Nazarick Rimuru

Chapter 040

For the flying squirrel who has no parents in real life and only a friend of Limuru, the guild “Ainz you Gong” carries most of his good memories.

I really can’t forget it until today, the day of the closure… The memories of the expedition with those forty-one friends cannot be forgotten from the suicide of the nine.

And now, with the imminent closure of “YGGDRASIL”, this “Ainz ul Gong” that carries many of his good memories is also about to disappear, and the flying squirrel’s heart is full of regret and reluctance.

He sent text messages to all the guild members before the game was closed, but only Heiro and Rimlu were online.

Luckily, though….

The flying squirrel turned his head to look at Limulu, who didn’t know what he was thinking.

And the little hair that he has not seen for many years accompanies him to the last moment

, which is the only thing that can make the flying squirrel happy in recent times, but the thought of getting up at less than four o’clock tomorrow morning, he can’t help but feel a pang of boredom in his heart.

Ten seconds to go.

The flying squirrel slowly closed his eyes, making the final countdown to this game that had been with him for twelve years, in the future, he would not have the energy to play such a game again, the reality was too depressing.

It’s time to say good night….

“Limulu, good night.”

“Well, flying squirrel, good night.”

The voice of a friend’s response was heard in my ears.

23:59:58 23


00:00:00 00:00:01

Silently counting the countdown to the service, the flying squirrel after 12 o’clock opened his eyes, different from the previous maintenance.


What happened?

Now he should have logged out because the server was down.

… This is, is the server delayed shutdown?

After confirming that the time had indeed exceeded the time of zero o’clock, the confused flying squirrel began to look around trying to find the reason.

Sitting on the throne, the flying squirrel’s fingers gently ran through the air, which was the command in the game to call the system to control the menu, but no matter how he operated it, no interface appeared in front of him.

Attempts to call customer service to resolve did not get any response.

Speaking of which, Limulu, who should have been by his side, has also disappeared, and if it was really a delayed shutdown of the server, they should still be together, but now only he is left.

And GM did not post any notice on the website about the delayed closure.

Thinking of this, the flying squirrel couldn’t help but feel a burst of anxiety and doubt… Now any control interface is unusable, which means he can’t even force logging out,

“What the hell is going on!”


The ruler of death stood up abruptly, and this roar spread throughout the hall.

This deep voice emitted by the soul fire of this skeleton body can stop children crying at night in reality.

The flying squirrel who heard his voice couldn’t help but cover his throat in surprise, and at that moment he thought that Limuru was playing a prank on him again.

That’s not your own voice…. No, how could it be like this in YGGDRASIL…

“What’s wrong with you, Flying Squirrel?”

Between this throne where Limulu inexplicably disappeared, it stands to reason that no voice will answer the flying squirrel’s question.

The flying squirrel looked up suspiciously to find the source of the sound, but what came to his eyes was it.

In these short minutes, the originally cold system NPC like a delicate puppet turned into a perfect woman with bright eyes and appeared alive in front of the flying squirrel, and even, with her subtle breathing movements, her chest was slightly rising and falling, which was definitely not something that the YGGDRASIL system could do.

Yalbed raised her head and looked at her most beloved Supreme with doubtful and worried eyes, and behind her, Sebas, who had been brought here with Limuru, and the maids of the Pleiades were also looking at their Supreme Supreme Lord supreme.

Looking at the flying squirrel who had been sitting calmly on the throne but suddenly stood up in a panic, the NPCs’ hearts couldn’t help but panic, Sebas quietly smoothed the folds on his deacon’s body with his hand, which was a treasure given to him by Lord Taqimi, who created him, and he didn’t want even a slight fold to appear in the eyes of the Supreme Supreme.

“Lord Flying Squirrel, is there anything we can do for you?”

Hurrying to the flying squirrel, although Yalbed did not show any gaffe on her face, her heart was extremely flustered, and her hands could not help but clasp together.

For her, who loves the flying squirrel deeply, even if her ability is not enough, as long as she can share the burden of the flying squirrel, she will sacrifice her life.


From the flying squirrel’s current point of view, the eyes burning with soul fire were exactly on the two huge sins on the chest of Shangyalbed, created by his friend Jade Yulu.

…… The body is really super good… It is worthy of Jade Lu-san.

A faint fragrance stimulated the flying squirrel’s nasal cavity, because the hands were clasped together, tightly squeezing the chest, not to mention that Yaer Beide was a real succubus, and he also made this action in front of the flying squirrel…

The flying squirrel who has no experience with women in real life almost loses his mind, and the red light of his eyes is scary, but at this moment….

[The undead force calm down]!

The green light shone on the smooth skeleton body of the flying squirrel, and the messy thoughts in his mind were all suppressed.

The flying squirrel glanced at Yaerbed, and suddenly felt bored, sat back on the throne and began to think slowly.

The NPC in front of him suddenly moved on its own, still talking to him, what the hell was going on? Did something unusual happen? This won’t be a closed Easter egg, but the server is down, and it is impossible for the official to engage in any Easter eggs or

add a new system, right? Besides, the control menu is not available now, and the game operation cannot be contacted.

There is also the most important thing, Limuru, who has been by his side before, is also gone, is he logged out, and Elimulu’s nature should not leave himself here….

In short, this situation seems to be impossible to sit still, since Ya’er Bede, who has just been the chief of the guardians, called himself Lord Flying Squirrel, then maybe it is the same as before, after all, these NPCs will serve the members of the union, and he can treat the NPCs as his subordinates….

At this point, we can only gamble and see.


originally wanted two chapters and one chapter, let’s send out a chapter first, can tomatoes drive some cars?

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