Although he didn't understand the words"face","scene" and"decency", he understood the last sentence. The kid looked half dead just to give Sato face and didn't let Sato lose face in public. He had offended the instructor. Although it didn't affect his grades much, he would definitely be criticized in the academy for the next two years.

Thinking back to his past, Zefa was so regretful!

If he hadn't offended the instructor and the bad comments he received when he graduated, he might have been a lieutenant general now, and he wouldn't have been muddle-headed for so many years and still only a major general.

"Okay, stop it. If you keep fighting like this, it won't end until the evening. Next......"

Seeing the two preparing to fight for another 300 rounds, the instructor who was in charge of the test couldn't help it. After receiving the eye hint from Zefa, he stood up with a frown on his face to end this boring and protracted battle.

Although they couldn't see Leonardo's exaggerated acting skills, this test was indeed very boring. It might have been more exciting at the beginning. Every time they saw the kid half-dead and dodge Sato's attack, they thought that the kid would be eliminated next time. However, every time the kid was half-dead, he could always dodge Sato's attack. It would be visually tiring if you watched it for a long time........

"call...Huh! Instructor Cheng...Acknowledged....."

After being stopped, Leonardo panted and wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead, looking like he was half dead. He said to the Colonel Sato, who was"50-50" by him, with difficulty:

"Hahaha, this student is pretty good. You can fight with me until now at such a young age."

Maybe it was because he was embarrassed by being fucked a few times before, but Leonardo gritted his teeth and stood firm in front of him. This contrast made him appreciate the student in front of him even more.

"No matter where, no matter where, the instructor is showing mercy....."

Leonardo waved his hand and said modestly, then stepped back from the standing circle and handed the time to the next contestant.

If it dragged on any longer, he really couldn't act anymore. To be honest, acting is really tiring!


Zephyr and the adjutant behind him were all upset when they saw the two of them being so respectful to each other.

Especially the adjutant behind Zephyr, his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Leonardo's back, similar to the admiration for a strong man.

It was obviously the first time they met, but after just one fight, Sato almost wanted to become his sworn brother. This is too sharp.

This is how to behave!

In their navy, if you want to get promoted, you must be able to fight. As long as you can fight, you will get promoted one day, just like Vice Admiral Garp. Although he is not an admiral, there are more people on the sea who know Vice Admiral Garp than those who know Admiral Sengoku. He is obviously qualified and capable to be an admiral, but he repeatedly refused to be promoted to admiral, which is a violation of military orders, but he did not get into trouble. This is what strength brings.

But if one's strength is not that good and he really can't fight, then he should know how to behave and have a good reputation in the navy. This way he can also be promoted. Now they have several old vice admirals in the navy headquarters. As for their strength, they are all very old and are ready to retire. It's bragging to say that they can fight, but they can occupy the position of vice admiral and won't step down. Why is that?

Isn't it because of their good reputation? You should know that the number of vice admiral positions in their navy headquarters is also limited, just like the three admirals.

Even if there is one more strong man, it is impossible for the world government to create another admiral position.

So far, they have only one admiral in the navy, but the vice admirals below are already full.

Unless someone retires or dies, it will be difficult for the major generals below to be promoted even if their performance is good enough.


Zefa's assistant thought that a group of vice admirals are now old and will probably retire in two years. He made up his mind to visit Vice Admiral Curry in two days.........

Zephyr's assistant was frantically adding drama to himself, and after Leonardo left, Kuzan, the future admiral of the navy, appeared. After all, this little monster, whose fame had spread throughout Marinford by Garp, attracted everyone's attention as soon as he appeared.

And Kuzan was not afraid of Garp's big mouth, which spread his fame throughout Marinford. The natural type was really strong, especially when he met an opponent like Sato who didn't know how to use armed color domineering. At the beginning, he kept killing people with ice birds in an instant, and Sato had no power to resist.

Everyone present was stunned. The natural fruit was really so domineering.

"I heard you were in a gang before?"

Leonardo looked at him in surprise after Cuban came down.

Normally, people who used to be in a gang should be good at dealing with people, but you just knocked him out right away without giving him any face. Only those hot-blooded middle school boys would do this, right?

"....I have never been in the bottom of the society. I joined the society and followed the boss."

Kuzan sat next to Leonardo with one hand supporting his head. It was impossible not to know what he was thinking. At the beginning, he was indeed"invited" by Garp to join the navy with his fist. When he came to Marinford, he found that his fame was blown up by Garp. Isn't it that those who come out to mix want to be famous? There seems to be no difference between mixing in the navy and mixing in the four seas society. The only pity is that Garp doesn't have a daughter.........

"........So when did you eat the devil fruit? I see you've developed it quite well, you can even spray birds."

Leonardo nodded in astonishment. In a novice village like Sihai, let alone the nature type, even the most common animal type can become a boss in any mountain corner. A thug like Kuzan is a big boss of the underworld even in a big city, so it doesn't seem strange to start as a second-in-command.

In his previous life, when he watched anime, he thought that the devil fruits of the three admirals of the navy were given by the navy.

After all, only the navy and the world government can find such rare devil fruits as the nature type.

If it really depends on fate, it's harder than winning the first prize twice in a row.

You know, the sea There are very few devil fruits on earth.

He asked Old Curry to help find a powerful devil fruit for several years but to no avail.

The Navy Headquarters only had two caterpillar and frog fruits.

The Celestial Dragons might have them, but if you want to get devil fruits from them, you have to make them slaves and make them happy.

Otherwise, it is basically impossible.

The Celestial Dragons in this world are a group of people who have no shortage of money.

But now it seems that it is not the case. I don’t know how Red Dog and Yellow Monkey got the devil fruits, but this future blue bird did bring its own fruit to join the army........

(PS:Thanks to Dad for the monthly ticket! )

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