As a result, this kid was actually stimulated by Kuzan's record and took the initiative to ask him to go to sea to improve his record.

This was indeed something he had not expected, and he was indeed not wrong.

This kid's talent was indeed very strong.

At the age of 18, he was already a top swordsman.

His fruit ability was well developed, and his two-color domineering had reached the level of proficiency.

He was a true elite vice admiral.

This talent was far better than Big Brother's several Garps and was catching up with Dragon.

With this kid's talent, no matter what era he was in, as long as he didn't die on the way, he would definitely become the pillar of their navy in the future.

Now it seems normal. Although this kid was deeply influenced by Big Brother, he was still a teenager after all. Teenagers, especially excellent teenagers, have some arrogance in their bones. It is normal for them to compete with each other. Didn't he and Garp compete all the way back then?

"But speaking of it, the New World seems to have calmed down a lot in the past year, especially Beasts and BIBMOM are too quiet, which is totally unlike the style of Kaido and Charlotte Linlin. Are they plotting something?" Vice

Admiral Duncan changed the subject and couldn't help but frowning when talking about the two major pirate groups, Beasts and BIGMOM.

The New World has been turbulent in recent years, and it is not uncommon for major pirates to attack each other. In recent years, due to the rise of pirate groups such as Beasts Pirates and BIGMOM Pirates, the situation in the New World is more chaotic than ever.

In the past year, although the major pirates in the New World are still fighting each other, a small one every two days and a big one every three days, it is not as violent as in the past years, especially the two craziest pirate groups, Beasts and BIGMOM, seem to have entered the sage mode in this year, making them look like the years are peaceful. Based on his understanding of the two, this is not their style at all. Peaceful years are the exclusive talent of Whitebeard....

"Da da da....."

".....The World Government and the headquarters have also discovered this situation. After the Roger Pirates left, they appeared in the territory of the Beasts and BIGMOM, and then ran to meet Whitebeard. They are also investigating the relationship between the three......"

After hearing what Vice Admiral Duncan said, Sengoku nodded and kept tapping his fingers on the table to think.

If Whitebeard was said to have a peaceful life, he would believe it. After all, Whitebeard had always been a sage in the New World in recent years. As long as others did not provoke him, he would rarely participate in the war in the New World. However, Kodo of the Beasts and the fat woman of BIGMOM were obviously not such people. They were both arrogant and were born to do great things. It was in line with their personality to unify the New World and become the Pirate King to do a great cause.

He got more information than Duncan.

After knowing that the Roger Pirates had appeared on the chassis of the Beasts and BIGMOM, the two pirate groups completely fell silent.

It would be a lie to say that they were influenced by Roger and changed from evil to good.

Both of them came from the Rocks Pirates.

The idea of unifying the world was deeply rooted in their minds.

If Roger could influence them, he would have found that they were influenced by Rayleigh more than ten years ago when Charlotte Linlin was still a beautiful woman with charm, and there was no need to wait until now.

After Roger went to the two's base, they immediately calmed down, and then ran to Whitebeard's base to contact Whitebeard, just like a diplomat. The most important thing is that when Roger left the Whitebeard Pirates, I don't know what kind of PY deal Roger made with Whitebeard, but the son of Whitebeard's second captain, Admiral Wano Kuni, who was not up to the task, and his family appeared on Roger's ship.

Roger's operation gave Sengoku reason to believe that Roger had done something on their base, or that Roger had changed his previous salted fish mode and was going to do something big?

But this seems unlikely. Although he doesn't know Roger as well as that bastard Garp, he knows more about human nature than Garp. Through Roger's career over the past few decades, he can be described in four words as"no big mole on the chest". This guy neither wants to unify the world nor wants to occupy the mountain as king. It's better to say that they are a tour group than a pirate group. Among the members of Roger's pirate group, from top to bottom, they all reveal the word freedom.

This is why the Navy has turned a blind eye to Roger's pirate group for so many years. Except for Garp, the Navy rarely pays attention to Roger's pirate group, because among the four super pirates, Roger is the least threatening to the justice maintained by the World Government and the Navy. Sometimes he even does some black-eating-black things and helps the Navy clean up some garbage on the sea.

Compared with Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Baroric Redfield, Roger is just a good guy.......

This kind of person who has been doing nothing for decades, after a long time, will really become nothing. How could he suddenly have the idea of doing something big?

Even if Roger wanted to do something big when he was young, did he have the brain?

Even if he had the brain, he didn't have that much money to support it.

In history, the pirate group that wanted to do something big needed a lot of money to support it. Didn't the Golden Lion have money to support so many younger brothers?

Whitebeard drew a line in the sand and was happy with those sons who were not his sons all day long. Didn't he also have to spend money?

Roger didn't have the ability!

But if Roger didn't plan to do something big, then what about Kaido and that fat woman? The Beasts and BIGMOM did indeed become quiet after Roger visited their bases, and Gekko Oden was the captain of Whitebeard's second team and Whitebeard's sworn brother. How could Whitebeard let Kozuki Oden get on Roger's ship?

If you say there is no unknown story in this, he would never believe it.

Unfortunately, the status of the undercover agents sent by the navy or the World Government is too low in these pirate groups, and they can't receive any useful information at all. At present, they only know that Roger's pirate group left the New World some time ago and no one knows where they went. Garp lost them again.....

"If you think what you said is true, will Roger's pirate group be plotting something big? You know, once this kind of people find a target, it is very scary. In the past, Golden Lion robbed the sky gold to feed those brothers......."

Hearing what Zhan Guo said, Vice Admiral Duncan couldn't help but feel worried. Super pirates like Whitebeard, Golden Lion, and Roger were the most difficult to deal with on the sea. Once they found a target, they would do anything to get what they wanted. Why had Golden Lion been the focus of their navy for so many years? Wasn't it because he was always shouting about unifying the world?

".....I hope we are just worrying too much."

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