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【157】Run and Gun vs. Run!

As Su Mo blocked Nash, the atmosphere in the home stadium was pushed to a climax again.

Nash shook his head and sighed, and at the same time, his eyes looking at Su Mo were also filled with helplessness.

This guy's reaction ability and athletic talent are really outstanding.

Suns coach Gent's face was solemn, and he called a timeout again.

In the CCTV NBA broadcast room, host Wang Meng and commentator Zhang and Yang Yi were communicating

"Su Mo's block just now really boosted morale. It was similar to the previous game against the Celtics when he bypassed Garnett to block Ray Allen's shot!"

"Nash's ability to lead a team is beyond reproach, but he is indeed at a disadvantage on the defensive end, especially in one-on-one defense. However, Nash's team defensive awareness and assisting defense ability are still quite outstanding!"

"Nash was still a little serious with Su Mo. It seemed that Su Mo's provocation also played a certain role. However, after this timeout, the Suns should be back on track soon. Nash is an experienced veteran and will definitely not be affected like the young players!"

Back on the court, just as Coach Zhang had predicted, after the timeout, the Suns began to play their"bombardment" style.

First, Stoudemire served the ball from the sideline. Nash received the ball with the help of his teammates' pick-and-roll cover, dribbled directly into the basket, changed direction and misled the opponent continuously, and passed the ball back to Stoudemire behind him like a ghost.

The latter took a mid-range shot after receiving the ball, and the basketball fell steadily into the basket.


Curry, who saw all this, observed Nash's clever pass from such a close distance on the court, his eyes sparkled, and his admiration for him became even stronger.

Later, in the Warriors' offense, Su Mo assisted Ellis's three-pointer from the outside, but failed to hit. The Suns' center grabbed the rebound and immediately gave the ball to Nash.

After receiving the ball, Nash did not stop and quickly led the team to launch a counterattack fast break.

Grant Hill, Jason Richardson and Stoudemire ran side by side, rushing to the frontcourt from different positions on the court, making the Warriors feel defenseless in an instant.

Su Mo rushed towards Nash in a hurry, trying to block his passing route.

However, Nash passed the ball first.


Richardson rushed into the penalty area and received the ball. Facing Jackson's defense, he jumped up and dunked successfully.


The referee whistled, Jackson fouled Richardson's shot, Richardson scored and got a free throw.

The Suns' counterattack fast break was smooth and showed the team's style.

On the commentary platform, Mark Jackson and Jon Barry also praised the wonderful counterattack.

"The Suns' offense this time was really outstanding, it was really a five-second offense, as fast as a whirlwind, Nash's ability is unquestionable!"

"Of course, Nash is the brain of the bombardment tactics. If there is no Nash, and other point guards are replaced, they will surely not be able to reach the same level as Nash now!"

"The current Suns and Nash truly achieve mutual success. It's a pity that neither the Suns nor Nash have been able to win the championship. I really hope that they can both win the O'Brien Cup in their lifetime!"

"The Lakers are at their peak now, and the Cavaliers, Magic and Celtics in the East are not easy to deal with either, not to mention the Warriors are rising strongly. The Suns are really too difficult!"

On the commentary desk, Mark Jackson and Jon Barry chatted happily, and just at this time, the situation on the court changed. Under the leadership of Su Mo, the Warriors also made a fast break and directly responded to the Suns'"bombardment".

However, before the Warriors fans at home could be happy, the Suns"bombarded" again, and Nash assisted Grant Hill to directly hit a three-pointer from the outside.


The Warriors were not to be outdone and responded with a fast break, but this time Curry's three-pointer from outside failed to hit.

Curry missed the three-pointer, and after the Suns grabbed the defensive rebound, they launched another fast break.

Nash was not afraid of Su Mo's defense, and passed the ball from behind to Steidlmaier who was cutting into the restricted area. The"Little Bully" rushed to the basket, shook off center Tolliver, and made another layup.


With the Suns' four consecutive"bombardments" of fast breaks, they quickly reversed the score by 1 point.

Some Suns fans on the road finally cheered after half a day of silence.

Warriors head coach Don Nelson frowned and immediately called a timeout.

Nelson didn't think that a team with shooters like Curry, Ellis and Maggette, and a small forward like Su Mo who can shoot, dribble, assist, and has speed and strength, would be afraid of playing fast breaks with the Suns!

Since they are determined to fight against fast breaks, they must lower the height of the players on the court and then enhance their mobility and flexibility.

After the timeout, the Warriors replaced the center with Maggette. forward Anthony Tolliver.

As a result, the Warriors' five-man lineup on the court is now: Ellis, Curry, Maggette, Jackson and Su Mo.

This is also the"Death Five" lineup that has made the Warriors so successful in recent games.

However, no fans called out this name, nor did commentators and sports media call it out. Except for Su Mo, no one else knew that in just a few years, the term"Death Five" would become the hottest"luxury" lineup in the entire league.

After changing the lineup, the Warriors' mobility and flexibility have indeed increased a lot, so they have enough confidence to directly follow���

The Yang team started to bombard each other."VS"The exciting battle of"bombardment" was officially staged under the eager eyes of tens of thousands of fans in the Oracle Arena. At

7 minutes and 2 seconds, the Warriors' offense, Curry quickly rushed to the front court with the ball, assisted Su Mo who cut into the basket and dunked directly



The referee's whistle and the sound of bombing the basket sounded at the same time. Su Mo's goal was valid, and at the same time, it caused the"little bully" Stoudemire to foul.

Su Mo, who walked to the free throw line, easily made a free throw and scored 2+1, helping the Warriors regain the lead.

6 minutes and 6 seconds.

Ellis missed the layup, Stoudemire grabbed the rebound and quickly passed the ball to Nash, who quickly dribbled down.

Nash, who came to the frontcourt with the help of his teammates' pick-and-roll, rushed directly into the penalty area. Feeling Su Mo following behind him like a shadow, Nash did not choose to take the risk of a layup himself, but cleverly passed the ball to Grant Hill outside the bottom corner three-point line.

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