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【160】Let's play Paul together!

Under the expectant eyes of the fans, the game officially began. The two sides jumped the ball, and the Hornets attacked first.

Paul controlled the ball and came to the frontcourt. Facing Curry's defense, he fully demonstrated his rich experience. After a fake move and a prayer, he passed Curry directly and broke into the basket.

Facing the tight defense under the basket, Paul passed the ball without looking at anyone, and passed it directly to Okafor who followed up.

The Hornets center took the ball and dunked it. It was so easy.


Paul made a wonderful assist at the start, helping the team to lead the Warriors 2:0 at the start.

On the commentary desk, Mike Breen and Van Gundy naturally praised Paul's ability.

"Paul is one of the top three point guards in the league today. Curry is thin and his one-on-one defense ability is very average. It is simply impossible for him to defend Paul!"

"That's right, even if they defended Paul's attack, they couldn't defend his elusive passes. Paul's vision and overall view are really admirable!"With the praise of the two commentators, Paul played very well on the court. He directly stole Curry's pass on the defensive end and made an accurate long pass to assist Darren Collison who was rushing to the front court to make an easy layup.

Hornets (4): () Warriors.

Paul made two assists and a steal within less than a minute of the start, completely crushing Curry on both offense and defense.

"The title of"Queen Bee" is well-deserved.

Obviously, Su Mo and the Warriors' recent success in the league is a key reason for Paul's explosion at the beginning.

The bigger the challenge and the stronger the opponent, the more competitive and fighting will a real superstar will show. This is true for Kobe and Chris Paul.

Then, in the Warriors' first attack, Su Mo attracted a double team and passed the ball to Curry on the outside, who shot an open three-pointer directly.


A dull sound of iron was heard. Curry's first three-pointer after the opening, which was also the Warriors' first attack at the opening, failed to score smoothly.


The rebound bounced far away and was caught by Paul, who was quick-eyed and quick-handed. He rushed to the front court.

Su Mo quickly chased after him, following behind Paul like a shadow, waiting to shoot at any time.

As long as Paul dared to shoot, he would definitely give the opponent a solid block.

Paul naturally felt Su Mo following closely behind him, and he would not underestimate the opponent's blocking ability.

After dribbling the ball directly into the penalty area, Paul suddenly slowed down, turned around, and shook Su Mo off, then turned around and passed the ball easily.

David West, who followed up, caught the ball steadily and flew


The basket vibrated, and the Hornets' substitutes sitting on the sidelines jumped up excitedly, waving their towels and T-shirts excitedly.

One minute into the game, Hornets (6): () Warriors.

This awkward start was very rare for the Warriors.

Standing on the sidelines, Warriors head coach Nelson was furious and called a timeout.

"Paul's ability is really outstanding. With a height of 183cm, he has done everything a player of this height can do, assists, steals, rebounds, everything. He led the team to score points in the first minute of the game. The Warriors may have met a strong enemy today!"

As soon as Mike Breen finished speaking, Van Gundy followed up:

"From the first minute of the game, it can be seen that both Paul and other players of the Hornets are obviously paying more attention to this game. Although they are on the road, they get into the game faster than the Warriors at home!"

Mike Breen nodded and said,"That's right, the Warriors are a little underestimated, but Paul made them pay a heavy price! I hope that after this timeout, the Warriors can make effective adjustments!"

Many of the Warriors fans at home also looked solemn at the moment.

"Paul played really well. In fact, I have always admired Paul's game!"

"They were beaten 6:0 within one minute of the start. Su Mo and the Warriors had a slow start today!"

"6 is nothing, there is nothing to panic about. Paul's personal ability is beyond reproach, but the overall strength of the Hornets has declined compared with the 2008 season, and there is no way to compare with the current strength of our Warriors!"

"As long as Su Mo explodes, being behind by 20 points is not a problem!"

On the court, after the timeout, the score continued to start, and the Warriors had the ball first.

After Curry crossed half court with the ball, Su Mo quickly came over to ask for it. At the same time, with the help of Curry's pick-and-roll, he shook off Peja and Paul's defense on the outside and chose to shoot directly from outside the three-point line.

Seeing Su Mo's direct three-pointer, not only Paul and Peja who came to defend, but also other players of the Hornets, including the substitutes sitting on the bench, were all scared and sweating.

Many of the home fans in the audience had even raised their hands in advance to celebrate.



Su Mo's three-pointer failed to hit the target with a dull sound.

The fans in the home audience who were preparing to celebrate inevitably showed embarrassed expressions on their faces.

The Hornets players also breathed a sigh of relief.

Okafor protected the rebound in the penalty area and quickly passed it to Paul.

Paul received the ball and rushed forward, and the Hornets quickly launched a counterattack.

Paul rushed to the front court and was closely guarded by Su Mo who returned to defense, but this still did not prevent Paul from passing the ball well.

Peja followed up and received Paul's assist, shook off the center under the basket, and easily made a layup.


The Hornets have scored 8 points in a row, while the Warriors still haven't scored a single point.

"Su, you certainly didn't expect such a start, did you?"

Paul walked to Su Mo's side during the defense, with a smile on his face, calm and unrestrained.

Su Mo frowned, it seemed that he had to explode.

In the next offensive round, Su Mo directly controlled the ball to the frontcourt, through Curry's pick-and-roll, and faced Paul's defense.

Peja next to him wanted to come over for a double-team, but was directly rejected by Paul.

Judging from the posture, Paul was going to defend Su Mo alone.

Su Mo smiled,"Chris, I can even beat Deron to autism, so why would I be afraid of your one-on-one defense?"

Hearing the name"Deron" coming from Su Mo's mouth, Paul's body and mind trembled, and his eyes immediately became sharp.

Su Mo made a feint, started quickly, and changed direction continuously, which made Paul, who had a stable center of gravity, a little dizzy.


With the speed of wind, Su Mo passed Paul directly, rushed into the basket and stood up to dunk!

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