Let’s not talk about the regular season, at least in the playoffs, Taylor and Little K will never miss a home game of Wang Yi!

It can be said that these two goddesses are now proper Lakers fans, and Wang Yi is a brainless fan!

” Boom!! ”

” Boom!! ”

At this time , the dull dribbling sound on the field sounded .

Wang Yi ignored the cheers of the fans at the scene.

A pair of eyes fixed on Boozer’s defensive posture.

A good offensive player must learn to read defense.

Just like at this moment, Wang Yi just glanced at it roughly.

Just know that Boozer ‘s defensive focus is on his step-back three-pointer.

His center of gravity has not completely sunk,

He has always maintained the position where he can block Wang Yi’s three-pointer at any time.

However , Boozer’s is only the best second team after all, not the best defensive second team.

Facing his defense, Wang Yi skillfully dribbled the ball.

” Boom! ”

” Boom! ”

” Boom! ”

Just because of the poor rhythm caused by three crotch dribbles, Wang Yi completely staggered his defense!

Without hesitation, Wang Yi took a step to the rear right and came to the top of the arc to make a shot fake!

And because Boozer had already guarded against Wang Yi’s move, he immediately bullied him forward and wanted to block Wang Yi.

But the latter did not choose to shoot, but took advantage of this time to directly break into the inside!

Swooping away from Boozer , Wang Yi made a direct shot from the outer wing of the free throw line!

“oh !!! ”

” My God, Wang didn’t choose to step back for three points?! ”

” Beautiful fake , ONE gets a shot in one shot ! ”

” Hahaha, I always thought ONE was the kind of player who would rather shoot threes or rush the frame than shoot mid-range, but I didn’t expect that he would still shoot mid-range! ”


Exclamations erupted from the sidelines .

Before Wang Yi broke into the three-point line, no one thought that he would shoot the ball like this!

After all, Wang Yi’s scores are mostly kept at the basket or beyond the three-point line.

rare .

The mid-range of the Lakers is still more than Kobe’s shot!

However , although Wang Yi doesn’t often shoot from hand to hand, his attributes are there!

How to say it is close to the full value of the cast!

So the arc of this ball is very stable!

” Brush!! ”

A second later, the basketball drilled the net with precision.

5 : 2

“wooooow !! ”

” Beautiful play, king! ”

“let’s-go !! LAKERS ! ”

“let’s-go !! ONE ! ”

The enthusiasm of the fans at the scene was ignited by Wang Yi’s opening two accurate shots.

The sound of Staples Center swept across the field once again.

high , he blew a kiss back at Taylor K , who was on the sidelines . Wang Yi then shook his head and returned to the backcourt.

Next, the offensive and defensive battle between the two teams began.

Whether it is the Lakers or the Jazz, in terms of scoring, from the first quarter, the battle for points has already begun!

However , the two teams on the court are both top teams in the league, and neither one is easy to defend.

On the defensive end, the Jazz have no way to limit the two backcourt players, Kobe and Wang Yi.

And the Lakers are the same , there is no good way to stop the various connections between Kirilenko and Williams.

Even Boozer ‘s high-altitude bombing in the interior made the Lakers somewhat unable to defend.

In this way, under the gaze of nearly 20,000 fans at Staples Center, the two sides staged a wonderful scoring show.

Soon, the first quarter is over.

The Lakers scored 34 points in a single quarter under the outbreak of Wang Yi and Kobe.

Wang Yi alone scored 20 points. Refreshed the highest score in a single quarter of the playoffs .

Kobe Bryant also contributed 9 points.

On the other hand, the Utah Jazz also scored 28 points in a single quarter without suffering from the Lakers’ targeted defensive tactics!

Relative to the usual playoffs.

Both teams scored higher in a quarter than normal teams.

This also shows how fierce the two teams are on offense today!

During the break between festivals, Wang Yi came to the first row to play with Taylor K.

In the commentary box on the sidelines, TANT commentary Barkley said:

” This is a strong conversation between the top teams in the West. Neither team can help each other on the defensive end! ”

“The Jazz are still in high competitive form today after playing the Houston Mosaic. ”

” Their performance on the court is much brighter than the Lakers! ”

Then, Buckley paused and explained:

” Don’t look at the fact that the Lakers are in the leading position now, but this is all supported by Wang Yi’s fiery touch! ”

” Wang Yi made 5 of 8 three-pointers in the first quarter and contributed 20 points to the Lakers in a single quarter! ”

” If it wasn’t for his efficient scoring , according to the competitive state of the rest of the Lakers , in the first quarter, the Lakers would not be as good as the Jazz! ”

In this regard, Kenny Smith did not refute, but nodded in agreement:

” yes , the jazz’s playoffs are in good shape! ”

“The Lakers may be because they haven’t played the main game for too long. At this time, players other than Wang Yi are struggling. ”

Jazz bench ,

Jazz coach Jerry Sloan looked excited, pointed to the tactical board and said:

” You guys played well in the first quarter! ”

” It’s going to be like this, and the rhythm is just right! ”

” As long as we continue to bite the score, we will have the opportunity to exert force in the fourth quarter and win the Lakers in one wave! ”

Jerry Sloan’s tone was impassioned.

Seems like a win over the Lakers soon .

To be honest, leading the Lakers is something Jerry Sloan can’t even think about.

After all, the Lakers’ regular-season record and invincible play in the first round of the playoffs are not fake.

The Lakers with Wang Yi and Kobe are the top offensive team in the NBA this season !

to get ahead of them!

However , as long as the score is tight, then Jerry Sloan is sure to pass the tactics in the fourth quarter,

Sink the Lakers!

more Jerry Sloan felt that the Jazz had the potential to take a win from Los Angeles today.

After all, judging from the performance of other Lakers players, in the fourth quarter tiebreaker,

As long as the Jazz find a way to restrain Wang Yi, the outcome of this game is still unknown!

At that time, the awesomeness he bragged before the game will really come true!

at home for the mighty Zijin Lakers this year !

This is a super honor that will keep his Jerry Sloan’s name mentioned in future generations !

But while Jerry Sloan is excited.

But the other players on the bench did not feel that way.

After all, after the first quarter, they probably know something about the strength of the Lakers.

It can be said that if the Lakers swept their opponents too early in the last round,

As a result, it has not been played for a long time, and many players feel unfamiliar.

Then the first quarter of their jazz may have already begun to collapse!

Therefore, for the probability of winning tonight, even Deron Williams maintains a pessimistic view at the moment!

With the end of the inter-section break, the rotation of the two sides and the main lineup began to debut in the second quarter.

Wang Yi did not play in the first half of the second quarter .

Lakers are starting players headed by Kobe and Bynum with the rotation players such as Turiaf , Walton and Laoyu.

rotations on both sides were also very intense.

In just six minutes , they had pushed the score to 52:47 !

Their scores are even crazier than the first team!

However , the Lakers still maintain a five-point lead!

Afterwards, the Zen master called for a pause and sent Wang Yi and Gasol up.

Bryant temporarily retired to sit on the bench.

No way, Bryant’s touch in the second quarter is still struggling.

Although the entire rotation is not a lot of points.

But Bryant himself only has an offensive efficiency of 2 -for- 9 shooting .

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