"Ahem, cough, cough~~~, cough, cough, cough~~~".

The cough was incessant.

"Awake?", in the intensive ward of the Navy Hospital in Marin Fando Town, the tired Warring States looked at the young man lying on the sick chuang, and was distressed: "Stinky little ghost, you have hurt me!".


"Do you know what you ate as a snack? The legendary Devil Fruit, 'Animal Breed, Dog Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nine-Tailed Fox Type'... Thanks to you, my mission was messed up, and I was surrounded and scolded by the Marshal of the Sky and the high-level government officials! Also, you were controlled by the Devil Fruit and went on a rampage, razing your home to the ground, which caused the whole headquarters to panic, and I was not lightly counted. ", Sengoku recounted helplessly.

The boy was stunned, bordering on sluggishness.

"Well, your appearance has also changed, I didn't expect it to have this ability, it may also be a side effect...", Sengoku had already prepared and took a large mirror.

The mirror reflected the appearance of a young man, covered by a quilt to Xiong's mouth, revealing a shocking thin collarbone and neck, pale and bloodless skin, and the hair that grew up to the ears looked gray, not healthy at all, and his facial features were not like a boy's, but those blood-colored eyes were slightly terrifying.



"Hey, Roxinandi, Rosinandi!", seeing the young man's pained wail without warning, Sengoku was in a hurry, and shouted: "Doctor, Doctor!!


The boy had a convulsion, rolled his eyes and fainted...

Darkness, boundless darkness.

"I'm... Tang Di... One...... Psychotic, crazy, hell, no! I'm just a little weird!".


"I'm Don Quixote Rosinandi... Falling to the earth... The nobility of the world, the people of the sky ..."

"That's not right!".

"Who the hell am I?".

"Pain, pain, pain, !!


"Whew... Whew.... "

"Since I'm here, I'm Don Quixote Rosinandi!".

The young man, Luo Nandi, opened his eyes again, and the first thing he saw was the Warring States who had fallen asleep on his stomach, probably accompanied him for a long, long time.

Rosinandi didn't move, he rubbed his eyebrows, combing through the mess of thoughts

He wasn't from this world, he came from another dimension.

He died more than a month ago, but his soul strangely traveled through the cracks of time and space, arrived in this world, and possessed the real Don Quixote Rosinandi. The soul of two people is loaded with one body, and it causes a violent conflict, making both of them sick and confused.

Under the hunger, the head is not clear, and the Warring States are careless and did not take care of it, so they put it on the surface, and "they" thought it was a fruit, and mistakenly ate the "animal-based, dog-dog fruit, phantom beast species, nine-tailed fox type" devil fruit, causing a rampage.

The real Don Quixote Rosinandi in his infancy could not withstand the power of the rampage, and he devoured or fused the soul of the other party in an unknown way, after all, he received all the memories of the real Don Quixote Rosinandi, about the life of Mary Joa, about the renunciation of the world aristocracy, about the hatred and revenge of the people who were once a celestial man, about the brother Doflamingo killing his father, about returning to Mary Joya and escaping after discovering a secret, about leaving his brother to wander in the North Sea, About being kindly adopted by Sengoku ...

"So... Now, on the eve of the era of the pirates, Sengoku is still a general, and Roger is not the king of the pirates?", Luo Nandi said secretly, and immediately, he remembered the devil fruit he had eaten: "'Animal type, dog fruit, phantom beast species, nine-tailed fox type', it seems to be good! Fortunately, it is not the 'original' 'Superhuman Silent Fruit', it seems that the wings of the butterfly have detonated the storm..."

"What should I do?", Rosinaudi said this time.

Sengoku noticed this, and as soon as he raised his head, he smiled sleepily and said, "It's been three days, are you okay?

"Hmm...", Rosinandi blinked, smiled, and said, "I'm hungry." "


Sengoku's eyes turned heart-shaped, flowing with xianshui: "It's so cute! like a puppy~~~".

Rosinandi: "..."

Shaking his head fiercely, Warring States was stunned and said, "This is... Charm/Charm?How come there is no such thing in the Illustrated Book?".

"Illustrated book, Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, have you seen it, can you see it too?", Rosinandi snapped.

"Yes, the Devil Fruit Illustrated Book, that thing is more precious, and the government only has a set of remnants in Mary Joy, and ordinary people can't reach it. Two days before you were in a coma, I went to Mary Joya to debrief, and... When scolded, there is a look. Warring States was slightly embarrassed, patted his head, and said, "I'll get you something to eat first, and I'll talk about it later." "


Warring States held a tray and placed it on the lap of Luo Nandi, who was already sitting on his back, and said: "In the middle of the night, there are only cow nai and bread." "

"Very nice. Rosinandi ate slowly and methodically.

Sengoku opened the conversation and said: "The devil fruit you ate is 'Animal Species, Dog Fruit, Phantom Beast Species, Nine-Tailed Fox Type', more precisely, 'Tamamo Front Type', the legendary super evil monster, a symbol of disaster, destruction, and the change of the times... This Devil Fruit appeared once more than 500 years ago, and it is recorded that after the transformation of that ability, each tail could mobilize an ability, such as thunder, fire, wind, water, earthquake, etc., which was so powerful that it almost collapsed half of the world. "

Rosinandi's mouth stopped chewing bread, his heart was faintly excited, and he immediately accelerated his chewing, swallowed the bread fiercely, and said impatiently: "And then?"

"He's dead. Sengoku spread his hands.

Rosinandi: "..."

"Devil fruits bring magical, powerful powers, but also flaws, side effects, the more powerful the Devil Fruit, the better. ", Sengoku said solemnly.


PS: New books, ah, ah, ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for full score evaluation votes, ask for rewards, all of them.

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