Navigation: The New King Of The Whitebeard Group, Copying The Phoenix At The Beginning

Chapter 69 Successful Duplication, Tenfold Increase, Mid-Term Commodore

At this moment, Yi Zang's eyes were full of envy.

I thought this guy was eating junk Devil Fruit, but I didn't expect him to be so powerful.

According to Teach, all attributes are increased a hundred times, which is completely more powerful than the Momo Fruit.

You know, Momo Fruit is the top Paramecia Devil Fruit, and even the name of World Destroyer is almost based on Momo Fruit.

The value of this Amplification Fruit is even higher than that of the Momo Fruit. Even if it is not as good as the Shock Fruit, it is almost the same, surpassing most Logia ability users.

At least in his opinion, without elementalization, Logia cannot compare to it when copied.

When he thought of this, Yizang's inner eagerness also dissipated, and he said: "That's good!"

"That's good!"

"As long as it doesn't destroy Ron's potential, then nothing is a problem!"

"And Ron can continue to copy it, and finally he can copy dad's Shock Fruit."

Hearing this, Teach also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I have convinced Yi Zang, otherwise, I am afraid that the latter will intervene and disrupt his plan.

Thinking of this, Teach immediately said: "Yes, that's why Ron chose him!"

"After all, once this amplification fruit is developed to a certain extent, it can quickly increase Ron's strength."

473's dozens of times improvement in all attributes can directly allow Ron to reach the level of a Vice Admiral or even an elite Vice Admiral in a short period of time!

"In this way, all he needs to do is focus on Taijutsu, Haki's training, and he will easily reach the level of an Admiral. Then he can copy his father's Shock Fruit and become a quasi-Admiral in one leap. Even the combat effectiveness of the emperor's deputy level."

"Although it may be more difficult to reach the Four Emperors level like Dad in the future, it also greatly reduces the time and difficulty of Ron's rise. It is the best choice for him who has already exposed his identity!"

As soon as these words came out, they immediately aroused Yizang's approval.

If Ron hadn't become the Whitebeard heir before, he would have had enough time to develop.

But now Ron is known to the whole world as the heir of Whitebeard, and the danger facing him in the future is extremely huge.

Therefore, at this moment, Ron really needs to become stronger as soon as possible, and even let his strength reach the point where he can truly protect himself.

When he thought of this, Yi Zang didn't say anything, but looked at Ron with piercing eyes and murmured: "I don't know if this guy's Devil Fruit can explode."

"I remember that the Devil Fruit will randomly regenerate after the death of a person with abilities. I wonder if there is any hope that I can get it."

As he spoke, Yi Zang took out some apples, bananas, and oranges from his arms and placed them on the ground without hesitation.

Although the possibility of getting it this way was very low, he still wanted to give it a try.

After all, through the conversation just now, he already knew the power and terror of this amplification fruit.


Seeing this, Teach's mouth twitched.

He never expected that Yizang would use similar methods.

He also wanted to try to see if he could cut off the Hu-enhancing fruits, but he didn't expect that this guy Yi Zang actually had so many fruits in his arms.

For a moment, Teach felt depressed.

If he had known this, he would never waste time here. Instead, he would take Ron and the wolf to find a place without people.

But now?

After knowing the situation, he actually said that he would directly stop it.

The most important thing is that without the existence of Dark Fruit, he cannot seize it 100%. Although there are so many fruits, to be honest, it still depends on personal chance and probability.

After all, Yizang didn't eat the Devil Fruit. If he was really reborn here, Teach didn't think he would be able to get it.


At this moment, Ron's tightly closed eyes opened.

At this moment, the aura around Ron began to rage.

In an instant, Ron could clearly feel that all of his attributes had been increased tenfold at once. He was originally not as good as a cada general, but at this moment, he had completely stabilized his state and reached the level of a cada. Around the mid-term stage of Commodore.

"Okay, okay~"

For a moment, Ron was overjoyed.

The tenfold increase in all attributes directly stabilized his strength at the general level in a true sense.

In addition, he has already awakened Conqueror's Haki, and with his current abilities, he can fight even at the Rear Admiral level or even the Vice Admiral level.

Thinking of this, Ron immediately opened the copy panel to view.



[Strength: Commodore (mid-term)]

【Devil Fruit: Paramecia·Copy Fruit】

[With the ability to copy: Zoan·Bird Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Phoenix Form (41%), Paramecia·Amplification Fruit (18%)]

[Number of copies: 0]

"very good!"

"It actually reached 18% all of a sudden."

"As long as I develop a little bit, it can reach 20%. At that time, I will be able to increase the increase in all attributes by 10 times on the current basis.

For a moment, the smile on Ron's face grew stronger.

After all, this amplification fruit is worthy of being a top-level Paramecia fruit. With its existence, it will greatly improve oneself at this moment.

It's a pity that the hungry wolf before was so unlucky.

Although I don't know how far his development has reached, there is no doubt that the latter has insufficient use and understanding of the amplification fruit, otherwise he would not be so weak.

The most important thing is, after reading the information about the amplification fruit.

This amplification fruit can also be awakened.

And once the amplification fruit is awakened [it will increase all his attributes a hundred times in an instant!

This is a hundred-fold increase on the original basis. If he is in the emperor's deputy stage and completes his awakening by then, he will definitely be close to the Four Emperors.

"Ron, how's it going?"

"The power of the amplification fruit is not weak!"

Seeing this situation, Nantai and Yi Zang stepped forward.

Looking at the smiling Ron, their faces also showed expressions of expectation and inquiry.


After coming back to his senses, Ron explained: "Teach is a tenfold increase, and there is no difference from what Teach said. y

"And each time the ten-fold increase is based on the existing basis, in a sense it is not just a hundred times, but hundreds of times" or even a thousand-fold improvement.

"It's a pity that this is just a copying ability. If it is a real Devil Fruit, then if someone eats a star-level powerhouse and develops it to Ultimate, he might be able to become a Four Emperors-level powerhouse."


Upon hearing this, both Teach and Izo swallowed their saliva.

Especially Yizang, whose eyes are full of desire and yearning at this moment. .

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