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【12】All-Stars, one of the best, outshining the rest!

Su Mo is naturally looking forward to it.

"How is it? How many votes for Xiao Mo?" Fatty asked while eating hot pot.

"No need to look, Xiao Mo is definitely the first!" The little book boy pretended to be indifferent, with a look of mastermind, but he was still a little nervous.

"It's only been one day since the voting started. I'm afraid the channel in China will be opened later than that in the United States? Maybe many people haven't heard the news yet!"

Peter Zhang said, and he had already prepared a way out for Su Mo.

Tang Xiaomo saw the data on the official website and was very happy in her heart, but on the surface she still pretended to be calm.

"Ahem, I will now announce the results of the first day of voting. Let me start with the third place, which is LeBron James! The number of votes on the first day is 220,000!"

"220,000 on the first day, LeBron is too awesome! This year's NBA fans seem to be much more enthusiastic than in previous years!"

"20,000 is not the third place, Su Mo is definitely ahead, don't panic!"

Tang Xiaomo kept everyone in suspense and continued,"Next is the second place, Kobe Bryant of the Lakers, your idol, with 296,000 votes!"

"Kobe received nearly 300,000 votes in one day. That's too scary!"

"Who is the first? Xiaomo, stop keeping us in suspense and tell me quickly. Is Xiaomo the first?"

"It must be Xiao Mo. Kobe and LeBron are both very popular. This is only the second or third place. Apart from Xiao Mo, who else can surpass these two great players?"

Tang Xiaomo finally couldn't hold back his laughter and shouted excitedly,"First place, Brother Xiao Mo!"

Everyone was in an uproar and overjoyed.

"I told you before, Xiao Mo will definitely be the first, there is no suspense at all!"

"That's for sure. Just based on the 72-point dunk in the Christmas game, Xiao Mo deserves to be the All-Star vote winner!"

"It’s only the first day, and China’s many football fans are definitely not mobilized yet. There will be even crazier things to come!"

"Xiaomo, tell me quickly, how many votes did Xiaomo get?"

In the expectant eyes of everyone and Su Mo, Tang Xiaomo said excitedly:"First place, Su Mo, Golden State Warriors, number of votes: 119.8 votes!"

"Oh my God, did I hear it right?"

"More than 1 million votes, this is five times more than Le Brun. Xiao Mo is really amazing!"

"It seems that in the NBA, truly powerful people will not be buried. Xiao Mo's current popularity and votes are a reflection of his strength.

"NBA fans are always looking forward to the emergence of new players. Xiao Mo is definitely one of the league's top stars now, and there is no doubt that he will be the league's number one in the future!

"Pete Zhang, be more confident. Remove the word"future". Xiao Mo is now the undisputed No. 1 player in the league!" In his rookie season, he only played in the league for two months, but he became the undisputed No. 1 player in the league in the hearts of many fans.

Who else is there besides Su Mo from China?

The results of the first day of the All-Star voting first set off a huge wave throughout the United States. A group of NBA stars and retired celebrities expressed their opinions on this.

Carmelo Anthony:"Su Mo's votes on the first day were nearly 1.2 million? Oh my god, this is too crazy!"

LeBron James:"Although I know that Su Mo's votes are likely to be higher than mine, I was still deeply shocked after seeing the list on the first day!" Kevin Durant:

"There is nothing to be surprised about. Didn't Yao Ming win the All-Star vote? China has a large population, and everyone who has attended elementary school will have this simple knowledge!"

"Magic Johnson:"Su Mo deserves such a number of votes. I predict that after the All-Star voting process is over, Su Mo's votes will create an unprecedented history in the history of NBA stars!"

Michael Jordan:"Su Mo is a rising star. I have foreseen his era!"

Charles Barkley:"You know, this is crazy. The number of votes in one day is more than one million. What kind of terrifying number will Su Mo's votes reach in the end? Twenty million votes? Or even more? It's unimaginable!"

The number of votes was far ahead, which once again boosted Su Mo's popularity in the United States and even the world, allowing more people to join the voting.

In addition, Curry, as a rookie, also received nearly 20,000 votes in the first day of the All-Star voting, which was a pretty good result.

Assisted by Su Mo, Curry has gradually squeezed out Ellis and grown into the second in command of the Warriors.

That night, Su Mo and Tang Xiaomo and others ate and drank enough and drove home.

Halfway through, the agent Austin also called to congratulate Su Mo.

Because Nike specially built a The"Su Mo Generation 1" has sold more than 500 pairs in less than three days since its official launch. The momentum is so great that it broke a number of sneaker sales records. Nike was out of stock for a while and the supply could not meet the demand.

At the same time, Su Mo's No. 5 jersey of the Warriors has also topped the list of jersey sales in the two months since the start of the new season, nearly twice as much as Kobe Bryant, who was in second place.

The overwhelming good news made Su Mo a little bit dizzy.

In a daze, Su Mo finally realized that he had really made it in the NBA and was on his way to becoming a star in the league. The position of the first person is advancing rapidly.

And his current influence can completely compete with the leading figures of any era in NB, and even surpass them.

In the face of honor, Su Mo was not carried away. He knew that his road ahead was still long and the journey was still arduous.

On the third day of rest, Tang Xiaomo and others were ready to return home. Su Mo personally sent the four of them to Oakland International Airport.

After sending off his sister and best friends, Su Mo was ready to go. He returned to the training hall that afternoon and discussed the next game with the players and the head coach.

Next, the Warriors said they will face the Bucks first. The two teams have already played against each other once at the beginning of the season. At that time, Mr."50 Points" Jennings was beaten to a pulp by Su Mo. Next, the

Warriors will play against the Suns, Kings, Mavericks, Trail Blazers and Lakers.

The Warriors have played against these five Western Conference teams before, and naturally won all of them.

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