Afterwards, Wang Yi’s eyes fell on Taylor, who was dazed by Xiao K ‘s agile movement , and thought in surprise: ” Damn, when did this guy’s IQ become so high?! It seems that we really have to guard against her in the future. One-handed! ”

Although Wang Yi thinks he is a decent man, he has never done anything wrong.

But he couldn’t hold back his gang of color critics !

What if one day he was dragged into the water!

So, you can’t go wrong with planning ahead !

After a while, the three got into the nanny car heading for the hotel.

Looking at this high-end Mercedes-Benz commercial vehicle, Wang Yi said with some envy: “� . Taylor, your company is so powerful, do you have this kind of official car wherever you go? ”

” Of course! ” Taylor glanced at Wang Yi and smiled proudly: ” Our company has branches in major cities across the country! ”

” Tsk tsk, it seems that Lao Luo’s agency is not very good! ”

Touching the leather sofa of Mercedes-Benz , Wang Yi thought of Pelinka’s voice calling him to take a taxi to the hotel, and couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing.

Sure enough , these stinky players who enjoy playing football can’t make entertainment stars!

” Taylor, tomorrow we ‘ll have a good walk around New Orleans! ”

Wang Yi took out the travel strategy that he had prepared for a long time, and began to plan a sweet time with Taylor.

Seeing that Wang Yi and Taylor were talking, laughing, and hot, Christine was in a hurry, she hurriedly stuck out her head to get between the two of them, and shouted, ” Hey, hey, sister Swift, brother Wang, what about me? I’m going too! ”

Tyler glanced at Little K , reached out and pressed the latter’s head back, and said disdainfully, ” Hmph, Little Bulb, fuck you, this is a two-person world between me and Xiao Wang! ”

” Ah, ah, you are talking nonsense ! Brother Wang Ming said that he would take me there, but you are a woman who doesn’t want to take me! ”

” ??? ” Taylor’s beautiful big eyes kicked, and said frantically: ” Little K ! What did you just say to me??! ”

“A little bit, Gou woman! ”

” Ahhh, I’m fed up with you being hot!! ”

” Then take me there, and I won’t bother you! ”

” No ! I won’t take it, mainly because Xiao Wang doesn’t want to take you, do you know? ”

” You fart! Brother Wang, are you taking Xiao K to play tomorrow ~”


Seeing that the flames of war ignited on him, Wang Yi’s face was a little stiff.

To be honest, Wang Yi didn’t really want to take Christine there.

‘s not nice to leave her alone in the hotel

The most important thing is that Xiao K just did him a big favor

never mind!

The grace of dripping water shall be reciprocated by the fountain !

Little K , you helped me just now, this time I will help you!

” Cough, um, moldy, little K is not yet an adult, isn’t it safe to stay in a hotel alone? ”

” Otherwise, take it with you tomorrow ! ”

Wang Yi touched his nose and said.

“” Taylor’s eyes narrowed, looking suspiciously between Wang Yi and Xiao K.


Wang Yi and Xiao K avoided Taylor’s gaze and lowered their heads as if they dared not speak.

looking at it for a long time, Taylor’s brain was spinning rapidly. In the end, she didn’t remember anything wrong between the two, so she reluctantly agreed:

” Hmph, then let’s go together! Little K , it’s cheaper for you! ”

PS : I wrote a lot about the previous game , and I wrote about the All-Stars’ daily life .

Chapter 90 _ James’ brother – Wang Yi! Rookie Challenge , Yi Diwang Yi is connected!

That night, when Wang Yi arrived at the hotel with two girls, he saw Kobe sitting in the lobby.

At this time , Kobe was joking with James and Wade, and when he saw Wang Yi coming, he quickly gestured to him upstairs.

Nodding from a distance , Wang Yi first sent Xiao K and Taylor to his room .

After a while, Wang Yi came down to look for Kobe, and before he approached him, he heard a loud voice.

” Hey, man , you’ve come! We’ve been discussing you here for a long time! ” LeBron James beckoned to Wang Yi.

” Long time no see , LeBron! ” Wang Yi replied with a smile.

” Hahaha, the last time we met was when you beat us with three points. I didn’t expect that a month later, the league was already full of your legends! ”

James didn’t have the air of a superstar, and after Wang Yi sat down, he put his arms around Wang Yi ‘s shoulders.

He leaned into Wang Yi’s ear and asked in a low voice.

” Come on, Wang, tell me , are you sure you can win the second-year team in the Rookie Challenge? ”

” ??? ”

Wang Yi had a black question mark on his face .

What the hell?

This guy is almost finished just to ask this?

pondering for a moment, Wang Yi decided to answer conservatively: “The second- year team has a very strong lineup. Their overall strength is stronger than our first-year team. In the game the day after tomorrow, there is a high probability that the second-year team will win! ”

James heard the words, his eyes lit up, he immediately let go of Wang Yi’s shoulders, and smiled at Wade on the other side: ” Hahaha, Dwyane , I bet with you, I’ll bet on the sophomore team to win!! ”


Wang Yi’s face froze, and he hesitated to speak.

Dwyane Wade sat next to Kobe and said with a smile: ” Why, did you hear any inside information from Wang ? But it doesn’t matter, I bet you!! ”

After finishing speaking, Wade spread his hands at Kobe: ” Why are there still people vying to take advantage of it these days? We have the funds for our All – Star Party ! ”

Kobe also glanced at Wang Yi strangely at this time . He remembered that he didn’t seem to have communicated with Wang Yi in advance ?

is this kid so smart ?

But some people send money , don’t give up!

Black Mamba nodded and said solemnly: ” Lebron, do n’t say I bullied you, the second-year team is really strong, and it’s not easy for the first-year team to win! ”

After a pause, Kobe continued solemnly: ” If it weren’t for my little brother in the first- year team, I wouldn’t have played with you in this bet! However, I still choose to believe in Wang, he is my teammate, I will definitely on his side! ”

Wang Yi:

At this time , Wang Yi realized that these old guys were cheating on James!

8 – year-old James is only 23 years old, and he still looks like he is not deep in the world.

This wave is going to be pitted by Kobe and Wade!

James didn’t know why at this time , and felt a little bad, but he couldn’t come up with a reason after thinking for a long time.

After taking a look at Wang Yi, James finally made up his mind: ” Okay, then it’s settled, hahaha, get ready to open the PARTY money ! ”

Kobe and Wade looked at each other and both saw unstoppable smiles in each other’s eyes.

” Hahaha, LeBron, it’s okay, Wang is my little brother, I will take this money to support Wang! ”

” yes, lebron, starting today, wang is my dwyane ‘s brother, and i’m on his side too! ”

Hearing this, James was a little embarrassed.

After all, he has just called Wang Yi a brother-in-law, but he doesn’t support his brother in the blink of an eye. Isn’t it a bit unreasonable?

Scratching his head, James hesitated: ” As you know, Wang is also my brother, otherwise I’d better not bet ”

” Hey, LeBron, no, no, it’s fine if the king has us! ”

” Yeah yeah, it’s alright, you LeBron value brotherhood the most , who doesn’t know about this? Don’t worry about it! ”

Seeing James like this, Kobe and Wade became anxious and waved to stop them.

” Really ? ”

Although James did take his brother very seriously in his heart, he didn’t show it, did he?

Do Kobe and Wade feel their feelings from their daily interactions ?

James looked at the two suspiciously.

Kobe nodded and pointed at Wang Yi as a matter of course:

” Of course, it’s not just us , I’m sure Wang knows this too! ”

James turned his eyes to Wang Yi and asked, ” Wang, do I really seem to have such a big brotherhood ? ”

Wang Yi:

Although Wang Yi’s expression is stiff now, when he thinks that James’ brothers will spread all over the world in a year, he wants to laugh a little.

” Ahem, lebron, you have to believe in yourself! I think you’re the player with the most brothers in this league! ”

Wang Yi gave James a thumbs up, and then continued: ” If you want to find a brother to play basketball with in the future, please look for me! I am your Lebron’s most iron brother! ”

“OK , Wang, don’t worry! I recognize your brother, and I will remember it in my heart! ”

Nodding , James put his arms around Wang Yi’s shoulder and smiled very happily. Now, does the whole league understand the news that James is very affectionate?

Oh, what a shame!

” Damn it , this guy doesn’t really want to bring his talent to Los Angeles, right? ” Wang Yi couldn’t help muttering in his heart when he looked at James like this.

If James came to the Lakers

Well, then there is no need to play in the NBA . Isn’t this the proper finale for the Lakers?

Bynum , Gasol, James, Wang Yi + Kobe, the five-star Lakers swept the league!

Of course, Wang Yi just thought about it.

If James really comes to the Lakers, not to mention whether the league will stop the transaction , even his salary will have to make huge sacrifices.

Now the Lakers’ salary space is seriously insufficient. If they want to give Wang Yi a big contract next season, the Lakers have to clear their salary space.

It ‘s been hard!

if another james

If he doesn’t reduce his salary to 50,000 , it’s basically useless!

This shows that the faith of the James brothers in basketball is not firm.

After all, for him, the benefit of winning a championship is definitely greater than that salary!

After accidentally cheating James with Kobe and Wade, Wang Yi returned to the room.

Because the hotel arranges single rooms, Wang Yi sleeps on the floor

Of course, it was said that he slept on the floor, and the last three guys all came to sleep on the floor.

They asked the hotel for another quilt and slept together on the ground.

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