sank, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart: “Did Solon lose?”

Sanji and Klockdar both looked worried.

Only Lorne, with a smile at the corner of his mouth of more than 14.5 degrees, smiled presumptuously, and his heart was extremely happy.

Solon, how could it be!

“Yes, it seems that you will not forget it for a long time. Not only you, but more people will know my name… I’ll make my name…”

“Resounding through heaven!!”

With Solon’s vows, Hawkeye’s body slowly fell.


Hawkeye fell to the ground.

The howling wind seemed to stand still at this moment.

Grimm Gusheng and Kaido looked at the fallen figure of Hawkeye in shock, and their eyes were almost glaring.

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