Lebron James paused that Su Bai was the absolute core of the Utah Jazz, and he was standing on the bottom line for what to do.

Then he shouted that it was not good, by the way, it was 5 to 3 just now.

Paul Millsap didn’t come back at all, still in the opponent’s half.

Su Bai is going to launch a fast attack with a long pass, pass the ball to Paul Millsap, and take back the points he just lost.

Zaidrunas Irgoskas noticed, and he immediately rushed to the bottom line to block Su Bai.

His tall body and fast-waving long arms may be an obstacle to ordinary players, but how can it have half an impact on Su Bai.

Zaidrunas Irgoskas tried his best, but he couldn’t win even a second.

Su Bai immediately saw the gap exposed by Zaidrunas Ilgoskas and, unceremoniously, sent a long pass across the field and passed the ball to Paul Millsap.

At this time, none of the players on both sides returned to the Miami Heat’s half.

Without a doubt, this is a very classic quick counterattack.

Paul Millsap was also empty in front of him, and his palms were sweaty.

Do you cut into the inside dunk or shoot a 3-pointer? This is a difficult problem.

If you can shoot a three-pointer.

Then the score will be stretched to 6 points again, and the importance of this ball may be recorded in history and praised by posterity.

But if you can’t shoot, you are a super sinner, and you don’t even hit this super vacancy.

Over there, Lebraun James has quickly replayed meteors back and forth, ready to chase Paul Millsap in the big hat.

If the 3-pointer missed, the rebound would probably be grabbed by Lebraun-James.

Paul Millsap suddenly closed his eyes and remembered what Su Bai had said to him countless times.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes and whispered, “I’m an All-Star!” ”

That’s how Su Bai taught him!

Worthy of being an All-Star in the Su-Bai history line, Paul Millsap calmed down and aimed at the basket as a 3-pointer.

At this time, Lebron James had already killed behind him, and the emperor’s return speed was already shocking, which could not be described as unhappy.

He was even prepared for Paul Millsap to grab a rebound as soon as he missed a shot.

It is a pity that all the efforts made by the emperor were useless.

3 points is like a guided missile with eyes, directly hollow into the net.

All Miami Heat fans were instantly silent.

A few seconds ago, they were still elating at James Jones’ three-pointer, feeling like they had seen the light of victory.

Utah Jazz fans, by contrast, were so excited that they almost rushed down to hug Paul Millsap.

They collectively sent the highest praise: “MVP, MVP!”

This is the treatment that Su Bai only has!

Paul Millsap shouted furiously, and from the moment of 4-on-5, the Utah Jazz had been barely surviving on Su Bai’s 3-pointer.

At this moment, another player finally stood up and shared Su Bai’s pressure.

Of course, this ball still comes from Su Bai’s exquisite assist.

This ball is very critical!

The Miami Heat had just made it 112-109 and before they could rejoice for a second, they were pulled back away by Paul Millsap.

At 115-109, the Utah Jazz regained a six-point lead thanks to a key assist from Subai and a key 3-pointer from Paul Millsap.

The referee suddenly blew the whistle, signaling a pause in the game.

It turned out that at this time, Utah Jazz head coach Jerry Sloan called a timeout.

A smile appeared at the corner of Jerry Sloan’s mouth, and he stood up leisurely, while glancing at the VIP box of the Miami Heat.

A man in the VIP box couldn’t help but curse: “Damn.” ”

This person is naturally the president of the Miami Heat, the coach behind the scenes – “God operator” Pat Riley.

This timeout, Jerry Sloan called very cleverly, just took advantage of Paul Millsap’s dead shot time after a successful shot, not giving the Miami Heat another chance to launch a fast attack.

Pat Riley was frustrated, and this time should not have been called by Jerry Sloan.

If he had been there, he would have immediately instructed Lebraon James to quickly send the ball out to form a live ball, and Jerry Sloan would not have been able to call a timeout.

The Miami Heat can basically score the ball this round, and being called to a timeout when the score is 3-4 points away and when it is 6 points away are completely two concepts.

The drawbacks of manipulating puppet coaches behind the scenes are fully apparent at this moment.

But now, even if Pat Riley regrets it, it’s too late,

As soon as Su Bai and the others arrived, they immediately went to visit Andrei Kirilenko’s injuries.

Andrei Kirilenko was already sitting on the sidelines, with a relaxed expression, not grinning and suffering like just now.

As soon as he saw Su Bai coming, Andrei Kirilenko quickly stood up to greet him.

Su Bai quickly asked him to sit down and rest, but Andrei Kirilenko did not listen.

Andrei Kirilenko stretched out his arms and legs, indicating that he was no longer in any trouble and was ready to play.

Su Bai smiled and said, “Coach, what tactics next.” ”

“No tactics.” Jerry Sloan said with a smile.

“No tactics.” Su Bai said, “It’s not like your iron-blooded style.” ”

“There is not an ancient saying in the ancient times of your dragon country.” Jerry Sloan said, “Making something out of nothing, without tactics, is it the highest tactic.” ”

Saying this, Jerry Sloan and Subai both laughed.

“I’m an old man.” Jerry Sloan said, “Sometimes you cling to old tactics, sometimes you can’t see the format of the game, but this little tactic, hum…”

Su Bai smiled, thinking that the old rivers and lakes are still the old rivers and lakes, and your uncle is still your uncle.

The other players all surrounded Andrei Kirilenko and asked about his injury with concern.

Over there, Jerry Sloan really didn’t have any tactics arranged, he called this timeout, which is for the whole team to rest, and for Andrei Kirilenko to rest when the injury is not clear.

Meanwhile, Su Baijing sat next to Jerry Sloan, observing the dynamics of the Miami Heat opposite.

The Miami Heat are busy, and they probably see Andrei Kirilenko getting back on the line, and this time they have to lay out two sets of tactics.

Andrey Kirilenko, if in battle, how to fight.

Andrey Kirilenko, if still off the field, then how to play.

Miami Heat, the discussion is hot.

“We have two more timeouts.” Jerry Sloan said to Su Bai.

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