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【19】Low EQ? Angry Durant!

At the Staples Center, as the game ended, the Lakers fans were frustrated. They were disappointed that they didn't see the team keep the advantage. On the other hand, the

Warriors fans were excited and celebrated the team's 17th consecutive victory.

At the same time, the fans also looked forward to the team's longer winning streak under Su Mo's leadership.

"We have already won 17 games in a row. Now Su Mo's performance is getting better and better, and Curry's three-point shooting has also stabilized. With the efficient performance of these two 2009 rookies, maybe we can break the Rockets' 22-game winning streak!"

"It's not easy to lose the 22-game winning streak. As long as the main players are not injured and Su Mo and Curry don't take turns to rest, how can we lose? We have basically beaten all the strong teams in the league!"

"Let alone breaking the Rockets' 22-game winning streak, even breaking the Lakers' 33-game winning streak is entirely possible!"

Scarlett, who was standing in the front row, was even more excited. After the game, she took the initiative to come to the sidelines to communicate with Su Mo and take a photo together.

"Su, I really like watching you play basketball. I finally came to Los Angeles. Don't you want to treat me to a cup of coffee or a movie?

Scarlett said to Su Mo generously, with a smile so sweet that it melted people's hearts.

Su Mo talked face to face with the"goddess" at a close distance. It would be a lie to say that he was not nervous.

"I would be honored when... Of course!"


After the away game against the Lakers, the Warriors will continue their away game in the West. They will go to Oklahoma City to face their old rival, the Thunder, two days later.

The Warriors have played against the Thunder twice this season and won both times.

The day before the game, in the Oklahoma City Thunder's training hall


"Swish! Swish!"


"The"Big Three" Durant, Westbrook and Harden, as well as Ibaka, Jeff Green and others have all trained seriously.

Everyone regards tomorrow's game against the Warriors at the home stadium as a battle of honor that must be won.

After all, in the regular season of this season, the two teams have played against each other twice, and the Thunder lost to the Warriors in embarrassment, and the"Big Three" also lost to the"undrafted" Su Mo.

Facing the pressure of the fishing reel, Durant, Westbrook, Harden and others have all worked hard, determined to beat the Warriors at home.

Durant practiced a dry jump shot in various positions in the frontcourt, then stepped on the sweat on his face, walked to the sidelines and sat down to drink water and rest. Information.

Durant casually took out his mobile phone and habitually opened the personal Twitter of"Goddess" Scarlett.

In an instant, Durant's whole head seemed to explode, and his wide pupils were filled with flames of anger.

Because he was looking at the new updates on Scarlett's personal Twitter, which were two photos.

One was a photo of Scarlett and Su Mo at the Staples Center, and the other was a photo of the two of them in a coffee shop.

In both photos, Scarlett smiled sweetly.

Although there was no overly intimate contact between Scarlett and Su Mo in the photos, this obviously angered Kevin Durant.

Durant tightly grasped the phone, and his eyes seemed to be spewing fire.

"Su Mo, I will definitely give you a good show in tomorrow's game!"

Then, Durant opened Twitter again and left two messages under the photo posted by Scarlett:

"Is this the latest version of Beauty and the Beast?"

"Su Mo and the Warriors are about to lose, I hope he can still smile so happily then!"

One day later, at 9 pm local time in Oklahoma, the third matchup of the season between the Thunder and the Warriors kicked off as scheduled. The

Thunder's home stadium, the Chesapeake Energy Arena, was packed. Although Oklahoma is just a small city among the Western Conference teams, the fans' enthusiasm is very strong.

After all, the Thunder's gradually growing"Big Three" have given fans hope of the team becoming stronger and even winning the championship.

After losing to the Warriors twice in a row this season, the fans are also looking forward to this game where the team can finally make a comeback with the home advantage.

After all, the Warriors have been playing away games in a row and have been exhausted from traveling, while the Thunder have been in very good shape recently and have won three consecutive games.

At the referee's signal, the main players of both teams walked into the stadium.

The fans are no longer Strange.

The starting lineup of the Warriors is: Stephen Curry, Monta Ellis, Su Mo, Stephen Jackson, Anthony Tolliver.

The starting lineup of the Thunder is: Russell Westbrook, Jeff Green, Kevin Durant, Nenad Kostic, Sapo Sofsa.

The centers of the two teams jumped the ball in the center circle, and the Thunder got the first wave of offensive possession.

Westbrook controlled the ball and came to the frontcourt, and his teammate Durant ran directly to ask for the ball.

From Durant's enthusiasm at the beginning, it can be seen that he has a strong desire to attack tonight.

After receiving Westbrook's pass, Durant faced Su Mo's defense on the outside, with sharp eyes and a strong fighting spirit. Taking advantage of Su Mo's daze, he directly shot a three-pointer from the outside.

Seeing the basketball flying over his head, Su Mo was a little confused for a while.

This Durant, is he a little too excited tonight?


The basketball went into the net, and the

Thunder led the Warriors 3:0 at the start.

"Su, I must beat you tonight and let Scarlett know who is the real superstar!"

After scoring the goal, Durant raised his chin towards Su Mo, gritted his teeth, and patted his chest with his palm.

When Su Mo heard Durant mention Scarlett, he realized why he exploded at the beginning of the game.

He cried and laughed and shook his head. Durant was jealous because of him.

Back to the offensive end, Su Mo received Curry's pass and faced Durant head-on. He also started to talk trash while dribbling.

""Durant, don't say you are not my opponent. Even if you can beat me, Scarlett probably won't like a person with low emotional intelligence!"

Durant was furious. Su Mo dared to say that he had low emotional intelligence?

In anger, Durant's eyes flashed, and his long arms suddenly stretched out, trying to steal the ball from Su Mo.

Su Mo had already expected Durant's move, and took advantage of the momentum to accelerate the breakthrough, directly passed Durant, broke through the restricted area and dunked successfully.


Durant was furious and returned to the offensive end to single out Su Mo again. He used his height and wingspan to pull up and shoot from the right high position.

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