Nazarick Rimuru

Chapter 070

The ogre was getting closer, Ainz gripped the hilt of the greatsword with both hands, and Nabei also unsheathed the matching sword under the cloak.

Is this Nabei obviously supposed to be a magic chanter, but uses a plain iron sword as a weapon?

But just as Ainz pulled out the giant sword behind him, the people of the pitch-black sword had no time to pay attention to Nabe.

The two 150-centimeter-sized giant swords were more appropriate from the appearance to be more appropriate crafts than weapons.

The longer the sword body, the weight will also increase, and from the air flow brought by the sword body, it is by no means a shelf product, what kind of monster arm strength does this Momo have.

The ogre that attacked was hit and broken obliquely by him with a clean and neat movement, and the ogre who was standing straight in front of everyone had already slipped his upper body to the ground at this time, leaving only half of his body still.

And the blood and internal organs that erupted from his body and the stench that spread around him showed that this was not an illusion.

“… It’s incredible, maybe even Mithril has surpassed it… Mr. Momo won’t have reached steel grade.

But unlike the dark sword, which was amazed by Momo’s mighty strength, Limlu, who was sitting in the carriage, found something out of the way.

The movement was too stiff, and it was just relying on his physical ability to wield that weapon.

Although the result did achieve the goal, Momo’s movements were completely like a novice who had just picked up a sword, and it was extremely contrary to his thousand-year-old physical ability.

If it was just to disguise something in front of him, there would be no need to do such superfluous things.

Or is he not a real fighter at all?

But the weirdest thing is here, and the Momo in front of him gives people the feeling that this is the perfect warrior from head to toe.

Just when Limuru was stunned, the last ogre that attacked had been easily solved by Nabei using a third-order lightning strike.

Unlike Nia and the others, who were skilled in cleaning the battlefield, Momo took Nabei to stand silently on the side, seemingly not very concerned about these loot.

That’s right, after all, the main purpose of the other party is not these so-called tasks at all, but the boy driving the carriage, and he naturally will not be curious about these things.

Using the greatsword to recall the fighting methods of his fellow warriors in his memory, Ainz breathed a sigh of relief as he watched the enemies who were easily solved.

This forest did not brush out any high-level monsters as he had guessed before, and he could still cope with the physical ability brought by this “perfect warrior”.

But then listening to the praise of everyone around him in the pitch-black sword, his mood was not very good.

Still screwed up, because of the existence of “Miss Jing”, he misestimated the gap in strength between himself and these ordinary adventurers, and got a little carried away.

Presumably, for that “Miss Jing”, this is already an abnormality, obviously he thought about not attracting her attention before. ”

It’s so powerful, as a warrior, I really don’t know how Mr. Momo’s monster-like strength is exercised!!”

“Are these two swords a rare treasure somewhere! The shape is really unique! ”

Mr. Momo’s strength is already comparable to the strongest warriors in the kingdom!! right?”

The words of the members of the Pitch Black Sword made Nabei show a proud expression, while the main lord Momo kept waving his hand.

Because as they discussed, “Miss Jing” kept looking at this.

“My level, everyone will definitely be able to surpass it easily.”

Momo said.


team marched for a day, and although the sun had not yet set, the people of the Pitch Black Sword had already begun to prepare for camping.

Momo was holding some stakes to set up a cordon net that would protect the camp, and as he nailed the logs into the ground, Nabei walked up to him.

Looking at Ainz who was doing some chores, Nabei said with some anger

“… How could they let Mr. Momo do all this chores.

Ainz, who probably understood why he was angry, sighed and pointed to the other people who were working, after all, everyone was busy with their own things, and if he didn’t do anything, wouldn’t it be impossible.

“Didn’t you show them your might? Wouldn’t it be nice to leave this kind of thing to these weak bugs to do?

“Listen to Nabe, don’t say that, it is natural to show strength appropriately, but you can’t be arrogant, not to mention that there are enemies of unknown strength in the outside world staring at us and staring at Nazalik.”

After saying that, Momo turned his head and looked in the direction of Limuru.

Looking at Momo’s actions, Nabei nodded to indicate that she understood.

Presumably, Lord Limlu acted independently of Nazalik for the hidden enemies.

But even so, Nabei’s face was still a little unconvinced, but because of the Supreme Master’s order, she had to obey.

Fortunately, those Sky Curtain Caterpillars did not ask Lord Limulu to do these chores as well, otherwise seeing the two Supreme Supreme Lords like this, even if they were punished by the Supreme Supreme Lord, Nabei would give them some color.

For example, sprinkle ash in their eyes.

In fact, despite the pressure that Miss Jing brought to him, Momo still enjoyed this series of outdoor activities, after all, there was no opportunity to experience these things in the original world.

Even the player’s camp in the game world will not look like this, at most it will be a campfire.

It gave him the feeling of having an adventure with his friends in the game.

This undead body does not need to eat or breathe at all, so you can climb the snowy mountains and dive into the deep sea with only one pair of feet, and you can enjoy the unknown scenery of this wonderful world.

But now he came here with the whole of Nazalik, and the legacy of his companions turned into the heavy loyalty of the guardians and weighed on his heart.

In return for their loyalty, he should become the qualified ruler of the Great Tomb of Nazalik in the eyes of the guardians.

But… Really want to… I can see the unknown scenery of this world with my companions——

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