
The Knicks’ Eastern Conference Finals opponents soon came out.

The Cavaliers had an accident in the playoffs with the Celtics, and Garnett suffered a recurrence of his old injury in Game 4 and was directly reimbursed for the season.

That gave the Cavaliers a chance, and James knocked out the defending champions 4-2 to join the Knicks in the Eastern Conference Finals.

“Zhang, the next step is our contest.” James sent a text message to Zhang Luo after the game.

Zhang Luo smiled when he picked up his mobile phone on the bed and saw the message.

This guy is really anxious.

“I’ll knock you out as soon as possible.”

Zhang Luo’s reply to James’ message was also very simple.


“Direct docking, Zhang Luo VS James!”

“Battle of Kings in the East!!”

“The Knights eliminated the Celtics, and James and Zhang Luo quickly met.”

As the two supergiants of the alliance, he is known as the ruler of the alliance for the next decade.

James’ direct encounter with Zhang Luo will not lack topics.

The media and fans also began to discuss and hype the topic immediately after the Cavaliers’ promotion.

“Haha, James hasn’t ruled the league yet, and the chaser Zhang Luo came over.”

“Support Nix, support Zhang Luo!!”

“Although I like Zhang Luo very much, I like James more, James come on.”

“This series is also a series for James to prove himself, he needs to prove that he can still get on the top.”

There are more fans supporting Zhang Luo in China than James.

But in foreign countries, the support ratio between Zhang Luo and James is about six or four points, and James’ cumulative attention and popularity over the years are still a little higher than the NBA’s most powerful rookies.

In terms of popularity around the world, Zhang Luo and James are five or five.

The Cavaliers flew to New York the night after the cut, and for the Knicks, their regular-season record ensures they have home-court advantage against any opponent.

Two consecutive series of home-field advantage have given the Knicks plenty of opportunities to adjust!

They can cope with the game without rushing to the road and in a tired state, which is the key to the Knicks’ G1 always winning.

The Knicks also announced their closed training the day after the Cavaliers’ advance.

Training in New York had to impose some restrictions on the media, which would pervasively infiltrate and interfere with the players.

The media can give players fame and exposure many times, but there are also many times when they can amplify the disadvantages, and for some players with poor psychological quality, dealing with the media is even more tiring than playing.

D’Antoni opted for a one-size-fits-all.

The current Knicks don’t need exposure, but need to protect every player.

The Knicks’ closed training is for every counterpoint of the Cavaliers.

The Cavaliers are second in the East, James is also the second-largest supergiant in the MVP standings, and the Knicks have nothing to relax with against a team like this.

Even this time on the outside fishing ship, the media is more optimistic that the Cavaliers can eliminate the Knicks to advance.

Compared with Zhang Luo vs Kobe, it is clear that a century war like James vs Kobe Bryant is more eye-catching.

Even if the Knicks only lost one game in the first two rounds, even if James’ road to promotion was bumpier than Zhang Luo!

But it’s because the Cavaliers have James.

Zhang Luo, who has only been in the league for one year, obviously has no way to crush James in terms of fame.

The Knicks’ players have a physical advantage against the Cavaliers, and D’Antoni is also high in training intensity arrangement.

Of course, D’Antoni will not overdraw the player’s physical energy and over-drain the player.

The Knicks still maintained a good atmosphere, and no players complained about the intensity of training and tactical arrangements.

Because everyone knows very well that this time the Knicks’ opponents will be stronger than the previous two rounds.

D’Antoni is constantly studying the Cavaliers, and Coach Blang is watching the Knicks video repeatedly.

The training arrangements on the knight’s side are all equally close.

There is no closed training on the Cavaliers’ side, and for them, the exposure of the New York media is very important.

Almost all the players above and below the Knights are making various battle declarations.

Knicks fans have made all kinds of defenses with them on the Internet.

The atmosphere of the Eastern Conference finals quickly heated up.

The hot atmosphere was first reflected in the ticket price, the East finals ticket price increased by 300% compared to the first two rounds of the playoffs, and the VIP seats on the sidelines even sold for $80,000 a piece.

For fans in New York, the last thing they lack is money.

No matter how high the ticket price, tickets for this round of the series are hard to find.


Knicks’ comparative analysis of the Knights’ various positions soon appeared on the Internet.

This post directly refutes the Knicks’ claim that the Knights are inferior to the Cavaliers.

“In the PG position, Mo Williams vs Lowry, Mo Williams is an All-Star level player in the East, fast, accurate shooting, is the Cavaliers’ second scorer, and Lowry was still a bench when he was with the Grizzlies, and came to the Knicks to improve, he is short and strong, and his breakthrough is better than Mo Williams, but his shooting ability is much worse, and the Cavaliers have the advantage in this position.”

“In the SG position, Trondy West vs Tony Allen, both are role players, one is good at attacking, the other is good at defense, neither has an absolute effect on the team, this position is two five-five.”

“SF position, James VS Zhang Luo, talent not to mention, both are God’s favored darlings, in terms of scoring ability, Zhang Luo is more comprehensive and creative, but James’ organizational skills are better, these can also be reflected from the data of the two, Zhang Luo’s score is higher, James’ assists are higher, the two are also the winners and losers of their respective teams, for players of their level, the state of the night is obviously more important.”

“PF position, the Knicks are more likely to send Tucker to deal with Wallace, Tucker and Wallace are short inside, the two are also focused on defense, Tucker’s three-point shot is his only way to score, except for the bottom corner three-pointer, we haven’t seen other more reliable offensive means, of course, Tucker’s willpower is also the key, and Wallace, in addition to experience and defensive skills, does not have a crushing advantage in other aspects.”

“In the center position, I think fans who have watched the game should be clear about the role of Marc Gasol, this big man is too reliable, and the big Z’s defense… In a word, this position is dominated by the Knicks. ”

“In terms of bench comparison, the two teams are five or five.”

“Fame and honor aside, in terms of personnel ability comparison, the Knicks’ players are no worse than the Cavaliers, and the two teams are at least five or five, which is still the Knicks’ poor fight.”

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