When Mu Fan brought the Empress, New Granny and others to the mountain that had completely turned into gold.

At this moment, everyone was stunned!

Including the Pirate Empress and New Granny!

Originally, with Hancock's arrogance, she would not put a mere gold in her eyes.

But what happened now was that a whole towering golden mountain appeared in front of her!

And there was golden light overflowing under the ground.

Obviously, there was also a large amount of gold stored under the ground!

This is, what a large scale of treasure!

Even the treasure hidden in the so-called treasure storage place of Pirate King Roger cannot be compared, right?!

The Pirate Empress was still shocked.

Others were stunned at this time!

As a closed country that is almost isolated from the world, the economy of the Amazon Lily Kingdom is originally very ordinary, and can even be regarded as poor, otherwise the Nine Snakes Pirates would not have to go out to sea to plunder regularly.

Therefore, female warriors of the Nine Snakes, such as Daisy Margaret, have not seen much Bailey since they were born.

You can imagine how shocked they are to see a golden mountain appear in front of them now!

"Gold, a gold mountain? An entire gold mountain with an underground gold mine! ?"

At this moment,

Granny New's jaw was about to drop to the ground.

She had experienced many ups and downs in her life, but she had never been so shocked as she is now!

This is an entire gold mountain! It would be more than enough to buy 1,800 daughter islands!

What kind of terrible ability does this kid Mu Fan have!

You know, this uninhabited island under your feet has always been under the jurisdiction of the daughter island, and such a large-scale gold mountain has never been found.

If it existed before, it would be impossible to be discovered!

In other words.

This gold mountain containing huge wealth was created by Mu Fan alone! Horrible!

What a terrible young man!

At this moment, Granny New looked at Mu Fan with hope and eagerness in her eyes.

Perhaps, the young man in front of her can really change the world and change the fate of the daughter island that has been weak for a long time!

"Hancock, give the order to have people mine. With me here, there will be no shortage of gold. It's time for Daughter Island to expand its armaments and build a defense system for the kingdom!".......

New World, Navy G-1 Base!

After experiencing an unprecedented and extremely tragic war on the top, the former Navy headquarters, Marinford, was destroyed in one fell swoop by the old admiral Mufan who defected from the Navy.

Marinford could no longer be used as a base.

The Navy Marshal Buddha Sengoku and the three admirals of the Navy and other senior admirals of the headquarters were all moved to the G-1 Naval Base in the New World!

In fact, there are deeper reasons why the Navy chose the G-1 base in the New World.

The Navy wants to use this to announce to the world!

Although the Navy did not win the war that just ended, and even suffered a miserable defeat in a sense.

But the Navy's determination to uphold justice and fight against pirates will be even firmer!

The Navy will still be a powerful force to uphold justice!

Of course, in fact, this can't completely cover up the Navy. The shame of the Navy cannot make up for the losses of the Navy in the war at the top!

First of all, the object of public execution, Fire Fist Ace, was rescued, and the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates and the Navy rebel Admiral Mufan who caused trouble in Marinford left safely.

Secondly, the Navy Headquarters was destroyed by Mufan, and the Navy, which symbolizes justice, is destined to become a laughing stock on the entire ocean.

Although the strength and foundation of the Navy have not been seriously damaged, Mufan’s declaration in Marinford has shaken the foundation of the Navy, which is a very terrible thing!

And for some radical elements in the Navy, this defeat is enough to make them remember it for the rest of their lives!

For example, the seriously injured Navy Admiral Akainu publicly stated that in the future he will try every possible way and use all means to wash away the shame!

As for who the shame specifically refers to, it is naturally self-evident.

G-1Navy base conference hall!

At this time.

The navy's top brass is holding a post-war meeting.

The meeting was very noisy and a little depressing.

Because the process and results of this war were too unacceptable, these senior generals accumulated endless anger.

The first half of the meeting was almost all attacks and humiliations.

The targets of the attacks were Mufan, Whitebeard, Fire Fist Ace, Blackbeard, Peach Rabbit and Straw Hat Luffy.

Among them, Mufan was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

There were even some navy vice admirals who dared not even fart when facing Mufan on the battlefield, but now they said that Mufan should have been strangled at the beginning.

In addition to Mufan, the most cursed among the others were Blackbeard and Whitebeard, and there were also many insults against Fire Fist Ace.

Peach Rabbit had relatively fewer insults because he had always had a good relationship with the navy.

As for Straw Hat Luffy, there were obviously fewer voices complaining about him.

Because the navy hero Iron Fist Garp was eating senbei at the meeting at this time!

""Be quiet! Now that the war has been lost, don't you feel ashamed to blame the enemy now? You are all blaming Mu Fan. If one of you seniors could stop Mu Fan from committing such a heinous crime, how miserable would the Navy be in the Battle of Marineford?"

Finally, as the atmosphere became more and more uncontrollable,

Navy Marshal Buddha's Warring States angrily scolded with an extremely serious expression.

He knew that he was responsible for the failure of the war, but the top priority now was to stabilize the unrest within the Navy first!

Otherwise, once Mu Fan's declaration in Marinford was spread to the ears of marines around the world, the prestige of the Navy would be greatly reduced!

"According to the order of the World Government, we need to set bounties for several major criminals in the war, including Mu Fan!"Zhan

Guo continued.

In addition to the war summary, the World Government also issued a task to the Navy.

In fact, setting bounties is a very simple matter.���It doesn't necessarily have to be done by the navy, it's usually done by the CP organization or the relevant departments of the world government.

But the reason why the world government went to such lengths is naturally to hit the navy. The mess that the navy has made itself must be cleaned up, such as the former strongest major general in the history of the navy, Mu Fan, who committed extremely evil incidents and shocked the world in this war!.....

After a whole day of mining, Daughter Island easily recovered the losses from the previous attack by the CP organization.

In the evening.

Daughter Island held a grand banquet and sent extremely rich food and wine to the army of the uninhabited island.

And the 30,000 soldiers who chose to follow Mu Fan saw with their own eyes that a shipload of gold was shipped out today.

Everyone was glad that they made the right choice.

Because Mu Fan announced that all the soldiers who followed him would have their wages increased tenfold!

In other words, they were originally just ordinary marines, but now they can get a salary equivalent to that of a naval brigadier general!

Who can bear this?!

At the banquet.

Mu Fan ate delicious food and drank beer, which was also considered a rest and entertainment.

But at this moment.

Daisy Margaret brought the newspaper that had just been delivered.

The headline on the front page was Mu Fan!

. . . .

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