In the game "YGGDRASIL", there is a powerful magic that surpasses all ranks.

If someone tries to activate the superposition magic, they will be targeted by the enemy first.

In fact, the casting of the superposition magic is too long, and under normal circumstances, the true dragon king can still avoid it if he starts to dodge it now.

But that's just the general situation.

Sword of Damocles:

This is an oversized magic that deals devastating damage to buildings and all individuals under them in the game, focusing their attack power on one point.

What kind of performance will it be in this world that has become a reality, Rimuru is looking forward to it.

Many classes use their skills in the form of [sword], and the hard and sharp appearance is like an extension of the player's own arm, such [sword] symbolizes the most primitive [attack concept] and [will] of people, and on the basis of all the swords, there is a very special one.

On top of the mountain of corpses, a huge amount of magic formed a vortex and flowed towards the sky, and after reaching a sufficient height, this magic power was gradually compressed.

The space was distorted, all the magic power of this plain was absorbed, and the shattered space and the huge amount of magic power gradually began to form a huge crystal.

As Rimuru crushed the hourglass he had taken out earlier, it was a kryptonite item obtained from "YGGDRASIL".

Sand spilled from the hourglass he had crushed, flowing into the runes around him with a surge of magic.

At the same time, the crystalline body that would have taken a long time to condense instantly condensed and shattered, revealing its true form.

It was a huge weapon that was all silver.

It is both a sword and a bomb, symbolizing the power of the explosion and the damnation of heaven.

The superposition magic is activated in this instant.

The huge sword fell towards the corpse, and as the tip of the sword touched the corpse, the corpse that had been constantly surging and exuding an unsettling aura instantly fell silent.

A loud roar and white light covered the entire plain, not only the corpses, but also the Cult Squad.


What happened?

None of the people in the Church Squad could understand.

With the exception of the god-man Hill, all of the other members were punctured in their eardrums by the roar, resulting in detonation deafness.

When Rimuru opened the circle, Ciel understood what kind of magic he was going to unleash

, and it was a magic that only gods could use as recorded in the texts left by the ancestors of the gods.

At that moment, he understood that the evil god in front of him was a real monster that could destroy the country in an instant.

A burst of ecstasy ensued.

He hadn't forgotten that this monster had been controlled by him using a true artifact.

A monster of this level will be his in the future, and it will be the religion's one.

As the white light gradually dissipated, a huge pit appeared in front of them where the original corpse mountain was located, and at the bottom of the giant pit, the corpse mountain was already less than half of its original size. In other words, the magic just now wiped out at least two hundred thousand and more undead.

However, the huge energy response that Rimuru had sensed before had become much weaker, but it was still there.

The layers of the undead were like armor, layer by layer to defend the dragon king from damage.

A moment later, a creature swayed from inside the crater.

It slowly stood out of the blackened pile of undead corpses, and the surviving undead slowly gathered towards it, gradually taking on a certain shape.

It has a long neck, and at first glance a head reminiscent of a reptile, as well as wings. It has six legs. An elongated tail like a whip.

It's just that, compared to the image of an ordinary dragon in Rimuru's mind, this dragon king's neck is very long. In addition, the tail is very elongated, making it look like a combination of western and eastern dragons. Or rather, six legs and a winged beast combined into a snake.

And probably because of the relationship between the reluctance to make that shape out of zombies, it looks very ugly and ugly, not as graceful as Rimuru imagined a dragon should have.

"This isn't the magic of this world, damn it—the filth of the Dragon Emperor, are you here in this world again?"

A deep voice came from the mouth of the dragon king in front of him, and even though his tone sounded extremely angry, it was strange that it did not directly attack Rimuru and the others.

"Notice: The target True Dragon King was severely damaged by a direct hit by the Sword of Damocles, and the individual is using zombies to fill itself. "

That is, is it dragging out time.

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