Wang forced Wang to say another classic quote!

In this world, apart from Wang Yineng pretending to be so forceful, there is really no other guy who can compete with him!

Those words came from any other player in the league.

Everyone can counterattack and refute from many angles!

However, when only Wang Yi said these words, everyone took it for granted!

Because , Wang Yi himself is a child of miracles!

Since his debut, he has created many miracles and records!

That night, on TANT TV’s post-match review program.

Buckley said bluntly:

” Although Wang Yi’s shot speed is faster than James, you must know that he is facing a double team of two people or even three people! ”

” Under such a defensive intensity, it is possible to complete efficient scoring, which in itself is enough to explain the problem! ”

8 ” There is no doubt that Wang Yi’s offensive ability is better than James! ”

” Even he surpassed Jordan who scored 63 points that year! ”

This time, Kenny Smith’s views are surprisingly consistent with Barkley’s!

He pointed to Wang Yi’s record of three-point shots and exclaimed:

” Look! ”

” Wang Yi’s three-point shot is too dangerous, which is destined for him to have the top ball-handling ability! ”

” There’s no truth in what he said! ”

” Anyway, I think that as long as it is an offensive matter, as long as Wang Yi makes up his mind, he can break all records! ”

Two TANT-headed commentators who have never been in a good position ,

At this time , they all stood on the same front and began to support what Wang Yi said!

It can be seen that Wang Yi’s powerful offensive ability is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people! .

Chapter 190 _ What’s wrong with Lao Tzu’s 30 shots ? Just ask you, did you win? Cubs, talk! Win or not? !

next day, the Cleveland Cavaliers and Celtics game started again.

The Cavaliers unexpectedly won this game!

The Cavaliers defeated the Boston Celtics 101 : 88 !

In this game, James shot 31 times and scored 48 points, leading the Cavaliers to the final victory.

The current series between the Cavaliers and the Boston Celtics is tied at 1 : 1 .

And the Celtics can lose to the Cavaliers at home,

It also made the group of fans in the league shouting for the Lakers championship began to grow.

After all, since the start of the playoffs.

The Celtics, a [ 60 -win] team, are seriously at odds with their playoff performance.

the Atlanta Hawks , who were 8th in the Eastern Conference in the first round , only won 30+ games in one season.

The Celtics can actually be dragged to the tiebreaker!

It can be said that the Eagles almost completed the feat of Black Eight!

In the second round, they faced the Cleveland Cavaliers led by the little emperor.

It ‘s normal for the Celtics to drop games on the road.

After all, the difference between home and away is too big!

However, this is at home!

21 -game loss at the home of the Boston Celtics !

They lost the game under the cheering of nearly 20,000 Green Army fans!

This is somewhat incomprehensible!

The fans of the Green Army said that they could not accept it at all!

in the regular season? !

to the playoffs ? !

After the game, all three of the Celtics declined to be interviewed.

This kind of performance also makes the outside world feel that there is a problem within them!

As a result, those fans who are still chanting the Celtics championship,

There was a hint of hesitation.

After all, the other league number one in the west is a slaughter!

Played 7 consecutive victories , not even a small defeat!

Plus, they’re playing the Wild West!

The Celtics are playing the weak East!

Such a comparison, the hearts of the Green Army fans are half cold!

Now don’t talk about championships.

The fans of the Green Army said that as long as they can enter the finals,

They are all content!

However , in the face of this situation,

James laughed.

When he was interviewed by the media , he did not pay attention to the offensive efficiency of Wang Yi that the reporters deliberately read.

Just keep smirking there.

Obviously, James has now given up on attacking Wang Yi.

At present, the little emperor of Cleveland just wants to pull the Celtics, the No. 1 team in the West, from the throne!

” Hey guys , this is great news! ”

” We got a tough road win from Boston! ”

” The next two games are in Cleveland, and we’re even more confident we can hold on to the victory! ”

” Now that we are tied 1 : 1 , the series has become a best of three game format! ”

” And in this format, it’s us who hold the home field advantage! ”

James is very optimistic about the prospects of this series.

He feels that the Cavaliers, who have home advantage, are likely to win the final!

And he also explained his crazy shot in this game:

” Hey, I’m not trying to compete with ONE for the title of best scorer! ”

” To be honest, that’s how I win! ”

” On the current Cavaliers team, that’s the only way to win! ”

” As the team’s only superstar and the team’s boss, it is my duty to take on the responsibility of winning this game! ”

” As long as I can bring victory to the team, that’s enough! ”

James has a lot to say.

But to sum it up in one sentence –

[Cubs, I will ask you, did we win? ! I shot 30 times, but did we win? ! is not it? ? ? ?

If nothing else , at least James’ response is still very popular.

those journalists interpret that is their business.

For Cleveland fans, James did take them to an almost impossible victory on the road!

This is the truth!

So, for James’ move to almost dominate the team’s ball.

The fans were not angry, but unified their voices and began to support James!

They agree with James’ remarks!

be able to win!

On the other side , the fierce battle between the Spurs and the Pelicans has reached a critical moment.

Spurs GDP was heroic in today’s away game!

Manu Ginobili and Duncan scored 63 points to lead the Spurs to rewrite the series to 3 : 1 !

The Spurs are only one game away from the Western Conference finals!

As long as the next game is won, they can join the Lakers in the Western Conference finals – fulfilling the earlier predictions of Adidas and the fans !

As for the Hornets ( now the Pelicans), they have also come to the edge of the cliff.

Even Chris Paul was particularly dissatisfied with the result.

He can’t stand the taunts from the fans, the league, and the damn sneaker business!

However, no matter how upset Paul was .

The difference in the strength of the team is still here!

Perhaps in addition to themselves, there are New Orleans fans.

No one at all would think that they could win,

Join the Lakers in the Western Finals!

Here Paul is sullen,

The Spurs , who just won the game,

The atmosphere in the team is not as good.

After winning this game and getting the first match point of this round of the series, Duncan, who was interviewed after the game, had a dull expression.

There was no trace of excitement!

The reason is simple!

Because the now aging GDP is slowly realizing it .

A formidable opponent suddenly straddles the Western Conference of the NBA ! 260

Los Angeles Lakers.

This giant club that has been silent for several years,

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