“Na~ has your plan been successful, flying squirrel?”

“Yes, the net was cast a long time ago, and now that the fish are also in, it’s time to close the net!”

“So, there’s no role for me at all?”

“Uh… It seems to be! ”

“Che, say okay, let me come to the empire to make trouble, I have done everything, but why is it not effective at all?”

The flying squirrel was slightly embarrassed: “It’s not ineffective, you sense it carefully!” ”

“Oh?” Ye Yi was slightly stunned, his perception suddenly expanded, and the bar counter as the center point instantly spread, almost covering half of the imperial capital, and the surrounding situation was instantly taken in by Ye Yi!

“Just do the simplest surveillance and leave it alone? And then, what is the use of these? ”

Ye Yi’s rhetorical question made the flying squirrel completely stunned: “That… Wouldn’t that be useful? ”

“Why, this time Dimiugos didn’t tell you all the plan?” Looking at the flying squirrel’s uncertain look, Ye Yi’s brows instantly wrinkled!

“Not really!” The flying squirrel was embarrassed: “I know almost every detail of the plan this time!” ”

Ye Yi’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Then, please ask this flying squirrel lord to tell me, what am I coming to the emperor for?” What about my script? Take it out and I’ll see! ”

“Ahem, that, sorry Ye Yi! I didn’t! The flying squirrel coughed twice, and his gaze drifted slightly!

“So, I’m arranged by Dimiurgos again?”

“Nothing, it’s just… That, let you come over for a vacation, yes, that’s right, things in the kingdom feel like you’re too tired, so let you and Kaguya come and them for a vacation! ”

“Tell the truth!” Ye Yi’s gaze stared at the flying squirrel tightly, extremely oppressive!

“Alright!” The flying squirrel sighed helplessly: “Last time between the thrones, you almost didn’t scare Dimiurgos half to death, so Dimiurgos, what…”

“So this time the plan is nothing wrong with me, right?” Ye Yi directly said the truth: “The so-called let me make trouble in the imperial capital is just a broken excuse that you came up with, right?” ”

“Uh, yes!” All were seen by Ye Yi, and the flying squirrel directly admitted: “But this time it is not without gain!” ”

“Isn’t it to capture three rare talents with innate abilities, and Ye Yi you can also play loli cultivation, how can it be considered a loss, right?”

“Alas~” Ye Yi sighed helplessly: “In that case, then I will go back to Nazalik first, there is still a troublesome matter waiting for me to deal with!” ”

“Trouble?” The flying squirrel was slightly stunned, and then became a little nervous: “Did Ye Yi encounter any trouble?” ”

“Yes, big trouble! Today I took Kaguya to buy a promise token, and I’m hurrying to buy another copy, two, three, and come! I have to fix it all before Thor and Connor know about it, otherwise there will be trouble in the days to come!” ”

Critical Strike +20000!

The flying squirrel opened its jaw wide and was deeply shocked, is this considered forced feeding of dog food? He is already a skeleton, and he still does not let him go, how excessive this must be!

“Kaguya, give it to me directly, I’ll go back to Nazalik to transform it!” Also, when they come to this Thor and go shopping on the streets, I’ll be back soon! ”

When Kaguya heard this, he stretched out his hand, and a spatial rift opened, and the gorgeous diamond ring he got this morning gently floated to Ye Yi’s hand!

Looking at this scene, the flying squirrel’s jaw is closed one by one, speechless, a proper show of affection, right?

“By the way, Flying Squirrel, I want to open Nazalik’s main control source after I go back, it should be fine, right?”

Hearing this, the flying squirrel nodded: “Master control source? That’s fine, I’ve experimented with it! But Ye Yi, you open the main control source to…”

“Of course it’s for this!” Ye Yi deliberately shook the ring on his hand in front of the flying squirrel: “Kaguya said that although it is beautiful, it is not very practical, so I want to open the main control source to transform it!” ”

The flying squirrel’s face suddenly turned black, Mahler is a chicken, deliberately, absolutely deliberately, this guy is retaliating against me for saying that he is a lolicon, right? Absolutely!

The flying squirrel didn’t say anything for a long time, and Ye Yi could probably see the depressed expression under his helmet, and the depressed mood suddenly became excellent! Sure enough, you can only feel the existence of happiness if you base your happiness on the pain of others!

With a happy mood, Ye Yi opened the portal, and then disappeared!

Looking at Ye Yi who left, the flying squirrel was indescribably depressed!

As if sensing the depression of the flying squirrel, Kaguya covered his mouth and chuckled: “Sorry, Flying Squirrel-sama, Lord Fujun is so naughty!” ”

“Uh~~” The flying squirrel was speechless!

Naughty? No way? When he was in the game world, why did he never know that Ye Yi had this kind of personality? Is it the same as himself, because he changed his race and is no longer human, so even his personality has changed?

The flying squirrel shook his head: “It’s okay, it’s better to say that this way!” ”

The warmth between the companions of the past can be preserved the best! Flying squirrels prefer this atmosphere to serious talk!

“Then Kaguya is retreating!” After gently bowing down and performing the necessary etiquette, Kaguya slowly went upstairs with two loli!

Looking at Kaguya’s departing back, the flying squirrel came up with an idea that had never appeared before, did he also have to hurry up to see if he could get his body back?

It’s a little sad to have a single dog!

Where the Nazalik treasure vault was, a light shone, and Ye Yi’s figure suddenly appeared here! Looking at the familiar place, Ye Yi took off the ring of Ainziur and slowly walked in!

“Oh, isn’t this Ye Dai? Welcome to the Hall of Treasures, do you have any orders? As soon as he entered the hall, an exclamation sounded in Ye Yi’s ears!

Ye Yi turned his head slightly, and a skeleton exactly like the flying squirrel suddenly came into view: “I’m going into the treasure vault to get something, you are busy, Pandora!” ”

“However, you better change back, this look always feels weird to talk to me in this tone!”


Ye Yi shook his head helplessly, and slowly walked into the treasure vault, if there was a camera, how could he have to film this scene! This is the black history of flying squirrels, well, worth cherishing!

Looking at the many materials like a mountain, Ye Yi was also a little blind for a while, saying that he wanted to transform, but he still has no clue!

“Well~ to be natural, you have to do the best, you must be a top artifact to be worthy of them!”

“So, let’s get started!”

“Nazalik, the main control source is activated!”

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