“Wow.” Lebraun-James roared in the air.

He is like a giant King Kong standing on the top of a New York skyscraper, frantically beating up fighter jets, and anyone and anything that stands in his way will be ruthlessly destroyed.

Lebron James, who stays in the air for a long time, looks for the right angle for his shot in the air.

The so-called stagnant air is to adjust the rest of the body so that the shoulder and shooting arm are always at a fixed height, it looks as if the person is hovering in the air like a helicopter without moving.

Of course, the center of gravity of the human body will still move, but as long as the height of the shoulder arm of the shot remains motionless, it is exactly the same as the machine gun muzzle of a helicopter, the effect of stopping in the air!

As strong as “Flyer” Michael Jordan, his time in the air is about a second.

But Lebraun James, his time in the air is estimated to be two seconds.

At the same time, another King Kong glared at Lebraun-James in the air.

If James is a creature Vajra, then Su Bai is now incarnated as a Buddhist tantric Vajra Vajra Venerable with a thousand hands and thousands of eyes.

Every roar he makes is a tantric eight-character mantra that can completely discourage the opponent’s confidence.

In the air, it is not easy to maintain a stable shooting posture with an ultra-long lag like James.

All-Union active duty… No, including all retired players, only a few people such as Michael Jordan can do it.

Including Black Mamba Kobe Bryant, it is not necessarily able to achieve this realm.

But Su Bai’s stagnant air is even more terrifying.

Others are in the air, arms and thighs, and they are constantly waving.

Stagnant, the most difficult thing to guarantee is balance.

The most capable animals in the world are undoubtedly birds.

Birds can achieve the effect of levitating in the air and even changing direction quickly by quickly flapping their wings.

Su Bai is just a person, and his arms and legs cannot be used as wings.

Waving wildly in the air can only be counterproductive, disrupting the balance of your body and reducing the time spent in the air.

However, while Su Bai quickly waved his arms and thighs, his sense of balance burst, and his stagnant emptiness was not destroyed at all.

And his arms and legs are not swinging indiscriminately, but he is consciously changing his blocking angle to interrupt Lebron James’s shot.

Lebraun-James, how could he be so good at giving up.

I saw that his wrist and upper arm were also constantly moving in the air, modifying the angle of the shot, and this shooting angle…

360 degrees in all directions, without any dead angles.

He can choose any point within the circumferential area with the ball holding point as the center and the upper arm as the radius, and shoot the shot.

It’s like a thousand-armed King Kong with a thousand hands at the same time, holding a thousand balls, choosing which one of them to throw with.

Lebraun-James, in hot form!

As long as he can avoid Su Bai’s defense, he is sure that this ball will definitely be able to shoot.

But Su Bai over there had no flaws in defense.

Also a thousand-armed King Kong, Su Bai seems to be holding a thousand net pockets in his hand, ready to use one of them at any time to intercept Lebraun-James’s shot.

Wherever Lebra James’ crosshairs go, his defensive moves follow.

Even the spectators who didn’t know much about the ball were fascinated by this matchup.

The stars watching the game have already watched it dumbfounded!

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