Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 3 Physical Improvement, Meeting Whitebeard For The First Time

not good!

Teach is plotting against me.

His pupils shrank, and Ron became nervous instantly.

He ate the copying fruit first, knowing that he was already being targeted by Teach.

After all, in the original novel, this guy once spied on Munch-Munch Fruit.

This Munch-Munch Fruit is similar to a copying fruit. Although it cannot achieve the ultimate copying like a complex fruit, the Munch-Munch Fruit can also swallow all abilities and turn them into its own power.

If this is targeted by Teach.

Once he kills Thatch and takes the Dark Fruit in the future, he is afraid that his next target will be himself.

However, under the circumstances at this moment, Ron also knew that he could not act too abruptly.

Even if he has the copying fruit, it is of no value to Teach at this moment. Once he does it, he will definitely die.

The most important thing is that in the original book, Teach has the ability to accurately capture fruits. Although there is no Dark Fruit yet, God knows if he can still use it against himself.

When he thought of this, Ron immediately said: "That's really not the case!"

"With Captain Marco's ability, my vitality will be extremely strong, and normal injuries can be repaired quickly. Combined with dad's ability, my attack power is enough. As for the rest, I don't know, either. don't know!"

"Brother Teach, since you have read the Devil Fruit illustrated book, do you have any recommendations for powerful fruit abilities?"

After saying that, Ron looked directly at Teach, his eyes full of thirst for knowledge and curiosity.

Teach had a panoramic view of this scene.

The corner of his mouth raised slightly, Teach patted Ron on the shoulder, and then said, "This third Devil Fruit is still too far away for you."

"But since you have Zoan and Paramecia's goals, your third Devil Fruit should be Logia."

"Marine's three Admirals are all Logia capable users. If they are strong enough, then there is really hope and possibility of replicating them."

"Okay, you can develop your ability to copy the fruit. I'll leave first."

"When you can carry the ability of the third Devil Fruit, come to me to discuss it."

After saying that, Teach did not linger, turned around and left with a smile. Everything seemed so harmonious, just like the gentleness of the big brother next door.


Looking at Teach's leaving figure, Ron murmured in his mouth, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart: "Are you looking for me then? I'm afraid you have left the Whitebeard Pirates long ago."

"Now that I'm looking for you, should I hunt you down or follow you and betray the Whitebeard Pirates?"

"Dark Fruit, I hope to show up later!"

"Otherwise, if I don't have enough strength, I'm afraid I won't be able to protect Sachi."

Thinking of this, Ron didn't hesitate, he closed his eyes and began to feel the unique ability of the copy fruit in his body, as well as the changes in himself at this moment.

About five minutes later, Ron opened his eyes and said excitedly: "Recovered."

"My physique has recovered."

"Although it is only at the level of ordinary people, it will not be as fragile as before."

"Now I can completely strengthen myself through daily training. If I gain the ability of the Phoenix Fruit, my strong recovery power will allow me to break my limits and continuously strengthen my body."

In an instant, Ron stood up excitedly.

I threw away the fishing rod, ran to the deck and started running, doing push-ups, squats, long jumps and other exercises.

Three hours later, Ron lay on the deck exhausted.

He was panting constantly, and his body was extremely tired, but he no longer had the feeling of being broken or exploding like before.


For a moment, Ron couldn't hold back his laughter any longer.

He can finally practice, and with the ability to copy the fruit, he will have a place in the world of One Piece in the future, and even reach the top of the world.

In the blink of an eye, three days passed.

During these three days, Ron trained crazily every day to continuously strengthen his body.

Coupled with the blessing of the power of Devil Fruit, his strength directly improved to the Ensign stage.

According to the strength of the Marine: Corporal, Sergeant, Staff Sergeant, Ensign, Lieutenant Junior Grade, Captain, Major, Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel, Commodore, Rear Admiral, Vice Admiral, Elite Vice Admiral (General Star), Quasi Admiral (Royal Vice Admiral) ), Admiral (Four Emperors)!

Each stage is divided into early stage, middle stage and late stage!

"Early Ensign!"

"Although he is still weak, he has some ability to protect himself."

After completing training again, Ron went to the restaurant to eat and replenish his strength, but he was extremely satisfied inside.

You know, three days ago he couldn't even do anything to people of his own age, but in just three days he has already reached the early stage of Ensign.

Although it is largely due to the enhanced effect of Devil Fruit, there is no doubt that he still has some talent when his physical problems are solved.



At this time, a cry came.

Following the sound, Sachi could be seen coming in a hurry.

Soon, he arrived at Ron's side and said hurriedly: "You guys are still eating."

‘Get ready, we are about to arrive at Dad’s island. ’

"I have already contacted Marco. He is waiting for you on the Moby-Dick."

"Besides, the other captains are also here, and everyone wants to see how good your ability is at copying the fruit."


His eyes lit up, and Ron's breathing quickened.

The ability of the Phoenix Fruit is extremely important to him.

In the past few days, he only exercised for three or four hours a day but did not dare to continue.

Due to continuous exercise, the body will gradually become exhausted and even approach saturation.

Once you exercise excessively, it will inevitably accumulate in the body and become hidden injuries and diseases.

But once you master the ability of the Phoenix Fruit and combine it with the power of the healing fire, you can eliminate such hidden injuries and extend your daily exercise time.

"I understand, Captain Thatch."

After swallowing a piece of meat, Ron stood up quickly and said, "Let's go, I can't wait any longer."

With that said, he pulled Sachi and hurried towards the outside world.

"You kid, you know how to be anxious now."

"Haha, you are worthy of being a member of my fourth team. Let's go and shock those Marco guys."

"When you grow up, my fourth team will be the strongest."


Not long after, the ships of Division 4 docked at an island.

Immediately afterwards, Thatch took Ron, Teach and others and hurried towards the Moby-Dick.

Without any obstacles, Ron and his team arrived on the Moby-Dick very quickly.

The first time Ron saw the strongest man in the world: Whitebeard.

Where he was sitting, although he exuded the aura of an overlord, only the bits and pieces hanging beside him announced that the world's strongest man was old and old.

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