Grand Line, Island of White Earth!

"Is that really the case? I really admire your courage, Mufan, and the Revolutionary Army will do its best to cooperate with your actions at that time!"

After the banquet,

Mufan and Monkey d. Long, the leaders of both forces, had a secret conversation.

Because Mufan was going to launch a campaign to disrupt the world's conscription, it was best not to leak it out.

If the World Government and the Navy Headquarters got the information, things would not be so easy to accomplish.

Even the World Government and the Navy would set up a dragnet waiting for him to get in.

So Mufan rarely revealed about this matter.

At present, the only person who knows his purpose, besides the three guys on Hawkeye Island, is the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long.

Hawkeye will not leak the news, and Mufan did not tell Hawkeye about the specific actions.

Long and Mufan have common interests, so naturally they will not leak the news.

And when he learned that Mufan's goal was actually After destroying the World Recruitment,

Monkey D. Dragon, the leader of the Revolutionary Army and the world's most vicious criminal, was also quite shocked.

After all, now Mu Fan is the most hated enemy of the World Government and the Marine Headquarters, and he must also be one of the most concerned enemies.

Moreover, Mu Fan destroyed the former Marine Headquarters, Marineford, in the Battle of Marine Headquarters, causing the World Government and the Marine Headquarters to lose face.

Under such circumstances,

Mu Fan actually dared to continue to carry out targeted destruction of the World Recruitment.

There is no doubt that this requires considerable courage.

Therefore, in addition to being shocked, Dragon had a touch of admiration for the young man in front of him who was of the same generation as his son Luffy.

He had a hunch.

This man named Mu Fan might really be a great hope to overthrow the rule of the Celestial Dragons of the World Government.

"By the way, Mufan, according to my latest intelligence, the battle for the Marine Marshal has already begun in Punk Hazard in the New World."

"The two warring parties are Akainu Sakazuki and Aokiji Kuzan. The support for these two admirals in the navy is polarized. Whoever wins will become the new admiral of the navy."

"Similarly, the tone of the Navy's justice in the future will also depend on the outcome of this Marshal battle."

As an ally, Monkey D Long did not hesitate to provide some of the intelligence that Mu Fan needed.

"Has the battle for the Marshal already begun? In this case, I should speed up my actions. If I am not mistaken, the Navy Headquarters has already begun to prepare for the World Recruitment."

Mu Fan nodded and sighed when he heard that the battle for the Marshal had begun. Although he had some guesses about the time of the battle between Akainu and Aokiji, he could not be sure after all.

From this point, we can see the current shortcomings.

He did not have a complete and reliable intelligence system in his hands, so he would be late to realize a lot of intelligence.

However, he had already instructed Cassie and New Granny to jointly start building an intelligence system.

I hope it will be effective as soon as possible.

If it doesn't work, use gold to buy a few newspapers of sufficient standards.

After all, the various forces in the pirate world are not fuel-saving lamps, and there are giants like Morgans among many newspapers.

It is said that the intelligence system in Morgans' hands is valued even by the World Government.

Mu Fan's conversation with Monkey d'Long did not last too long.

After learning that the battle for the Marshal had begun, Mu Fan did not have much time to waste.

He must recruit as many strong people as possible before the world's conscription begins.

Now that Robin has been found.

Naturally, we must start the next goal as soon as possible.

And Mu Fan's next goal is.

Above the Sky Island, the moon!

"What? Sky Island? Mr. Mufan, although Robin can prove that Sky Island does exist, it is very far away from the sea where you can go to Sky Island."

When they learned that Mufan was going to Sky Island,

Sabo and others immediately reminded him.

The location of White Earth Island is very remote, and there is no unique area around that can lead to Sky Island.

It is still far away from the sea area that Robin mentioned, and there will be many naval bases on the way.

If they are discovered on the way, it will undoubtedly add a lot of trouble.

Although Robin also felt that it was a bit troublesome, since Mufan wanted to go, she would naturally accompany him.

Anyway, she still has nearly two years, which is enough.

""Hahaha, don't worry about that, I have my own way!"

Facing the reminder from Sabo and others.

Mu Fan responded with a smile.

He wanted to go to Sky Island, so there was no need to go so much trouble.

After all, the spaceship rewarded by the system before could even go to the moon, let alone Sky Island!?

However, Mu Fan did not show the spaceship on White Earth Island.

Submarines are still within the scope of the current technology in the pirate world, but there are really no spaceships that can fly into space!

Therefore, there is no need to show it in front of the Revolutionary Army.

There was no need to stay for long.

Mu Fan and Robin rested for a while and prepared to set off.

The Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Army, Sabo, sent the two to the open sea.

"Mr. Mufan, you, Ace, and Luffy should all know each other. How are they doing after the war?" After hesitating for a long time,

Sabo finally couldn't help asking.

Ever since his memory was restored, he has been thinking about those two guys.

There was not much news about Ace and Luffy in the previous big news, and he couldn't get in touch with them for the time being.

If you want to know what happened to Ace and Luffy after the war, Mufan might know something.

"Don't worry, those two guys are alive and well. Ace lost an arm, but he has gained real growth. As for Luffy, he should be learning from Pluto Rayleigh!"

Mu Fan replied seriously.

"However, the two of them don't know you are alive yet."

"Okay, I understand, Mr. Mufan, I hope that one day, we can overthrow the brutal rule of the World Government together!"

Sabo nodded, and then said goodbye to Mufan.


Mufan and Robin entered the submarine and slowly dived into the deep sea.

When the submarine started ,

Robin's beautiful face was full of shock!

Because the speed of this submarine was very fast!

So fast that she couldn't even stand steadily, and could only use the power of the fruit to stabilize her body as much as possible.

"Robin, do you feel uncomfortable?"

The submarine can cruise automatically with the Eternal Smart Pointer.

So after starting, Mu Fan came to Robin's side and supported Robin's back.

The speed of the submarine is very terrifying now. With Robin's strength, it is indeed difficult to stabilize his body.

""No, it's okay!"

Robin smiled gently, letting Mu Fan rest assured.

However, she felt the warmth of the palm behind her back and her instantly stabilized body, and her pretty face was somewhat flushed.

Mu Fan, this guy, is still as reliable as he was back then!

The only change is that he has become more domineering and extraordinary.

"Mufan, are we really going to Sky Island? My friends and I have been there once before, and the guy with the power of thunder was very powerful!"

"Don’t go to the sky island, go to the moon!"


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