At three o’clock in the afternoon, Tang Ziwen took time to go to the Mercedes-Benz 4S store in New York.

Basically, buying a car is much simpler, unlike a set of domestic procedures, all arranged on the road You can wait a day~!


Most of the procedures have already been completed, and Tang Ziwen has only signed a few words in the past.

“WOW, the car will always be man’s second wife~!”

When Tang Ziwen sat on the main driver and touched the steering wheel of the Mercedes-Benz G1-class off-road vehicle, a feeling of others suddenly surged in his heart.

Making money to live in a villa big house, he really didn’t feel much, but as soon as he drove his car, he immediately felt that his desperation on the court was worth it!

The key to this car is comfort, strong performance, and a lot of space, even if you go out with Taylor on vacation, you can feel a lot of fun in the car.

Meanwhile, the storm of All-Star voting has begun to sweep through several major cities.

On the morning of the 7th, the first phase of voting began.


He didn’t care too much!

On this day, the NBA entertainment media storm pointed the finger at D’Antonis.

“D’Antoni doesn’t have any tactical arrangements at all, usually tall players waste more physical strength, and the big devil Tang Ziwen is in his hands, it is simply a waste of talent.”

“That’s right, D’Antoni 22 is not worthy to coach the Knicks!”

“He really thinks that a player with a bare foot of 210 cm is the same as a player with a 180 cm, and he can play the whole game in every game, and he really doesn’t treat the core members as people~!”


D’Antoni could only obediently accept criticism.

In fact, Donnie Walsh has already said it many times to Comrade Lao De.

But D’Antoni just didn’t listen, and as soon as he arrived on the field, he wanted Tang Ziwen to play 40 minutes…….

Oh, my God!

This is really not a good old comrade.

Every time, he had to ask Tang Ziwen, “Do you want to continue to play and continue to play.” “But they follow their core opinions.

And it’s not that the media says that if you don’t look at the core as a person, and if the substitutes are not strengthened, they will frantically consume the main force.

Christopher of ESPN Network also slammed: “Such a player with physical talent, can be said to be a rare sight in the yellow race in the body for a hundred years, and is known as the darling of God, D’Antoni does not know how to cherish talents, flipping over the previous record, as long as it is a potential ace player, it will be destroyed in the hands of D’Antonis!” ”

Comrade Lao De wanted to cry very much …..

In the evening, the Knicks’ winning streak finally ended.

The Knicks lost back-to-back to the Celtics at 98-106.

Away defeat, of course.

Tang Ziwen played 32 minutes in the game, scoring a quasi-triple-double of 42 points, 12 rebounds, 8 blocks and 11 assists, and still did not beat the strong rival Celtics.

The reason for the loss was the poor form of the defenders.

“What a rogue team~!”

After the game, Tang Ziwen sighed in the dressing room.

Ray Allen’s three-point shooting efficiency is far more efficient than the current Stephen Curry, the three-point shot whizzes to the rim, the outbreak of Gentleman Ray, plus Harrington was pressed and beaten by the wolf king Garnett, Paul Pierce is even more physical, and the veteran Kidd in the offensive field can’t stop it at all.

The cooperation between the wolf king Garnett and Perkins is even more terrifying, especially in terms of assisting in defense, which killed Harrington.

The only point that can be turned against the wind.

It is the same as when the Lakers duels, let Don control the ball to play offense, and play the whole game, play steadily, and the offense of ball by ball maintains the score, playing like the Finals, which is a favorable possibility.

However, after thinking about it, Comrade Lao De refused!

In case he loses the game, his crazy use of the core thing will be attacked by the media again.

After all, it’s just a regular season game and ….

If you lose, you lose!

Anyway, Tang Ziwen’s data is not bad, and he also scored a game-high score of 42 points.

The other side.

The loss of this game also aroused the dissatisfaction of Knicks fans.

You say, can’t the Knicks strengthen their rotation if they are so rich? It has to be the main lineup to the death.

Knicks fans are more difficult to serve, while shouting that Tang Ziwen played the whole game, and at the same time shouting not to let the main team rest… Spear each other!

Kidd averaged 30 minutes per game, and no matter how much his physical strength could not keep up.

The Knicks have always been able to win games, all relying on Tang Ziwen’s offensive ability on the inside and the ability to grab rebounds, allowing the Knicks to have more offensive opportunities.

Curry is not yet mature, but occasionally enters the “day” mode, which is already very surprising.

Of course, this game was lost, mainly because of the “Black Wind Shuangfu” formed by Garnett and Perkins, the two are desperate dragging Tang Ziwen, all kinds of hooligan means hand-to-hand combat, not fatal amazing.

In short, to Tang Ziwen’s feeling, the Celtics are a rogue team.

After the game.

Garnett was very friendly and gave Tang Ziwen a hug, “Tang, you are really difficult to prevent, just let you score 4 points.” ”

“Your joint defense with Perkins is really scary, much more efficient than the Lakers’ joint defense.” Tang Ziwen praised that the old hooligan is the old rogue.


He doesn’t care about that.

In the playoffs, if there is such a headwind, he will play outside center, not inside center!

Presumably, D’Antoni should not refuse by then.

“I’m ready to sign a contract with ANTA!” Garnett smiled.


Tang Ziwen immediately understood a lot of things.

An old gangster like Garnett helped defend him, and he was detained twice, and the reason why he didn’t spray trash talk was really because he was about to sign a contract with Anta.

After all, Anta is a first-class brand in a big country, and his current popularity has a super high popularity, if Garnett dares him to engage in some contradictions………

The consequences, you can imagine.

“Come on, I’m optimistic about you, but I’ll fight hard next time!” Garnett grinned.

“I will beat you Celtics desperately next time!”

After the game, the Knicks returned to New York.

On the morning of December 9, the Newnix completed two consecutive trades in order to strengthen the lineup.

First, the Knicks sent Marcus Landry, Rodriguez, Mike Grady, and a 2010 first-round pick to Andrew Iguodala of the Philadelphia 76ers, backup Jason Smith + 2010 second-round pick.

The first brother was eating a hamburger at home, and suddenly received a call from the agent, and he was a little confused for a while.


Great Demon King Tang Ziwen?

As soon as Brother Yi thought of Nix, he thought of the Great Devil.

76 people, complete mess!


The Knicks sent Jordan Hill, plus a 12-year second-round pick, to trade the Cleveland Cavaliers 727 for Danny Green.

Danny Green has performed very well at the University of North Carolina, but after joining the Cavaliers, the Cavaliers did not value Danny Green at all, and only played a short 5 minutes per game, rotating slightly.

As soon as he heard that he was going to play in the Knicks, he immediately thought of the scene where he was ravaged North Carolina by Tang Ziwen in the NCAA Finals.

At that time, he was also very dazzling.

But as soon as I joined the NBA, I was so young that I was in the Cavaliers… Compared with Tang Ziwen, he, the scoring champion of North Carolina, seems to have been forgotten!

At this point, the Knicks roster was reorganized.

Point guards: Jason Kidd, Eddie House, Douglas.

Quarterbacks: Stephen Curry, Danny Green, Larry Hughes.

Small forwards: Iguodala, Jonathan Bend, Jeffries.

Power forwards: Al Harrington, Jason Smith, Bill Walker.

Center: Tang Ziwen, Eddie Curry, Milicic.

The Knicks’ roster of 1 is officially complete!

Previously, Grady of the same sex as Maddie was originally a substitute, but because there was no suitable small forward, he could be a starter, and now that a brother is here, he naturally wants to become a starting member of the Knicks.

The substitutes are Jason Smith and Danny Green, and several others are also led by Tang Ziwen, who can play at a good level.

This lineup.

It’s still a little close to winning the championship.


At the moment of headwind, if Tang Ziwen goes to play outside center possession, he is sure to win any team!

PS: Please support, strengthen a wave of lineups, Brother Yi and Danny Green are very good, more suitable for the Knicks’ running and bombardment, after all, they have good projection ability. _

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