
"finally found you!"

At the other end, Sher Zi also arrived at Saqi's location.

Looking at the figures who were fighting there, a strong murderous intention and hatred suddenly emerged in Xie Zi's eyes.

"Get out of my way!"

With a low roar, Xie Zi took action boldly.

The ground began to collapse, turning into mud at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then attacked the area where Saqi was from all directions.

"This is~"

"Mud fruit!"

When the future struck, Saatchi immediately sensed the danger.

After taking a look at the mud rushing from all directions, his eyes immediately locked on Xie Zi not far away.

Immediately afterwards, Sachi suddenly jumped up.

Sea Moonwalk activates.

His figure directly avoided the mud coming from all directions, and arrived at the area where Xie Zi was in a few steps.

"Xie Zi, come and die!"

Without any hesitation, Saqi's whole body arced with electricity, and he fell from the sky directly towards Sherzi.

"How can it be!"

"Marine's Moonwalk!"

Seeing this situation, Xie Zi's face changed drastically.

He never expected that things would turn out like this.


That's Marine's secret, and it's logically impossible for outsiders to get it.

But what is going on?

Why would Satchi, the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Moonwalk?

The most important thing is, this guy Sachi obviously didn't eat Devil Fruit, so why has he turned into Demon Fruit power now?

"not good!"

Astonished, Xie Zi did not evade immediately.

In an instant, his expression changed drastically.

Facing this blow from Sachi, he couldn't even dodge.


Gritting his teeth, Circlerzi did not activate elementalization.

After all, the Armament Haki in Sachi's hand exists, and his elementalization has no meaning. On the contrary, he will be directly hit hard.

With a thought, Armament Haki covered his hands, and he quickly raised his hands in a blocking gesture.


With a low growl, Sachi's fist hit Sherzi's arm.


In an instant, Xie Zi's figure was knocked away, his face looked painful, and countless sludge began to appear on his body and sprayed in all directions.

When his figure stabilized, a long mud trail and a faint blood stain had been drawn on the ground.

"Xie Zi, your Haki is still so weak."

After the blow, Sachi looked at Sherzi and said lightly.

"Thatch, you bastard!"

Hearing this, Sher Zi opened his mouth and looked at Sa Qi with eyes full of anger, hatred and murderous intent.

However, he is also very aware that his Armament Haki is indeed weaker, at least when facing Sachi, it is much worse.

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Sherzi said: "When did you eat Devil Fruit? Why did you get Marine Six Styles!"

Speaking of this, he seemed to have thought of something and looked around.

It can be seen that many members of the Whitebeard Pirates are also using Marine Six Styles-like methods at this moment.

Looks similar, but seems to be stronger than Marine Six Styles.

"You don't need to know this."

Glancing at Sherzi indifferently, Thatch raised his hand, and the electric arc jumped all over his body: "Xierzi, since you have taken action against me, the Whitebeard Pirates, the friendship between you and me in the past has come to an end. That’s it.”

"Next, I will try my best to annihilate you."

After saying that, he moved.

As soon as his right foot stepped on the ground, the arc suddenly accelerated.

At this moment, Sachi's speed increased significantly, but he appeared in the area in front of Sher Zi in the blink of an eye.


A cold voice resounded, and Sachi's punch went straight to Sher Zi's head.

"So fast!"

Seeing this situation, he shrank.

He could feel that Sachi did not use any special means or techniques at this moment, it was just the power of the Devil Fruit that caused his speed to soar.

Not caring about anything else, he quickly raised his hands to block again.

The next second, Xie Zi was knocked out again.

At this moment, not only did his whole body begin to become muddy and collapse, but he was also constantly vomiting blood in his mouth.

"Sure enough, after the lightning stimulation, the speed, body and strength are stronger!"

"I didn't expect Ron to be so good at developing the power of lightning."

Seeing this situation, Sa Qi raised the corners of his mouth.

This is a development technique that Ron accidentally told him in the past.

As Zoan in the thunderous form, in addition to the strength of the orc and beast transformation, the power of thunder and lightning cannot be underestimated.

Even though thunder and lightning is not very powerful, it can still exert considerable power as long as it is used properly.

Just like Sachi at this moment.

At first, Ron only told him the idea of ​​using lightning to stimulate acupuncture points and the Lightning Style armor.

During this period of practice, Sachi also perfected it. Although it was only in the rough stage, it also greatly improved his own strength.


"This is absolutely impossible!"

Sherzi was crazy and found it difficult to accept such a situation.

He couldn't understand why Sachi's strength suddenly improved so much that he couldn't even hold on!

However, before he could continue to say anything, Sachi's figure had already moved again, heading straight towards him to attack.

"not good!"

As soon as his pupils shrank, Xie Zi subconsciously wanted to dodge.

"Xie Zi, let me help you!"

At this moment, a low roar sounded.

The next second, a figure appeared in the area in front of Xie Zi.

It can be seen that his whole body was covered with Armament Haki, and he did not make any defensive gestures, and stood directly in front of Thatchi.

After punching this person, Sachi frowned and said, "It's you!"

"Iron Body Noji!"

Astonishingly, the person who appeared in front of Sa Qi this time was Ye Er.

As an esper of the Paramecia·Iron Body fruit, his physical defense is extremely powerful, second only to Ziz of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Coupled with the powerful Armament Haki, his defense has reached a terrifying level.

Even an attack stimulated by Sachi's lightning would not pose a threat to it.

"Go to hell, mud bomb!"

However, before Sa Qi could continue to speak, a vicious voice came from behind Ye Er.

The next second, a ball of silt surrounding Armament Haki could be seen attacking Saki.

In addition, the ground in the area under Saqi also began to collapse rapidly and turned into mud, threatening to swallow him up.

"not good!"

In an instant, Sachi's expression changed drastically.

Thunder and lightning danced all over his body, forcing him to break away from the mud cover. Armament Haki covered himself and quickly made a blocking gesture.

At this moment, countless mud bombs attacked him, and Sachi was completely knocked away.

"I'll trap this guy, Sherzi, and you'll attack from the side."

With murderous intent flashing in his eyes, Ye Er accelerated sharply and pursued Sachi.

He knew very well that if Isaac's situation could not be entangled, the consequences would be disastrous.

Therefore, the best choice is to entangle it and not give it a chance to dodge. Only in this way can the power of the mud fruit be truly effective.


Asking for flowers...

After agreeing, Sher Zi did not hesitate. With a wave of his hand, the power of the mud fruit was activated. Countless mud poured out from the ground and rushed towards the area where Saqi was once again.

"fire punch!"

However, before they could get close, a low roar came from a nearby area.

The next second, scorching flames surged out, and a huge fire fist gathered together, sweeping towards the field at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Under the terrifying flames, the silt solidified directly in place. Wherever the huge fire fist passed, the solidified silt was directly destroyed.

Moreover, the huge fire fist was aimed directly at Ye Er and Xie Zi.

"not good!"

His expression changed drastically. Although Ye Er was an Iron Body fruit user, his expression still changed slightly when faced with such an attack from Logia.

"Wall of silt!"

At the critical moment, Xie Zi took action.

As soon as he slapped the ground with his hands, a huge wall of mud emerged and blocked the area in front of the two of them.

The next second, the fire fist collided with the mud wall.



The explosion sounded loudly, and the mud wall collapsed rapidly, including Ye Er and Xie Zi, and their figures were covered in flames.



Seeing this scene, Sachi breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he looked to the side and said, "You're here."

"Brother Sachi!"

With the corner of his mouth raised, Ace stepped to the area next to Sage.

After glancing at the place where the flames were raging not far away, he said, "Leave Xie Zi to me."

"It's all Logia, his mud fruit was restrained by me."


Nodding, Saatchi did not refuse.

Although his strength has been improved, it is still very difficult in a one-on-two situation.

Ye Er's defense combined with Xie Zi's Logia ability made him feel tricky and difficult to deal with.

Now with Ace's help, this matter will be much easier.

When fighting alone, he didn't take it seriously.

"Fire Fist Ace!"

"Damn you brat!"

At this time, angry voices came.

Following the sound, the figures of Ye Er and Xie Zi could be seen emerging from the flames.

It's just that they are in an extremely miserable state at this moment. All their clothes have been burned to pieces, and all the hair on their bodies has been burned away. The two bald heads are completely black, and their eyes are red, which expresses them. The inner anger and murderous intent.


Seeing this, Ace smiled, with a playful look on his face: "Two braised eggs!"

"Is this all a big pirate?"

"The bounty is more than 500 million Baileys. I want to see what qualifications you have."

"Brother Saqi, let's go down together!"

After saying that, Ace raised his hand and punched the fire again before attacking.

However, unlike the previous large-scale fire fist, the area of ​​this fire fist is much smaller, but it is more powerful when it is solidified, and the target is also directed at Xie Zi.

"Ha ha!"

"Brother Ace, let's see who can kill each other first!"

With a laugh, Sa Qi was in a good mood at the moment. Thunder and lightning stimulated his acupuncture points, and he quickly attacked the area where Ye Er was.

But in the blink of an eye, his figure arrived at Ye Er, punched him and said in a cold voice: "Ye Er, today is the day you die."

"So many people from my Fourth Division were killed back then. I will kill you today to avenge them!"


With a cold smile, Ye Er was not afraid at all: "Sa Qi, you couldn't do anything to me back then, and the same is true now."

"Let me see what you have learned under Whitebeard over the years!".

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