Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 17 Sachi’S Choice, The True Value Of The Replica Fruit


After listening to Teach's words, everyone present swallowed their saliva.

Just as Ron thought, this thought also appeared in everyone's minds at this moment.

If you choose to remake Whitebeard's Shock Fruit, wouldn't that be...

"What are you waiting for!"

"Sachi, just eat this replica fruit!"

Almost instantly, Marco and others on the side spoke one after another.

After all if that's the case.

Even if it can only exert 50% of its power, it still surpasses most Devil Fruit.

Especially after reaching the awakening stage, this replica fruit can also activate 70% of the power of Shock Fruit. By then...


Opening his mouth, Sa Qi was also a little excited at this moment.

After all, as Whitebeard's sons, they know all too well that Shock Fruit's powerful Yamato is terrifying.

"Wait a minute~"

However, before Thatch could speak, Ron suddenly interrupted: "Teach, my copy fruit has limitations and disadvantages. The copy fruit is obviously the inferior fruit of the copy fruit. Doesn't he have other special restrictions?" And conditions?”

As soon as these words came out, Sachi, who was about to take the replica fruit, made a move.

Marco and others around him also looked at Teach curiously, including Whitebeard.


Facing the gaze, Teach hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Yes, yes."

"If this re-engraving fruit wants to re-engrave the other party's ability, it must be completed when the ability user is willing to cooperate, or even put in a few drops of hard work."


Hearing this, the whole place was in an uproar.

Although the re-engraving fruit is very strong, the potential is also extremely huge.

But hard work.

This thing is the blood of the heart, the blood of the heart.

If Whitebeard was young, losing a few drops of hard work would be nothing.

But now Whitebeard is old, and it can even be said that he is at the end of his strength.

Under such circumstances, if he had to give a few drops of his hard work, even if Saatchi succeeded in recreating Shock Fruit, Whitebeard would be seriously injured. By then...

"Teach, you should have said such an important thing earlier."

Almost instantly, Saatchi spoke: "This replica fruit is very special and magical, but I won't eat it."

"I choose this ancient species."

Saying that, Sage reached out without hesitation and picked up the fruit in the form of Zoan, Snake Fruit, Ancient Species, and Thunder Python on the ground. He didn't even give the others time or chance to react, and took a bite without hesitation. Go down.

This scene was visible to everyone.

But no one stopped him.

After all, Teach's words just now made it very clear that the situation of replicating the fruit is too special.

If it's like Ron, the other party can copy it with cooperation.

However, the prerequisite for re-enactment is to capture the heart and blood of the person being re-enacted as a medium. This is definitely something that everyone cannot accept.

In addition to Shock Fruit, there are many powerful Devil Fruits in the world, but only about 50% of the power is not as powerful as eating the Zoan Ancient Seed.

"Good guy!"

"Fortunately, I was more cautious."

Especially Ron, who couldn't help but feel relieved at this moment.

If he hadn't asked more questions, I'm afraid that Sachi would have chosen to carve the fruit again, and I'm afraid there would really be no choice.

Either Thatch gives up this ability, or Whitebeard's vitality is severely damaged, whichever is not good for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Fortunately, all of this was stopped, and there was no further spread of the situation. It can be said that everyone is happy.

Thinking of this, Ron glanced at Teach, and then said, "Dad, the situation of this replica fruit is special. I think it should be kept instead of rewarded."

"After we find people with special abilities such as the Castle Fruit, Lion Fruit, Gate Fruit, Mirror Fruit, etc., we will let the outstanding people on our ship eat them and re-create them at the same time."

"Since the reproduced ability cannot be used to its maximum extent, it is better to make it functional. It will also be of great benefit to our Whitebeard Pirates in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Marco and others' eyes lit up.

After looking at each other, they all said, "That's a good thing Ron!"

"Since it can't use its full power, it's definitely good to use it as a functional existence."

"For example, the Big Mom Pirates' Mirror Fruit, it is said that as long as you connect to the mirror, you can go to the other end of the area as soon as possible."

"If we, the Whitebeard Pirates, get this power, we can build a mirror channel within our territory and rush to various islands and regions as soon as possible."

"There is also the Gate Fruit. Although I don't know where it is, it is said that the Gate Fruit can build a passage to nothingness. It is more powerful than the Mirror Fruit. It is also a great guarantee for the safety of our Whitebeard Pirates. "


For a moment, all the squad captains started talking.

Each one of them told about the existence of those special Devil Fruits that they knew about.

It may not be powerful, but its functionality is really great.

The most important thing is that these Devil Fruit abilities are outside the Whitebeard Pirates. When the time comes to capture them, you only need to capture them.

When they thought of this, Marco and others were all excited.

After all, the abilities of those fruits can greatly improve the overall strength of the white group.

As long as the destructive power and strength are not excessive, the value of this replica fruit is extremely huge.


At this moment, Teach's expression also darkened, and he couldn't help cursing secretly in his heart.

For nothing else.

Because when he saw this fruit, his heart was already moved.

Not that he planned to eat it himself, but because the value of this fruit was huge.

As Ron said.

This kind of functional Devil Fruit can be chosen independently, and its value is huge to any pirate group.

He even had the intention of getting it later, and he knew very well that given his situation, there was a high possibility of getting it if he asked.

But it's different now.

Ron directly pointed out the best function of the replica fruit.

Immediately let everyone in the Whitebeard Pirates know its true value, and it would be impossible to give it to him even if it was really used.

Even if it is given to him, he cannot really eat this replica fruit.

He is a man who wants to be the king of the world, how can he waste his talent and choose such a fruit?


The Lord sat down, and Whitebeard was also a little excited at this moment.

What he thought was a useless fruit now seems to be more valuable than he imagined, and even has a huge effect.

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