Hearing this, Snow Leopard smiled coldly.

The frost on the blade in his hand became thicker and thicker, and the surrounding temperature also dropped rapidly. He said with a cold expression, "Fossa, give up."

"You are no longer my opponent now."

"You were no match for me back then. Even after joining Whitebeard's command for so many years, you still can't do anything to me.

Having said this, the snow leopard raised his hand and launched a sudden attack.

"Freezing Ray!"

In an instant, an icy blue beam of light struck directly towards Fosa's body.

This freezing light was extremely fast and fell on Fosa's body almost instantly.


After opening his mouth, Fosa's expression changed drastically.

Without any hesitation, the Armament Haki in his body began to flow out rapidly in an attempt to block the attack of the freezing light.

But the reality is also cruel.

The speed of the freezing ray "560" was even faster, completely freezing it in place almost instantly. Armament Haki even had no time to cover and distance himself.

"It's done!"

Seeing this scene, the corners of Snow Leopard's mouth rose.

After successfully freezing this guy, now is his chance.

Without any hesitation, he locked his eyes on the area where Fossa had not yet been covered by Armament Haki, and without hesitation raised the long knife in his hand to kill him.

"Lan Yan Fire Fist!"

At the critical moment, Ron's voice rang out.

The next second, dark blue flames fell from the sky and attacked the snow leopard at high speed.

"This is~"

The scorching temperature hit, and the snow leopard couldn't help but frown.

He could feel that the power of this force was not weak, and if it affected him, the consequences would be disastrous.

His freezing ability cannot truly fight against the improved Lan Yan, and he has to give up the opportunity and possibility of killing Fossa at this moment.

Quickly retreating, Snow Leopard looked at Tianchen.


In an instant, Snow Leopard broke into a cold sweat.


That is the strength of a royal deputy.

And the Phoenix's flames ignored his freezing ray.

After all, what he ate was Paramecia, not Logia’s frozen fruit!

"Captain Fossa!"

At this time, a sound resounded.

The figures of Ron and Teach had already appeared beside Fossa.

Looking at the frozen figure, Ron directly let his own flame get closer.

In an instant, the frozen frost began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"No, you're not Marco."

At this moment, the snow leopard, who was about to escape, saw the person clearly.

After seeing that the owner of the phoenix flame was not Marco, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and said in disbelief: "Impossible!"

"How could you have the Phoenix Fruit?"

"Marco is still alive, how could you get exactly the same Wan?"

At this moment, he was a little stunned.

But most of them were angry and angry after coming back to their senses.

After all, since it's not Marco, it means that the latter doesn't need to be afraid or afraid.

Even just now, he could have killed the servant by force.

Even if he was hit by Lan Yan, he didn't think he would die. At most, he would only be slightly injured.

"damn it."

"Who are you?"

When he thought of this, the murderous intention in Snow Leopard's heart became more intense. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ron and said, "How dare you lie to me? I will kill you!"

"Freeze Ray!"

As he spoke, the snow leopard raised his hand, and a ball of freezing light struck directly towards the area where Ron and the three of them were.


Ron disagreed with this.

Although Snow Leopard's strength is not weak, in the final analysis it is only at the Vice Admiral level.

In addition, his own Devil Fruit power is controlled by himself, so he really doesn't have much fear or fear.

"Teach, I leave this to you."

Captain Phosa!"

Almost instantly, Ron made a decision.

Without any hesitation, he stepped forward, raised his hand and launched the attack.

"Lan Yan·Fire Dragon!"

hold head high---

The roar of the dragon resounded, and Lan Yan turned into a huge fire dragon and sprang out at this moment.

The next second, the fire dragon and the freezing light collided together.



White mist filled the air, and the freezing light began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Ron's figure shook, and Shunpo quietly appeared in the area where the snow leopard was.

"Draw your sword and chop!"

Without any hesitation, the famous sword at his waist was unsheathed and struck at the Snow Leopard almost instantly. 0

"not good!"

When a crisis strikes, Snow Leopard senses the danger immediately.

Without any hesitation, he quickly raised the knife in his hand to block, and at the same time, the Armament Haki on his body began to emerge rapidly.

Fire splattered and the two knives collided together.

The powerful force spread around Ron and Snow Leopard, directly blowing away the dense fog around them.

It's just that Ron doesn't look very good at this moment.

Although there is a surprise attack, you can even choose the bottom by yourself.

But Snow Leopard's strength cannot be underestimated, at least it is stronger than himself.

This also resulted in him having no benefit at all in the event of a surprise attack, and could not even pose any major threat to him.

"Even a mere Commodore dares to make mistakes."

At this time, Snow Leopard also noticed Ron's situation.

For a moment, a look of disdain suddenly appeared on his face, and he murmured: "You dare to attack me with your little strength, you are simply asking for your own death."

As he spoke, he suddenly waved the blade in his hand.

With a clang, Ron's figure was directly shaken back a dozen meters.

After his body stabilized, Ron looked a little weird.

For no other reason, although he was knocked back, the situation at this moment was not a big problem.

To put it bluntly, he didn't feel that there was any big gap between the two sides at this moment.

"what's the situation?"

This guy is a 5.7 Vice Admiral. Logically speaking, he shouldn't have only this power.

"Or is this guy spending too much energy in the battle with Fossa?"

Whispering inwardly, Ron put away his famous sword.

Although the famous sword is good, under the current situation, if everyone is armed and protected, the attack of the famous sword will be ineffective.

After all, he is not a swordsman, and he has not mastered the secret of cutting iron, so he cannot pose a threat to the guy with Armament Haki.

But without the famous sword, Ron still has his own physical skills and physical body. The most important thing is that his armed color can also cover his arms to attack.

"Armed Color·Open!"

Without any hesitation, Ron activated his weapon color directly.

In an instant, his hands were covered in armed colors, his eyes were locked on Snow Leopard, and he said with full fighting spirit: "Snow Leopard, come and fight!"

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