All in all, although the Zen master had the intention of letting Wang Yi lead the team alone.

But Wang Yi felt that he was still incompetent.

After all, his good stats in the regular season were all based on Bryant’s ability to attract most of the defense’s attention.

in such a Laker, it is difficult for him to score without exploding!

After all, as long as Wang Yi is double-teamed, Kobe will give the enemy a defeat faster!

And if you let him play the core of the ball and lead a lineup, it would really be a complete idiot!

If you are lucky, like today, the golden skills and badges that trigger are very good.

Then Wang Yi can barely make a cameo role as the core of the ball-handling core.

But if these skills have no chance to trigger

Then Wang Yi may show his prototype on the court !

2 out of 20 is no joke!

That [Middle 2 ] maybe it was Wang Yi who triggered the effect of the purple skill [Flipback Jumper] to score!

Of course, Wang Yi himself knew what was going on with him.

But the fans don’t know!

As soon as they heard Barkley’s wild bragging, they immediately felt reasonable.

So he also started to brag about Wang Yi on the Internet.

This is for Wang Yichou!

he finally knows why there are so many [Champion Fans] in his previous life!

Mainly because these fans are really easy to hear the wind is the wind, and the rain is the rain!

Of course, what Wang Yi didn’t know was that

The fans who were loyal to him in Los Angeles were mostly attracted by these rumors at first.

After all, he is a young man, a powerful star, and everyone has a face!

In addition to the heated discussions on the Internet about the Lakers VS Nuggets game and Wang Yi’s true strength.

The first round of the playoffs reignited.

April 21st US time . _

The Houston Mosaic challenged the Utah Jazz again.

The Cleveland Cavaliers will also host the Washington Wizards.

Dayao assured Wang Yi before the game, he would definitely show his little brother what an invincible big center is tonight.

But unfortunately, Mosaic finally lost the game with a huge difference of 20 points .

After the game, in the face of Dayao’s daily complaints, Wang Yi also began to think about when to recruit Dayao.

After all, this year’s Olympic Games Wang Yi will find a way to solve Dayao’s physical disadvantage.

By then, Dayao’s career should be extended for several years!

In this way, Wang Yi has enough time to recruit Dayao and Emperor Yi,

with Chinese players as the core will be established in the NBA to win the championship!

With the BUFF halo around, Wang Yi’s thoughts naturally began to let go of himself.

However , these are later stories.

Wang Yi may not choose to recruit them either.

if he lives alone in Los Angeles until his death?

Who knows what will happen in the future !

Mosaic lost the game here, but the Cleveland Cavaliers over there, under the leadership of the little emperor James, once again defeated the Wizards at home.

The trident formed by the Wizards in the new season seems a little too weak in the face of the little emperor James.

James scored 45 points in this game and led the team to slaughter the Wizards.

And this is also the second time that James has scored 30+ points in the playoffs!

33 points in Game 1 against the Wizards !

After defeating the Wizards, James expressed high spirits in front of the media:

” Celtics? Sorry, we’re already working on our finals opponent! “8

Young James clearly didn’t know what modesty was.

Yesterday, Wang Yi sent him a message and Dese scored 40 points by himself. Today, James fought tit for tat and led his team to score a higher 45 points.

At this moment, James even felt like a god of war!

So, facing the unbelievable eyes of the reporters below.

Little Emperor James smiled disdainfully and said:

” Hey, the Celtics are just three old guys, isn’t it normal to beat them? Why are you so surprised? ”


Seeing James’ post- match interview, Wang Yi also sighed helplessly.

This guy, how did he abuse vegetables and lose himself?

If he remembers correctly, the Cavaliers seem to have been double-killed by the Celtics this season, right?

‘s it , how dare James say that?

” Tsk, 07 ‘s Green Army, James, you dare to bombard?! ”

Thinking of the previous Celtics once again ruthlessly extinguished James’ championship ambitions this year.

Wang Yi looked at James on the camera with some pity.

Because he knows that the day when James runs to the Heat is not far away

Maybe after James’s words are finished, his thoughts of going to the Heat will be even more exacerbated.

” You say you, it’s not good to offend anyone, but you want to offend this year’s Green Army! ” .

Chapter 155 _ The envy of Du Xiaoshuai and Wei Shao! New tactics for the Nuggets? !

On April 22 , the battle of G2 in the playoffs spread again.

The pelicans beat the dallas mavericks 127-103 today .

German chariot, has not woken up from the nightmare of being black eight by the Warriors last year.

He struggled in this game, not at all what a league superstar should look like.

On the other side , the orlando magic won the toronto raptors by a narrow margin of 104 : 103 .

The Dragon King Bosh of the Raptors made two iron +1 mistakes in the decisive stage, and successfully gave the Raptors a defeat.

Perhaps , James has already begun to push Bosh away from the Raptors at this time, or why is Bosh a little absent-minded?

Of course, this is a joke.

Bosh scored 29 points in this game , and this performance in the playoffs is indeed a superstar!

The Spurs in the Holy City also beat the incoming sun today.

In the face of the rapid rotation of the sun, the Spurs, who have already exercised a round on the Lakers, seem to be at ease.

The Spurs, who can play back and forth with the Lakers , will be a massacre without any suspense when they meet the Sun!

Even Ginobili said in a post-match interview:

the Suns’ fast rotation system is far behind. The offensive threat of their entire team can’t keep up with the backcourt combination of Wang Yi + Kobe !

This also successfully attracted a group of Wang Mi’s likes.

Three games are over.

It ‘s April 23rd .

There are still three playoff games on the 23rd .

Respectively, the Celtics face the Eagles.

The 76ers face the Pistons.

The Nuggets face the Lakers!

In one day , the two most watched games are played at the same time!

Whether it is the Celtics or the Lakers, they are the favorites to win this season!

Therefore, in the early morning of this day, the major sports media have already begun to heat up one after another.

Countless event predictions started flying around.

This time, though , the experts’ predictions were very accurate.

Because they are basically all on the side of the Celtics and the Lakers.

After all , everyone has seen the situation of G1 .

home -court advantage in hand , the Celtics and the Lakers play against teams like the Eagles and the Nuggets, which is an easy one.

Both games can be called carnage!

The Celtics had 12 players on the side, and 6 of them scored in double figures. Basically, this game was used for training.

And the Lakers are not weak at all. Kobe only played for one quarter, and the rest of the time was Wang Yi leading the team against the Nuggets.

even more outrageous is that in the fourth quarter, the Lakers didn’t even play any starter!

Such confidence and depth of the bench are even stronger than the Celtics who have the first record in the regular season!

It is worth mentioning that the Atlanta Hawks started this year’s rookie player, Al Horford, in the last game .

Although the Eagles lost the first game against the Celtics badly.

But Al Horford’s performance was surprisingly good.

As a center, he even completed the counterpoint suppression when facing veteran inside players like Garnett!

In this game, Al Horford scored 20 points, 10 rebounds , 2 assists , 1 steal and 1 block !

If there is no Wang Yi’s game ahead , then Al Horford’s performance is definitely the strongest among the 2007 rookies !

As a rookie in 2007 , the first two rookies participated in the playoffs .

The performances of Al Horford and Wang Yi undoubtedly shocked the league.

After all, as the level of the NBA is getting higher and higher, there are very few players who have just entered the league and can play well in the playoffs.

But this year, there are two at once !

Their playoff debut score alone is enough to blow a wave of the 07 draft!

At this time , Kevin Durant , who was watching the playoffs live in Seattle, was full of envy for Wang Yi and Horford.

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