"Sengoku, Akainu, guys from the navy, you don't want the navy to become the laughing stock of the world from now on, right?"

At this moment,

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach, who seemed to be almost desperate, shouted with all his strength.

He had been dormant for decades.

He originally thought that he could successfully pick the fruit without any accident today.

But who knew that

Mu Fan would appear!

This guy directly disrupted all of Blackbeard's plans!

He even lost two powerful subordinates in succession.

Now even his own safety has become a serious problem.

What he can do now is to temporarily form an alliance with the navy.

After all, half a day ago, he was still one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Because of this war, the World Government should not have had time to announce that he was removed from the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

In this way, if the navy needs his power, it is possible to form an alliance with him!

And the facts have proved that

Blackbeard seems to have made the right bet.

Before his voice fell completely, a huge golden Buddha fell down with a bang, stirring up a piece of ice chips!

It was the Navy Marshal, Buddha Sengoku!

"Sengoku, the navy needs my strength, right? I can form an alliance with the navy and fight against Whitebeard and this guy named Mufan together. How about it, it's a good deal, right? Thief hahaha!"

Blackbeard Marshall D. Teach thought that his words had worked, so he shouted to the Buddha's Sengoku who had just arrived with a serious expression.

Buzz - unfortunately, the Navy Marshal Buddha's Sengoku responded to Blackbeard with a terrifying shock wave!

Boom boom boom - the powerful attack of Buddha's Sengoku directly enveloped the entire Blackbeard Pirates.

The extremely strong power made Blackbeard and others vomit blood and retreat, and finally they were blasted out of the area.

"The Navy doesn't need to cooperate with guys like you!"

Admiral Buddha Sengoku said sternly.

As one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the pirate Blackbeard deserted the battlefield and even broke into the Undersea Prison.

If the Navy chooses to cooperate with such a guy, it would be a shame for justice!

""Mufan! Now, I'll give you another chance to choose!"

After temporarily repelling the Blackbeard Pirates,

Navy Admiral Buddha Sengoku finally turned to Mufan.

The reason why he asked Sakaski to replace him to deal with Whitebeard and left the core battlefield and came here was because of Mufan!

Now the commotion caused by Mufan is too big.

He even directly instigated more than 30,000 elite marines to rebel.

This is a huge shame for both the World Government and the Navy Headquarters.

It is a heavy blow to the Navy.

He learned about Mufan's previous"declaration" from a vice admiral.

This kid is using the blood and bones of the Navy to build his own strength.

It has to be said that when they met again, Mufan's performance was too amazing.

Sengoku couldn't help but imagine that if Mufan hadn't killed the Celestial Dragons and hadn't been defined as a traitor to the Navy, then the situation of the Navy would definitely be countless times better than it is now!

? The old guy Whitebeard couldn't be as rampant as he is now, right? But everything is a hypothesis.

The reality is that the traitor to the Navy, Mufan, who committed an extremely evil incident, is the World Government's It's the Navy.

The mortal enemy!

Just now.

The World Government conveyed the latest order.

At all costs, execute Fire Fist Ace and


He also deprived the pirate queen Boa Hancock of her status as a Shichibukai and listed the Amazon Lily Kingdom as a pirate nation to be destroyed first.

As a navy admiral,

Buddha Sengoku would not disobey the orders of the World Government.

But he wanted to give Mufan another chance.

If Mufan knew what was good for him,

"Mufan, surrender, don't be stubborn anymore, being in league with the pirates is not the path you should choose"

"If you wake up and let those marines you influenced return to the navy, maybe Zefa and I can help you! ?"Zhan Guo, who was in the state of a golden Buddha, was emitting golden light all over his body. He looked at Mu Fan righteously and persuaded him.

【Ding, Admiral Buddha Sengoku's admonition has been detected. Select trigger!】

【Option 1: The Prodigal Son of the Navy returns! Agree with the advice of the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku, and let the Marines who defected to the host return to the Navy camp according to Sengoku's request. Reward: Animal-type Dog-Dog Fruit·Mythical Beast·Sirloin Form.

Possible consequences:

Good (the host helps the Navy defeat the Whitebeard Pirates, gains the forgiveness of the Navy Headquarters, and has the opportunity to return to the Navy after a few years of promoting the revival of the city.)

Bad (the host helps the Navy fight, loses the support of the people, and his reputation is questioned, and he may be abandoned by the World Government.)

【Option 2, the ambition to dominate the sea! Sternly reject the proposal of the Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku, and completely break away from the Navy, indicating the determination to defeat the Navy, overthrow the World Government, and implement a new order after building a new force!

Reward: Wood Element Ability Ultimate Move·Top Buddha·Secret (One of the ultimate moves of the Wood Element ability, which can summon a thousand-handed giant Buddha, is extremely powerful, but consumes a lot of physical strength and energy, so the host should use it with caution at this stage)】...

The appearance of Zhan Guo and the triggering of the system were actually not what Mu Fan expected.

Because he thought Zhan Guo had understood his determination.

Since he had already rebelled against the navy and built his own power, how could he continue to work for the Tianlong people! ?

There was no need to make any choices.

Because no reward could change Mu Fan's original idea.

Of course.

The ultimate move of the rewarded wood element ability.

The Buddha on the top is really good.

If he can really get such a terrifying move as the Buddha on the top, it will be his most powerful move at present!

"Marshal Zhan Guo, I reject your proposal! I don't need a choice. In fact, you already have the answer in your heart!"

"The moment the Navy obeyed the orders of the World Government and defined me as a traitor to the Navy, I no longer had any relationship with the Navy!"

"The justice of the navy is constrained by the world government and the celestial dragons. You, the marshals and admirals, who have super strength, also obey the orders of the world government."

"The Celestial Dragons have done all kinds of evil things, and the Navy is one of their accomplices!"

"Today, I, Mu Fan, officially announced in Marinford that from now on, I and all my companions will fight the World Government to the end. If the navy wants to become our enemy, then we will fight!"

"A new era requires a new order, and the new order will be determined by us!"

Mu Fan's voice spread throughout Marinford.

The whole audience was shocked again.

After these words, many marines were deeply moved and defected to Mu Fan's side!

And this time, the Navy Marshal Buddha's Warring States also completely gave up, raised his palm high, and prepared to clean up the mess himself!

"Then Mu Fan, accept your execution!"

Buddha's Warring States roared, and the shock wave in his palm that was enough to distort the air was ready to go!

At the same time, the Navy Admiral Aokiji and the Navy Admiral Kizaru, who had been secretly ordered by Warring States in advance, suddenly rushed towards Mu Fan at the same time.

Facing the attack of the Navy Marshal and the two Navy admirals.

Mu Fan sneered, his expression was extremely fanatical.

Come on!

Top Buddha!........ ps: The first part of the sneak attack.

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