The reason why Zhang Luo likes Lowry is actually to a large extent because of his kind of willpower!

Lowry is only about 180 tall, but he has never been afraid of physical confrontation.

He can often burst in to make fouls, shoot well from the outside, and more importantly, pass above par.

Three days after the trade, Lowry passed the Knicks physical exam and met everyone in the Knicks’ locker room against the Thunder.

Lowry high-fives everyone, he’s very good at things.

“Welcome to Knicks, Kyle!” Zhang Luo welcomed Lowry and also high-fived him on the chest.

“Zhang, I’ve been listening to your name in Memphis, and I never dreamed that I would come to New York to be with you.” Lowry said with a smile.

Zhang Luo is the popular fried chicken of the alliance, and Lowry is no stranger to his name.

When he learned of the deal, he was a little confused and then ecstatic.

Compared to the hell of Memphis, there is no doubt that New York is more attractive.

The Knicks’ weak point guard line is a well-known thing across the league, and after coming here, Lowry feels that he will have a bright future.

Zhang Luo chatted with Lori for a while and then returned to his wardrobe to put on his equipment.

Lowry’s potential is there, the lineup is basically in order, and the next step is to grind the team together.


November 18

Madison Garden Arena.

Despite the Knicks’ recent poor form, fans aren’t too dissatisfied.

Away games are always tough and losing to strong teams is also possible.

The home game against the Thunder was still full.

Zhang Luo’s fans were scattered around the stadium, and fans wearing the number 25 jersey could be seen on almost every corner.

This game was broadcast live by domestic official media and T, N, and T.

Barkley, Reggie Miller, Kenny Smith even came to the scene to comment.

For commentators, it is important to shape the focus of the topic of Durant vs Zhang Luo.


2-8, that’s the Thunder’s opening record this season.

After the Thunder drafted Westbrook, the team’s record did not usher in a metamorphosis.

However, the core of the team, Kevin Durant, has improved from last season.

In the first 10 games of the season, Durant’s scoring average has increased from 20.3 points last season to 25.3 points, and his shooting percentage has also increased from 43% to 47%, and he has seen significant improvement in all aspects.

However, because Zhang Luo, the same type as him, is popular in the Knicks, Durant’s team-leading record has been frantically complained about by Thunder fans.

Zhang Luo’s style of play looks like an advanced version of Durant’s domination.

Now Durant looks like just a young scorer.

If Zhang Luo appeared before he had nothing to complain about Durant, this guy was a potential star, but with Zhang Luo, the standard of Thunder fans was naturally high.

They can’t tolerate the team giving up their records to brush Durant’s stats.

Look at Zhang Luo, how strong is the ability to lead the team.

It is necessary to compare with rookie Zhang Luo at every turn, which puts a lot of pressure on Durant.

When warming up, Durant will also look at Zhang Luo from time to time.

He wanted to prove that he was no worse than Zhang Luo tonight.

Westbrook noticed Durant’s small eyes, and he specially came over and said to Durant: “KD, to deal with that guy, we need to wrap on the outside, and we must not let him start and rush, he will not be able to defend when he rushes.” ”

When he was in the NCAA, Wei Shao knew Zhang Luo’s horror.

That guy was a nightmare for almost all NCAA playoff players.

Center height, guard technique, shooter shot.

Wei Shao couldn’t think of anyone who could prevent him one-on-one.

Durant doubted: “Is he that strong? I feel like he’s like me. ”

Durant watched Zhang Luo’s videos, and he felt that he could do the same action.

Three dunks from outside the three-point line?

Change direction and dribble and then pull out three points!

After dribbling, burst in and dunk!

Roll over and lean back after back!

Durant feels like he can do it.

Durant, who watches the video, is no different from fans watching the NBA.

Many fans can’t help but think that they can also do those NBA player actions, and those who can’t do it will say “awesome”…

Wei Shao replied, “He is more powerful than you.” ”

Wei Shao said the truth very bluntly.

Durant said unpleasantly: “Russell, we are teammates.” ”

The current Durant is not very welcome.

The team chose something, it was a thorn on the field, and it was a thorn off the field.

This guy is too iron-headed, no one is convinced every day, and he wants to challenge his authority as the boss at every turn.

He was still a rookie and dragged like this, mixed for two more years?

His own shots will not be as much as he by then!

Durant is not happy with Wilson.

Wei Shao touched his bald head and did not speak again, he did speak more directly.

Although he thinks Zhang Luo is stronger than Durant, it seems to hurt Durant’s self-esteem to say so.

Wei Shao was a little hindsighted.


The Thunder’s lineup determines that it is difficult for Durant to move now.

Wilson is still off the bench, Durant is still shooting guard, and Watson is the starting point guard.

Small forward is Jeff Green, power forward Nick Collison, center is Swift!

Except for Durant and Jeff Green, the rest of the starters are likely to not even play in rotation on other teams.

It’s strange that such a lineup can win.

The Thunder’s poor record has made Durant very depressed, he hates losing, and he does not like to be considered by the media to be in the weak team.

Durant is eager to be recognized by the outside world.

In this regard, he envied Zhang Luo very much.

Zhang Luo not only has beautiful statistics, the team has a good record, the key is that his people are more handsome than him.

Durant can often see photos of Zhang Luo taking photos with a certain Hollywood actress from the headlines.

Those actresses stood in front of Zhang Luo and smiled brightly, and they were all not shy to lean on Zhang Luo.

Thinking of this, Durant is even more depressed.

Zhang Luo seems to be rich and handsome who shouted the golden key from birth, and he is just a poor dick!

Against the Knicks and Zhang Luo, Durant was full of fighting spirit early.

Durant wants the whole league to see that he Kevin Durant is better than Zhang Luo.

Play on the court, don’t rely on your face, rely on your skills.


Appearance ceremony!!

“Zhang, Luo”

The DJ’s shouting name once again detonated Madison Garden.

Durant looked at Zhang Luo’s appearance with envy!

Ford Center is dissatisfied, where is the world’s largest city so popular.

Zhang Luo is simply too happy to play here.

To be honest, Durant also wants to play in New York, but unfortunately, he doesn’t have a choice.

Barkley saw Durant’s eyes, Durant couldn’t hide it, and Barkley also said: “Durant is very envious of Zhang Luo, if he is in New York, it should be him who enjoys all this.” ”

Kenny Smith said: “Durant’s style of play is very similar to Zhang Luo, the two are the same height and arm length, have a big height but have the flexibility of a small man, and then there is a shooting technique higher than the average guard, the two are like a print. ”

Reggie Miller said: “Haha, there are still many differences, such as Zhang Luo’s physical confrontation is stronger, Zhang Luo’s power on the inside is greater, and Zhang Luo’s overall technology is more comprehensive, which Durant does not have.” ”

Barkley complained: “You might as well say that KD is a poor man’s version of Zhang Luo? ”

Reggie Miller laughed: “That’s exactly what happened. ”

While the commentator was bragging, the game on the field also officially started.

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