“False intelligence, object positioning, anti-detection, clairvoyance, crystal screen!”

At night, the golden light shone in the pavilion, and in the room where Ye Yi was, a crystal screen was emitting bits and pieces of light, and in addition to the rapidly changing scene, there was only a completely invisible shadow moving at high speed!

Ye Yi, who didn’t need to sleep at all, after returning to his room, when he directly sent the shadow demon who had been lurking in his shadow to sneak into Yerantir in the dark night!

On the one hand, it is to pass the extra time, on the other hand, I also want to see if I can see something that I can’t see during the day, after all, that kind of thing happened in the city today, and I was attacked on the way back, Ye Yi always felt that something would definitely happen tonight, and this night was a little too quiet!

He simply let the shadow demon go out to search for the entire Yerantir, while Ye Yi and Nabei stayed quietly in the room and watched the crystal screen display!

As for whether the shadow demon would be discovered or something, Ye Yi was not worried at all! When Ye Yi came out, he followed two identical shadow demons, with an average level of eighty-five, and he was also a thief line with specialized races and professions, and hiding his figure was completely a piece of cake for people not to be discovered!

Of course, this is not absolute! If there is a Faith Magic Chanter with a level of more than ninety or a specialized thief with a level of eighty-five, then you can really find the existence of the shadow demon, but it doesn’t matter if you find it, Ye Yi has already made a series of measures, even if the shadow demon dies in battle, it will not reveal any information about him!

Anyway, after dying, you can automatically resurrect in Nazalik, at most you will lose tens of millions of gold coins, Ye Yi is not worried at all, the last thing Nazalik lacks is gold coins! On the contrary, if you can use the shadow demon to lure out a Faith Magic Chanter or a high-level thief with a level of up to ninety-five, then it can be said that it is a big profit!

In addition, even if you can’t bring out that kind of existence, it doesn’t matter, anyway, I didn’t think that there would be that kind of character in this kind of rural town at the beginning! And if there is an emergency, this arrangement not only saves the time for the shadow demon to transmit information, but Ye Yi can also react as quickly as possible!

Why not kill so many things in one fell swoop?

Houses, streets, residential areas, dark alleys, and even the Adventurers’ Guild visited and still found nothing! With the spread of the detection range, the shadow demon circled Yerantir for a longer time!

One location after another was eliminated, and every area was searched by the shadow demon light, but what Ye Yi imagined did not happen, and he also did not encounter any high-level monsters or humans!

Finally, the shadow demon turned around and rushed towards the last area, which was the cemetery!

Looking at it, Ye Yi gradually became a little impatient, after all, staring at a screen for a long time, although the body is not tired, but there is always some aesthetic fatigue, or mental fatigue!

I didn’t meet the imaginary strong, nor did I encounter anything funny, staring at a high-speed moving screen for more than half an hour, anyone will be bored!

However, at the moment when Ye Yi had just laid down and prepared to rest for a while, the picture inside the crystal screen began to change!

Skeletons, skeletons all over the sky, the entire public cemetery of Yerantir is now full of skeletons! Thousands of skeletons! There are even some middle-tier undead figures such as Liches and Skeleton Centipedes!

“Lord Ye, you really expected things like a god, something extraordinary really happened tonight!” Looking at the skeletons in the sky, Nabei turned around slightly and said softly!

Ye Yi, who had just laid down and didn’t have time to close his eyes, could only sit up directly, looking at the skeletons in the sky, his brows frowned invisibly slightly: “Pull the picture up until you can see the panorama!” ”

“Obey!” Nabei nodded, her hands tapped the void, the vision in the picture gradually increased, and she saw more and more places!

As the picture rises, the entire cemetery is suddenly visible!

“It seems that this is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!” Seeing such a large number of undead, Ye Yi smiled softly: “It seems that this world is not useless, to be able to summon so many undead, at least it must be something that the seventh-order magic necromancy legion can do!” Since there is a seventh order, is there an eighth or ninth order? A little curious! ”

“Nabe, turn the picture! Since it is a seventh-order magic necromancy legion, the user of the magic must still be nearby, otherwise it is completely impossible to dominate the army of the undead who are summoned, find him out! ”


The height of the screen began to decrease, and it moved sharply again! The scope of the crystal screen covers the entire cemetery, as long as it is here, then it should be within the detection range of the shadow demon, and after a moment, the picture on the crystal screen suddenly froze!

“Ye Yiyi, found it!”

The picture on the crystal screen has stopped moving, and in the open space in front of a spirit temple, the behind-the-scenes black hand that Ye Yi wants to find was found, a total of eight people, looking at the equipment, it should be the magic chanter!

“Eight people?” Looking at the picture, Ye Yi’s brows frowned slightly: “Just the magic of the seventh order requires eight people to co-host, and even uses special rituals and magic props?” ”

Seeing this, Ye Yi’s face turned dark, and he immediately knew that he was looking forward to it again!

The position where the eight people in the picture are standing is marked after being arranged according to the special ritual, and the person in the middle is still holding a bead that does not look like a bead, and there are even newborn undead breaking through the ground and gradually climbing out not far away, as long as they are not magical idiots, they can probably know what is going on!

“Ah~ah! Looking forward to it in vain again! ”

Seeing this look, Ye Yi suddenly didn’t want to go! Even the magic of the seventh order requires eight people to work together, and it can only be launched with the help of special rituals and magic props, and this kind of garbage-like opponent completely makes Ye Yi not have the slightest interest!

An existence even more garbage than the captain of the Sunshine Saint Book that he just came out and met! That angel is still a little bit like a little, what the hell are these garbage things? The lowest level of the undead, the overall level is not more than twenty-five at all, which is one level lower than the Flame Archangel!

“Forget it, no matter how small the mosquito is, it is meat, how can you give me a steel-grade brand after solving this matter?”

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