"Damn, it's so hot, Kuzan, give me some ice......"

Leonardo was sweating profusely following behind Aubrey, but it wasn't because he was tired. Old Curry often did this kind of weight training after discovering his amazing endurance. For him, it was just a little watering, but staring at the scorching sun was uncomfortable, and his whole body was soaked with sweat.

The men were fine, but a few girls like Ji Yuan, after their clothes were soaked with sweat, outlined their charming curves, making the extras' eyes shine. If there weren't so many people, they would have turned into werewolves.


Kuzan helplessly blew a stream of cold air at him, freezing him into an ice sculpture, and then continued running forward without looking back.


"call....I feel much better. Jiyuan, do you want some?"

After breaking free from the ice, he held a large ice cube in his hands while greedily enjoying the cold air. He ran up to Jiyuan, who was also sweating profusely but had a less attractive curve, and handed the ice cube to her.

According to the normal development time of a person, women should have a longer development time than men.���But now, at the age of 17, Jiyuan does not have the curves that appear in the anime. Is it possible that this girl's development time is abnormal?......?

"Humph! You can use it yourself.(′^`)o"

Ji Yuan was obviously still angry about what happened a few days ago. He snorted and ignored him.

"(⊙_⊙)?What's wrong with this woman? I don't think I've offended her. It's been several days........"

Leonardo ran to Kuzan with a question mark on his face and asked

".......Vice Admiral Garp said that women have those days every month when they get angry, and it doesn't mean you've offended her....."

Kuzan stroked his chin and said seriously

".....I can't believe Vice Admiral Garp understands women well? Yes, Admiral Sengoku is still single. Vice Admiral Garp's son is older than me......."

Leonardo was surprised for a moment, then nodded in understanding.

"....Ahem, don't say these things behind your back, be serious."

Leonardo and Kuzan's voices were not small. Aubrey, who was running in front, heard them talking about the two big guys and had to slow down to interrupt them. It would be bad if they talked about the sad things of his boss, Chief Instructor Zefa.

"By the way, Instructor Aubrey, you have been in the Navy for so many years, you should know something, right? Vice Admiral Garp and Admiral Sengoku, but from any perspective, Admiral Sengoku should be more attractive than Vice Admiral Garp. How come Vice Admiral Garp's son is so old, but Admiral Sengoku is still a single dog? This shouldn't be....."

Leonardo put his arm around Aubrey's shoulders and said,"They are good friends."

"Uh-huh...That's right!"

Everyone has a gossipy heart, and when there is gossip to listen to, no one feels tired.

Including several girls from Jiyuan, they all nodded in agreement with Leonardo's words, and their ears perked up.

Leonardo's words are correct.

Although Vice Admiral Garp is the top card of their navy, in terms of image, Admiral Sengoku, who is both wise and brave, has a higher status.

And for those who know Vice Admiral Garp, the first impression is that he picks his nose all day long, and then grabs donuts or senbei and puts them in his mouth without washing his hands.

Thinking about that picture makes me feel a little sour.

Such a man has a girlfriend, but Admiral Sengoku, who is so high-profile, is still a single dog.......

Is there any inside information here?

"this.....I'm telling you guys, don't spread it, I just heard it from others......."

Seeing the eager eyes of a group of students, Teacher Aubrey felt extremely satisfied. He looked around and found that there were no other instructors present. In the end, he couldn't bear to disappoint the students, so he said carefully.

"Don't worry, instructor! I promise I won't tell anyone even if you kill me!"

"That's because I always keep my mouth shut."

"Don't worry, instructor. I'm the most tight-lipped person. I haven't told my mom about my dad looking for a girl in Shampooland last year......."

As if they were about to hear some exciting gossip, the students all spoke in unison and promised to keep their mouths shut.


You are right.

We admire Vice Admiral Garp more.

If we talk about popularity, Admiral Sengoku is indeed more popular than Vice Admiral Garp.

But I heard that when Admiral Sengoku was young, he pursued Vice Admiral Tsuru.

However, Vice Admiral Tsuru never agreed to Admiral Sengoku's pursuit.

It seems that Vice Admiral Garp once saved Vice Admiral Tsuru's life, so Vice Admiral Tsuru has always had some good feelings for Vice Admiral Garp, but Vice Admiral Garp seems not to have noticed this and married a woman in his hometown early.......

And the Warring States general has been single until now because of Vice Admiral Tsuru.....


After hearing the students' assurances, Aubrey still looked around with concern, even using his Observation Haki, fearing that there were some bugs installed here. After finding that it was safe, he solemnly talked about the complicated story of the three people, Warring States, Garp and Vice Admiral Tsuru.

"Wow! This means that Vice Admiral Tsuru still has feelings for Vice Admiral Garp and therefore has not agreed to Admiral Sengoku's pursuit. And Admiral Sengoku only hanged himself under this tree, so he has been single for so many years?"

"This country is the first! The Warring States generals are really affectionate.......!"

"Alas! It is true that the king of Xiang has a dream, but the goddess is ruthless! The generals of the Warring States period are truly role models for our generation......Why are you looking at me like that?"

Leonardo didn't expect that there was such a big news behind the Warring States single dog. He sighed with emotion, and then felt the eyes of everyone and said strangely

"(⊙_⊙)..Where did you copy this passage from?" Everyone around him looked at him in surprise, and Kuzan asked curiously. It was hard to imagine that an illiterate man who had to bribe the instructor to pass a simple test could express such a literary sentiment.

���No, this guy gets confused when he sees a book.

"What do you mean? What does the exam have to do with cultural literacy? I have loved reading those extracurricular books since I was a child. Is it okay to publish them based on my feelings? But then again....Jiyuan, you are Vice Admiral Tsuru's sister, haven't you heard about this? When Vice Admiral Tsuru and Vice Admiral Garp or General Sengoku get together, do the three of them behave in any unusual way?......."

Seeing a group of distrustful eyes, Leonardo said unhappily that he didn't know when he established the character of being unlearned and unskillful. However, now was not the time to study these things. Instead, he looked at Ji Yuan who was in confusion and shock with more gossip.

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