The headquarters of the Navy, Marinford!

This island, which symbolizes justice, is now completely shrouded in the dark cloud of the impending war.

Even the powerful navy, when faced with the challenge from the strongest Four Emperors in the New World, people are inevitably panicked.

After all, war is cruel.

The Celestial Dragons can sit firmly in the holy land and watch the fighting on the battlefield from a distance as if it were entertainment.

But the marines on the front line are always facing the threat of death.

Admiral Akainu Sakaski stood on the high platform at the port. Since

Vice Admiral Momosa and Commodore Smoker's team returned to their positions, the Navy's deployment has been completed.

Next, wait for the Seven Warlords of the Sea to be in place, and the defense line against the Four Emperors Whitebeard will be fully prepared.

"The Four Emperors? Wait for the judgment of absolute justice!"

Admiral Akainu said to himself with his cigar in his mouth and squinted his eyes.

He firmly believed that the absolute justice he believed in would reach its peak today!

The pirates in the whole sea would tremble in fear under the absolute justice of the navy!

""Mufan, you short-lived brat, what a pity! This war will be exciting, but you are no longer qualified to participate!"

Admiral Akainu said gloomily again.

Akainu has always held a radical negative attitude towards Mufan, the strongest major general in history, who is said to be a future admiral of the navy.

That guy has great strength and potential, and also has a unique sense of justice.

It's a pity that he is too difficult to control and does whatever he wants.

The navy is destined not to be a suitable stage for his development.

If that guy did not become a navy, but became a pirate or a revolutionary army.

He would definitely become a powerful enemy of the navy and the world government in the future.

However, this is destined to be impossible.

Being seriously injured and disabled is the heaviest blow to a former supernova.

Mufan has fallen!


"Ah, which son of a bitch is talking about me?"

Mu Fan sneezed three times in a row and couldn't help complaining.

Then he put Dashiqi on the bed and left the female marines' lounge.

He didn't do anything too heavy-handed. When the war started, Dashiqi should wake up.

This wouldn't affect Mu Fan's actions.

The current situation is a mixed blessing for Mu Fan.

He didn't expect to meet the Navy Marshal Buddha Zhi Zhan Guo in advance. He didn't expect that the old man would ask him to report to the Marshal's office.

The original plan was that

Mu Fan wanted to wait until the war was about to start and the headquarters building was empty.

Then he would quickly search for the location of"Destiny" and then make a"low-key" comeback.

But he didn't expect this kind of change to happen.

However, this is not without any benefits.

Because there is a high probability that"Destiny" is in the Marshal's office. Office.

It would save some time if we could investigate in advance.

Of course.

This also has risks.

What if Buddha Sengoku really has any suspicions.

Then based on the behavior of this Navy Admiral, combined with the current situation, Mu Fan will definitely be controlled immediately.

But having said that.

Mu Fan still has to go to the Navy Admiral's office.

In the navy, military rank and status are generally proportional to strength.

At least except for the Navy hero Garp, and Mu Fan, the strongest major general in history.

So Buddha Sengoku can become the Navy Admiral, and his strength is naturally beyond doubt.

In the Navy Headquarters.

The Marshal's Office and the three admirals' offices are not guarded by too many guards.

As for the reason.

Naturally, there is no need.

Soon, Mu Fan came to the Marshal's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The voice of Buddha Sengoku came from inside.

It can be heard that the Navy Admiral's spirit has begun to be highly tense at this moment.

Moreover, he is about to rush to the front line to inform the Seven Warlords of the Sea and the three admirals of the Navy to start the final assembly and wait in formation.

What Mu Fan did not expect was that at this time in the Navy Admiral's office, there was not only Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku, but also Navy hero Iron Fist Garp, and a...CP0!?

Seeing this scene,

Mu Fan was shocked.

He glanced around at first, but didn't find the"destiny".

At this time, Sengoku, Garp and the CP0 had already cast their eyes on him.

Among them, the expression of the navy hero Iron Fist Garp was the most strange and intense.

It was the first time Mu Fan saw Garp with such an expression.

However, it seemed that Garp's main emotion was still towards CP0.

"Warrant Officer, come in. According to Smoker's report, you were taken away for questioning by a member of CP0 when you were in Impel Down? And Straw Hat Luffy was arrested by that CP0! ?"

Marshal Buddha Sengoku pinched his temple and asked in a low voice.

He could no longer control the old man Garp.

Sure enough, after hearing that Straw Hat Luffy was arrested, his old friend's emotions were a little out of control.

"navy...Warrant Officer, are you sure that the person who kidnapped you and questioned you was a CP0!?" The

CP0 looked at Mu Fan with a hoarse voice and a hint of doubt....Why is it familiar?

"Young man, don't be afraid, tell the truth!"

Navy hero Garp interrupted.

Although it seems normal on the surface, Mu Fan can feel that Vice Admiral Garp has a lot of hostility towards CP0.

But think about it, after all, both grandsons have been arrested.

I don't know how Straw Hat Luffy is doing now.

He should have woken up.

Things are not that simple. Smoker didn't find it, but Mu Fan knew it clearly.

It's not just the Straw Hat who escorted Straw Hat Luffy all the way to the battleship of the Navy Headquarters!

Of course, these have little to do with Mu Fan so far.

The reason why he didn't intervene again was to make Marineford more chaotic.

But the current situation is a bit unexpected.

The CP0 in front of him is coming with great momentum. Could it be that he has mastered some information!?

��Report to the Marshal, Vice Admiral Garp, the time is up!"

Before Mu Fan could answer CP0's question, a naval colonel interrupted the conversation.

The final assembly time for the navy side of the top war has finally arrived!

"Cap, let's go out first!"

"CP0, please go ahead, Warrant Officer, please cooperate with CP0's questioning."

After leaving an order,

Admiral Sengoku pushed Garp out.

""Zhan Guo, let's go. What if the CP0 people take action? That warrant officer will be in trouble!"

On the way to the port battlefield, the navy hero Iron Fist Garp said dissatisfiedly.

"Cap, you have to see the current situation clearly. The next enemy we are facing is Newgate!"

"We cannot interfere in CP0's affairs, and that warrant officer...It's a bit strange. Anyway, now all our energy should be focused on the upcoming war. Garp, don't forget that you are an old marine. We are shouldering justice!"

Admiral Buddha Sengoku said seriously.

At this time, he could no longer estimate the matter of CP0.

Because the enemy of the navy.

One of the kings of the sea in this era.

The New World, the Four Emperors, and the Whitebeard Pirates are about to attack!...

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