“Don’t worry, Miss Nabe! I won’t have any overkills! ”

Gilkennifer’s words are true, after all, they are here to apologize, if there is any more radical action, I am afraid that there is no need to return to China, they all have to die here!

With the other party having absolute force to suppress it, he was not stupid enough to compete with the dragon clan with this person alone! Dragon slayer warriors are not absent, but then you have to see what kind of dragon they slaughter!

The dragon that came to the imperial capital before is definitely not an existence that human beings can resist, at least not the empire, I am afraid that the resistance of the whole country will be easily defeated, right?

“But do we need to go in in a carriage?”

The sky is gloomy now, and there could be a rainstorm at any moment, so let them hike to the Dragon Tower in this situation? Even if it is a dismount, I’m afraid it’s too much, right?

“No need! Since you are waiting for a long time because of our reasons, you must not be rude by poor hospitality! It has also been commanded! ”

Gilkenifer’s eyes narrowed slightly: “Then I really thank His Royal Highness Ye Yi, so how should we get in?” ”

“Then allow me to prepare, since the weather is not very good, so let’s start here!”

Nabei looked up at the sky, and Ye Yi, who had been watching the live situation on the top floor of the Dragon Tower, nodded gently towards Ma Lei! Nabei is a magic chanter of the magic department, and her skills are all combat-type, which is really not good at this!

But it’s just a small manipulation of the weather, and it is easy for Ma Lei, who has the title of nature’s messenger, to make it!

The shadow of the World Tree in Ma Lei’s hand was gently raised, and the space was filled with a white light, and then immediately stopped! Well, yes, it’s that simple and convenient!

And the sky outside the Dragon Tower set off huge waves under Ma Lei’s understatement! The dark clouds in the sky seemed to begin to twist at high speed under the movement of an invisible big hand, and then completely dissipated under a roar!

The familiar sunlight once again shone on the earth, and the cold air that belonged to winter suddenly dissipated!

“What the hell is this…”

Looking at a clear sky, everyone couldn’t help but exclaim!

Feeling the gradually increasing temperature, the Blood Emperor untied the coat that applied the magic to protect the temperature, and the imaginary cold did not invade, proving that all this is not an illusion, but a real change!

“What the hell is this doing? Old man, what exactly is this? “Gilkenifer, who has always been able to keep calm, is not calm, and even his expression is a little distorted!

“It’s not magic of the magic system… Priest Sen’s belief system magic does indeed have a sixth-order magical weather manipulation! Foruda’s face was also filled with excitement: “However, this is not just something that can be done by simple sixth-order magic weather manipulation, I am afraid it is a higher magic that surpasses the seventh order!” ”

Beyond the magic of the seventh order? Isn’t that already in the realm of God?

Although he got the answer he wanted from Foruda’s mouth, Gilkenifer’s heart sank directly into the abyss at this moment!

Beyond the existence of the thirteen heroes, has it reached the realm of the Eight Desires King and the Six Gods?

Coming to this conclusion, the Blood Emperor Gilkenifer could no longer calm down, desperately suppressing the completely unstoppable fear in his heart, hoping that he could not let his close body waver because of this, and finally, as the emperor of the Bahass Empire, he was reserved, or let him reluctantly not show his appearance!

“Then, please come with us!”

Looking at the expressions of the people on the imperial side, Nabei’s eyes were full of contempt, low-grade ants have always been low-grade ants, and they have never seen the frogs at the bottom of the well!

How could the power of the Supreme Supreme be something that such inferior humans could speculate on without permission? Just Lord Ma Ray’s move can scare them like this, if Lord Supreme makes a move, will it directly scare them to death?

Suppressing the fear of wanting to say no and want to escape, Gilkenifer gently nodded towards Nabe: “Please Miss Nabei lead the way!” ”

The corners of Nabei’s mouth curved a little, which was the ultimate mockery: “Please remember the previous words, don’t make any radical moves!” ”

Seeing the curve of the corner of Nabei’s mouth, there was a lot of fear in the eyes of the Blood Emperor, this woman is not easy to mess with~ can’t be messed with! What she said was absolutely the truth, and what he had to face next was definitely beyond what he knew in this life!

Glancing at Fluda, who was still full of excitement beside him, Gilkenniever sighed helplessly, the old man couldn’t count on it, a magic had already made him confused, the next…

Slightly ahead of the short distance, a huge portal suddenly appeared in front of Gilkenifer’s eyes, it seemed to be a newly built building, but this magnificence had already shocked Gilkenifer!

The gaze moved down slightly, and the terrifying scene made Gilkenifer’s pupils shrink suddenly, and the gate was guarded by a pitch-black alien monster!

“Woohaha… Dominating the Death Knight, and still in that amount, it’s just amazing, fantastic, fantastic, huhahahahaha~~”

Before Gilkenifer could ask, Fluda beside him had already let out a burst of maniacal laughter!

“Old man, death knight? When is a Death Knight? Old man, answer me! I really wanted to hear that name before, is it the same as the undead who is rumored to be in the depths of the Magic Province? ”

Under the deadly oppression of the death knight, Gilkennifer immediately panicked!

“What is the Death Knight? Answer me! Vla’s look was crazy and threatening, and Gilknifer suddenly set his eyes on the person behind him!

“Yes, Your Majesty, the Death Knight is really an undead who is sealed in the depths of the Magic Province as you said, and the Death Teacher is not able to control it!”

“Whew, huh~~” There was no smile on Gilkenifer’s face, and the emperor’s reservedness had long disappeared: “What kind of legendary immortal is this?” Or is it that the Death Knight is gregarious, six in one? Yes? Are you kidding me? Yes! ”

“No, there is no such thing!”

One of the four knights, ‘Fierce Wind’, said with a cold sweat on his face: “Your Majesty, it’s very bad, please calm down and listen to me, that is really bad, even if all of us huddle together, we may not be able to beat one of them, so hurry up and escape!” ”

Gilkenifer looked a little distracted at the inside of the passage, there was something even more terrifying inside!

“Escape? How to escape? Where to escape? ”

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