NBA: I! The Most Versatile Player Ever!

Chapter 261 Jammy is g1! The truth is in full force!

For James about to play against him, Gu Yu didn't take it to heart at all.

At this time, he was on the phone with the United Arab Emirates.

There is no way.

Of the three players of the Dragon Kingdom, only one of the UAE was eliminated.

The United Arab followed the Warriors, although they did not create the Black Eight.

But the playoffs are also remarkable.

Averaged 9.2 points and 5.4 rebounds per game, while shooting 34.1% from three-point range.

In the case of a large number of three-point shots, the United Arab's three-pointer has also become accurate.

But the Warriors still lost.

After comforting the United Arab League, Gu Yu also began to prepare for the playoffs.

before the start of the semi-finals.

The Cavaliers officially announced that Peja, who was absent in the first round due to injury, will reappear in the second round.

This news instantly made Jamie go crazy.

"The Cavaliers without Peja can beat the Pistons, the previous champion team. Isn't the Cavaliers stronger with Peja?"

"What about the Celtics? My emperor will definitely beat them! 35

"Cavaliers championship! My emperor FMVP! 99

"Be bold, after Peja came back, the Cavaliers swept the Celtics directly!

Gu Yu naturally did not know what the Cavaliers fans said.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't take it to heart.

After all, if the mouth gun really works.

Just rush to Payton's level of trash talk, can't spew more than a dozen championships?

The reality is that Payton is a champion.

It was still taken by Gu Yu.

As the chosen son of a beautiful family, James broke through the first round for the first time in his career.

And the opponent is the Celtics, which naturally attracted the attention of countless media and fans.

Before the start of the game, hundreds of OB vans had been parked in front of the North Shore Gardens.

If it is an ordinary player, it will definitely be very happy to face this kind of game that is live broadcasted by all beautiful homes and attracts the attention of thousands of people.

After all, this represents a chance to become famous,

But when James saw this scene, his face was very calm, and there was even some helplessness in his eyes.

For James, he played too much.

And he's not stupid!

Before Gu Yu crossed over, many fans commented that James played very smart and had a high emotional intelligence.

Jamie believes that the Cavaliers plus a Peja can beat the Celtics.

James didn't believe it.

When the team system is good.


When the system is bad.

1+1=2, of course it may be less than 2.

Peja was embarrassed.

Cavaliers head coach Mike Brown is a typical defensive coach.

In the absence of Peja, the Cavaliers have no loopholes in defense.

In the last round of the series, under the defense of the Cavaliers.

The Pistons have five games with no more than 90 points.

There were two more games that didn't score more than 80 points.

Peja's defense is really bad.

But Peja can help James open up the offensive space.

If Peja and Larry Hughes were combined, they would be the top players in NBA history.

Top defense, with three points, with the ball, and without the ball.

James likes teammates like that.

But embarrassingly, they are two now.

The Celtics are a top offense forever.

Therefore, it is difficult to say whether Peja has a positive effect or a side effect on the Cavaliers.

And even Peja is positive.

In the face of the Celtics' iron-blooded defense, how much role Peja can play is also unknown.

The Cavaliers' defense is great.

But the Celtics' defense is the league's best this season!

After changing jerseys in the locker room.

James walked onto the court and heard a 'warm welcome,


"Cleveland rubbish! Hurry up and go back~~!

"The Chosen One is nothing in Boston! 35

"Look at the championship banner above the sky, the Cavaliers will never have it in their lifetime!""

For such a scene, James has gradually become accustomed to.

Although the North Shore Gardens in the playoffs are more crazy and noisy.

But for James now, all he has to do is try to win the series.

As the Chosen Son against the top tyrants, the focus of the battle.

Barkley and Smith also came to the scene at this time to explain.

"Kenny, the game is about to start, which team do you think will win?"5

"Charles, your question is really like a joke.

"Ask the fans in the North Shore Gardens, will they be optimistic about the Cavaliers?"

"Or, apart from the Cavaliers and James fans, are there any fans who are optimistic about the Cavaliers?"

"Kenny, you can't say that, isn't the Mavericks also forced into the tiebreaker by the Warriors, and even almost a black eight? 35

"Charles, do you think Gu Yu is as soft as Dirk?

Smith also made no secret of his contempt for the driver.

Last season's Western Conference champion was almost blacked out in the first round, which is really not a glorious thing.

While the two were chatting, the game was about to start.

The Celtics' starting lineup: center Okur, power forward Diaw, small forward Pierce, shooting guard Junzi Lei, and point guard Gu Yu.

The starting lineup of the Cavaliers: center big Z, power forward Drew Gooden, small forward James, shooting guard Peja, point guard Larry Hughes.


With the referee's whistle sounded, after Okur successfully jumped the ball, the game officially started.

Gu Yu holds the ball at the top of the arc, and the Cavaliers guard Gu Yu is James.

Facing Gu Yu, James also looked solemn at this time.

The type of Gu Yu is actually the type that James doesn't want to defend.

But the Cavaliers don't have many good defensive options.

The best way to guard Gu Yu is Chandler's fast, big wingspan.

Inside players, the Cavaliers are not without, such as Drew Gooden.

But Drew. Gooden's defense is not as good as James.

Junzilei made a return run and got rid of Peja, who was chasing behind him. After receiving a pass from Gu Yu, he shot directly from beyond the three-point line.


The basketball hollowed into the net, and the entire North Shore Garden was sprinted with cheers in an instant!

Cavaliers coach Mike Brown on the sidelines turned dark when he saw Junzi Lei hit a three-pointer.

For a defensive coach.

It is unacceptable for your team to give the opponent a chance to shoot wide open in the opening game!

But given that Peja's defense was down...

Mike Brown temporarily chose to be silent.

It was the knight's turn to attack.

James, who was holding the ball at the top of the arc, instantly felt a wave of malice from the Celtics.

The Celtics put up a zone defense.

At least one step away from the defender.

If James passes the ball, under this distance.

Celtics players can quickly block three-pointers from Cavaliers players.

And if James wants to break through.

The Celtics can shrink defenses more quickly.

James was also a big step short by Gu Yu at this time.

""々LeBron, don't say I don't give you a chance to win, if you can kill us with a three-pointer, the Celtics will recognize it!"

Hearing Gu Yu's trash talk, even James' face turned gloomy at this time.

This f*ck...

He can kill the Celtics with a three-pointer.

Does he still need a bunch of shooters to help him open up the space?

Seeing that something was wrong, James directly greeted Big Z to start the pick-and-roll.

Big Z helped James block Gu Yu, and James broke through with the ball directly.

James just broke through to the middle distance, the Celtics began to shrink defense.

James wants to score the ball at this time, but there is one thing that is embarrassing.

Who does James score the ball to?

Peja is in front of Pierce at this time.

The high-ranking Z is in front of Gu Yu at this time.

Larry Hughes was in front of Gentleman Ray at this time.

Drew Gooden has no three-pointer.

James fell directly into the double-team of Okur and Diaw in the low post.


Diaw directly blocked James' layup.

(Li Zhao's) "Beautiful block! Boris Diaw blocked LeBron directly!"

"Cleveland's Chosen Son, in the North Shore Garden, suffered a big loss as soon as he came up!"

Barkley, who was commenting on the scene, saw this scene and began to ridicule at this time.

The game on the field continues.

After Okur blocked James, the Celtics began to fight back.

This time Peja did not give Junzilei another chance to run out of the vacancy.

Pierce cuts the penalty area directly without the ball.

Although Larry Hughes can also defend the 3, he is obviously not good at defending Pierce.

Larry Hughes weighs only 83 kilograms.

And Paul. Pierce weighs 107 kilograms.

After Pierce received the ball, he directly chose to back Larry Hughes.


With the sound of muscle collision, Larry Hughes was directly taken a big step back by Pierce.

Larry Hughes tried his best to stop Pierce, but he was still a step too late.


Pierce made a layup.

After landing, Pierce also spewed trash talk at this time.

"As long as I'm at the North Shore Gardens one day, the Cleveland Cavaliers will never be able to beat the Boston Celtics!"

"Don't ask me why, because what I say is the truth!

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