Nazarick Rimuru

Chapter 042

“What can happen outside Nazalik? Isn’t it all an unchanging swamp, and ah, also, Lord Rimlu wasn’t with Lord Flying Squirrel before, how did he suddenly disappear.

And just after the Pleiades accepted the task of flying squirrels and left the throne, Ripsregina Beta, who couldn’t hold back her heart, immediately spoke.

“Who knows, it may be that Lord Limulu has something to do alone.”

“But Saki Ye obviously didn’t follow, didn’t Lord Rimlu usually take Saki Ye with him when he was active in the Great Tomb?”

“Okay, the conversation is almost over, as maids, we just need to complete the tasks assigned by the guardians and the Supreme Supreme, how can we speculate about the affairs of that adult at will!”

Yuri Alpha glanced at the happy Lopsregina and Soruka Epsilon

, clapped her hands, and as the eldest of the seven sisters, out of her rigorous personality, she preached to her two younger sisters to speculate about the Supreme Supreme.

And everyone in the Pleiades Star Cluster was obviously accustomed to the preaching of the eldest sister, and the big grinning Lupsregina clasped her hands behind her head and pouted

, “Sister Yuli, you are too rigid, that Lord Limulu will definitely not care.”

With one hand on her forehead, Yuri only felt like there were a few pound signs on her head about to pop out, and among the sisters, Rupsregina, who had the most jumpy personality, gave her the most headache.

But everyone’s character is created by the great Supreme Supreme, and she who is also a creature can’t say much about Rupsregina’s character.

“Compared to this, Lord Sebass asked us to go find Saki Ye and go out to explore together… But where did Sakiya go? Hearing

the words of the third sister, Nabelar Gamma, Rupsregina responded with a big grin,

“It won’t be going to Lord Rimlu, will it?”

Xizi shook her head: “Saki Ye’s words, it must be on this ninth layer.” She must have said something like “Lord Limulu didn’t summon me, I must have considered him, as the head maid and guardian of the realm, I only need to be in charge of the ninth layer] or something like that.

“You are talking about Lord Limulu, is Lord Limulu looking for me?”

Just as everyone in the Pleiades was talking and looking around, a cold voice came to their ears.

The girl who appeared in the middle of the six people of the Pleiades had short silver hair, sideburns on the sides, small twisted braids, and a green ribbon at the end.

She wore a maid outfit with blue and white as the main colors very different from Nazalik’s other maids, and her apron was embroidered with Roman numerals I.~XII, which represented time.

It is the NPC created by Limuru in this Nazalik, the perfect and dashing maid chief, Sixteen Nights Saki Night, who is one of the few humans in Nazalik.

“It’s not Lord Rimlu, it’s Lord Flying Squirrel who ordered you and Lord Sebas to confirm the situation around the Great Tomb of Nazalik, Saki Night.”

… Suddenly appearing beside them, this is Sakiya’s unique power, and it is really shocking no matter how many times I see it.

“… It’s Lord Flying Squirrel… Well, I’ll go with you to Sebas. ”

Sixteen Nights Saki Night, as a level 100 NPC, specialized the ability to manipulate time, plus Limulu once gave her a world-class prop called [Luna Dial] in order to be perfect, giving her the ability to operate time that no anti-time stop prop can fight.

In the words of Lord Limulu, you can enjoy the feeling of taking care of the room in the blink of an eye.

The only shortcoming of this perfect and dashing maid chief is that he loves to worry too much, and often robs those maids’ work and does it himself.

Yuri shook her head, cleared the messy thoughts in her mind, and walked towards the upper level of the Great Tomb with Sixteen Nights Saki Night.


, this underground tomb called Nazalik was transformed into a ten-story comprehensive fortress after being raided by the player.

Underground tombs on the first to third floors, underground lakes on the fourth floor, glaciers on the fifth floor, jungles on the sixth floor, magma on the seventh floor, wilderness on the eighth floor, and finally the suites and meeting rooms where players rest on the ninth floor, and the Throne Hall on the tenth floor.

Because each floor extends to the underground, the floor is also distinguished by the number of underground floors and the like, in order to guard against foreign enemies…

.Well… Or in order to satisfy the desires set by the players, the existence of class guardians is equipped, with the exception of the ninth and tenth layers.

One-step… Two steps….

Obviously, it was possible to teleport by using the Ring of Ainziurgong, which was exclusive to guild members, to teleport without consumption and distance restrictions, but the flying squirrel still chose to slowly walk into the circular arena on the sixth floor from the staircase.

Not for anything else, but to carefully observe if there were guardians or their subordinates ambushing around against him.

The flying squirrel deliberately walked backwards from the entrance of the seventh floor, because after leaving the sixth level amphitheater, it was a long forest to the entrance of the seventh floor, and this side was also the best place to ambush.

One of the guardians of the sixth tier, Yaura Bella Fiora, has domesticated her favorite monsters in this forest, and if it is to be ambushed, it will definitely choose here.

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