Marine Headquarters, Marinford.

When Mufan faced Admiral Akainu, he immediately attracted the attention of many powerful people on the battlefield.

Although the central battlefield of the war was still the battle between the Four Emperors Whitebeard and the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku.

However, with the strength shown by Mufan, as well as Mufan's current identity and various actions in Marinford, in a sense,

Mufan's importance to the Navy is not even weaker than that of Fire Fist Ace!

If Mufan leaves safely after this war, then the reputation and prestige of the Navy on this sea will suffer a heavy blow.

In the eyes of the Navy who believes in absolute justice like Akainu, this situation is a great shame for the Navy and justice.

So all the senior generals of the Navy know that it will be a fight without mercy for Admiral Akainu to face Mufan!

As a Navy admiral, Akainu is expected to do his best to deal with Mufan!

And as the most destructive and offensive existence among the three admirals of the Navy.

Even if Mufan has shown his impressive strength, he may not be Akainu's opponent!

For this reason.

Navy Admiral candidate Momotosato began to consciously approach the battle area.

Although Mufan showed a speed comparable to Kizaru, it was impossible for Akainu to be unprepared.

And with Mufan's character, he would definitely fight Akainu head-on!

Otherwise, he would not have used"Red Dog" to tease Akainu.

In addition,

Momotosato also officially began to consider his own position.

Not long ago, when Mufan had not yet reached a cooperation intention with the Four Emperors Whitebeard,

Marshal Sengoku announced the order to hunt down Mufan!

There is no doubt that

Sengoku also said in person that this is the highest order of the World Government!

It can be seen that the navy is nothing more than a tool in the hands of the World Government. It can even be said to be a face-saving project!

In the current situation, from the perspective of the Navy, they should try their best to appease Mufan, at least not let him cooperate with Whitebeard.

This will definitely save a lot of marines for the Navy!

But it is obvious that in the eyes of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, ordinary marines are no different from those"untouchables".

They are all used for enslavement and exploitation.

Such a World Government.

Such a non-competitive Navy.

It was really a bit uncomfortable!

So Taotu was a little shaken.....

""Mu Fan, I won't waste my words with you. When you die, I will personally carry your head and show it to naval bases all over the world!"

At this time,

Admiral Akainu was furious at Mu Fan.

He originally regarded Mu Fan as a traitor to the navy and a scum of justice.

Now that he was repeatedly humiliated as a red dog by Mu Fan, he was naturally very angry.

As soon as he made a move, it was like a volcanic eruption.

The thick magma formed a terrifying magma barrier within a kilometer in all directions!

Some unlucky pirates and even navy pirates were affected by the magma barrier and were instantly burned to ashes!

"Red Dog, you killed the navy too?"

Mu Fan's expression turned cold, he knew that Akainu was ruthless and would do anything to complete the mission, but such behavior was really hard to accept!

"If they can get rid of you, they will die there. After the war is over, I will naturally commend the marines who died in the battle!"

""Mu Fan, wait for death to come!"

Admiral Akainu said with a resolute expression.

The magma prison was about to take shape.

By then, it would be able to restrict Mu Fan's speed advantage, making it impossible for him to escape quickly, and he would have to fight him!

As long as they face off head-on!

Mu Fan will definitely die!

"Show you MLGB!"

"Red Dog, today I will correct your biased justice!"

Mu Fan was also full of anger at this time.

Although he was no longer a navy and would never return to the navy in the future, he still felt ashamed to see Akainu not distinguishing between friend and foe and even sacrificing his subordinates and other innocent marines to achieve his goals! To put it nicely, it is absolute justice! To put it bluntly, it is just a dog!

He was so excited about justice. When the Celestial Dragons were slaughtering civilians, where was Akainu?! Just a dog!

【Ding, the host's strong fighting spirit is detected, choose to trigger!】

【Option 1: Act cautiously and escape before Admiral Akainu completes the construction of the magma barrier, avoiding a direct confrontation with the most destructive admiral. Reward: God-level recovery potion x 24 hours.

(It can be restored to peak combat power within 24 hours regardless of age, physical condition, physical strength and other factors, and the peak combat power can be maintained for 24 hours. After the effect of the drug ends, the physical strength will be slightly improved.)】

【Choice 2: Fight with passion, complete the life-and-death duel with Admiral Akainu, and gain the upper hand in the battle, shocking the entire navy. Rewards: 1. After the host and Akainu start fighting for ten rounds, the magma barrier disappears automatically.

2. Skill: Voice of God (The voice can reach people's hearts through the observation Haki, and the shock and agitation of the words are super doubled!) Just when Mu Fan and Admiral Akainu were confronting each other and a fierce battle could break out at any time.

The system chooses to trigger!

Mu Fan understood the two options at the fastest speed and made a decision.

Let him avoid the battle.

Even temporarily, it is impossible.

In this duel between him and Akainu, whoever retreats will be a grandson.

And Akainu is not worthy.

In addition.

In terms of rewards.

Although the God-level recovery potion is good, Mu Fan can't use it now.

He is in excellent condition now.

At this moment, he is in peak condition.

If the God-level recovery potion is given to Whitebeard, it will be very useful.

Peak Whitebeard will definitely give Marinford a"dreamlike" memory.

But this is not very useful to Mu Fan.

He didn't want to see a white beard who was killing everyone!

In comparison, the voice of God is much more useful.

A voice that goes straight to the heart.

The shock and motivation are super doubled!

This is a god-level skill at first glance!

Mu Fan can even take this opportunity to directly mobilize a wave of navy and build his own power base!

So Mu Fan almost didn't hesitate and decided to choose task 2.

At this time, the magma barrier also came to an end.

The Pirate Queen and Vice Admiral Taotu looked at the magma barrier with worried eyes, ready to rescue at any time.

At this time, the magma barrier blocked the view.

The battle for mining can only be detected through sound and observation Haki.

The area where Mu Fan and Akainu are located is full of the heat and fire of magma, and it has become a magma hell!

"Biased justice? Hahahaha, Mufan, you are just a little kid, how dare you comment on my justice?"

Admiral Akainu returned to school in a rage, and then his eyes turned fierce, and he attacked instantly!

Dog bites Red Lotus!

"Don’t talk about justice anymore. People who always talk about justice are often the truly dark ones. No, you are just a dog, at best, a thug of darkness!"....

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