“How does it feel to be a septum shak?”

It felt funny to ask this sentence from Barkley’s mouth.

“Blocking Shaq is something that is difficult for ordinary people to do, first of all, you have to have great courage, and secondly, strength, but I can block him, or because he is old, bullying the elderly I feel that there is nothing to be proud of~!”

This sentence seems modest, but in fact, it is invisibly dissing a big shark.

Big Shark O’Neill is old, but throughout his career, he has been caught up in one hand to count the number of times he has been separated.

Derek Coleman, Carter, and Michael Jordan, the remaining few don’t count in practice matches.

And the big shark himself admitted that he was separated, and now only Michael Jordan, and now Tang Ziwen.

“Hahahahaha~! Barkley grinned, “I can already imagine what Shaq looks like when he gets angry with his big eyes!” ”

He asked again: “Don, how do you feel that many fans think that your one-arm giant slalom overtook Julius Irving, and also think that your free-throw line dunk exceeded Michael Jordan, how do you feel?” ”

“I am grateful to the fans for their love for me, it is an honor to be considered by them!”

“Are you ready to participate in the slam dunk contest?” This is the one thing that fans are most concerned about! Barkley asked.

Tang Ziwen responded without hesitation: “I will participate in the All-Star Slam Dunk Contest!” ”

“I’m going to… Bring the talent for dunking to the All-Star Contest stage! ”

As soon as these words came out, not only the excitement of the media in front of him, but even Barkley couldn’t help but be surprised.

“2 I am looking forward to your performance in the All-Star Game, because of your superior performance, in my bet with Kenny Smith, I have won several times, thank you, Mr. Don Universe!”

Tang Ziwen has become a veritable NBA topic maker, the “Tang Universe” that fans are looking forward to!

If you want to become an NBA star, you need to create a topic.

Jordan is strong because of the legend he created with the Bulls.

What is more undeniable is that the “free-throw line dunk” gave a deep impression to many people who did not know Jordan.

Even years later, the video clip of “Flyer Jordan’s free-throw line dunk” is still circulating on major websites.

Why has it survived to the present?

Because of the classic.

It’s like Larry Bird, who is called “King B” by fans, also because of some examples!

Maddie’s 35.13 seconds.

When fans talk about a player, the first thing that comes to mind is his legend.

He has enough topics now.

The one-arm big slalom overtakes J and the free-throw line dunk overtakes Michael Jordan.

What Don Universe, Space Tang, Air Ballet Dunk Basket Hanger, Barrier Shark O’Neal, every event will land on ESPN’s page, causing a sensation without media.

“Hammer of Destruction” was originally a domineering dunk with 360 degrees of aerial rotation, and was affectionately named “Air Ballet” by fans!

In order to help Tang Ziwen, Nix invited his own exclusive media and filmed a simple interview with him.

Of course, the domestic Sports Weekly reporter also took a simple 3-minute video interview.

The main purpose of this is to help him canvass.

He is now the character that the Knicks are trying their best to cultivate, after all, the money benefits and fame benefits brought to the Knicks are too huge.

As soon as he announced that he was going to participate in the “All-Star Slam Dunk Contest”, his fans were even more crazy to canvassed for him.

With his current performance, not to mention the crazy Knicks fans, it is an American basketball enthusiast, and because the video of “free throw line dunk” quickly exploded on YouTube video, quickly circled many fans and fans.

At 6:20 p.m., the Knicks assembled at the Trail Blazers’ home arena, the Moda Center.

Due to the core of the Blazers, O’s knee injury in the last game and, like Rose in the later period, was simply jealous of talent, resulting in direct reimbursement for the entire season.

Not surprisingly, three consecutive races.

After all, the knees and legs have been operated on 5 times.

Injuries are always a basketball nightmare!

The other players, Roy and Webster, were alone and blocked the Knicks’ run-and-bomb tactics.

In this game, Stephen Curry, Kidd, and Iguodala easily won the game.

The addition of the first brother, and the rotation of substitutes are slightly enhanced.

Tang Ziwen is indeed a lot more relaxed.

Iguodala played 34 minutes and recorded 36 points, 4 rebounds, 7 assists and 3 blocks.

Several shooters also threw hi, and Trail Blazers’ interior center Oden was unable to play due to injury and had no opponent to match him on the inside.

He scored a total of 18 points, 11 9 blocks, 8 assists, and clocked in the usual three quarters.

D’Antoni’s tactics are good at attacking and not defending.

Tang Ziwen’s strong defensive ability just makes up for the lack of coaches.

The Knicks are now running like crazy, relying on his strong inside to score, such as starting with him as the core.

He played with Curry together, that is, complementary mutual assistance, Curry helped him assist, he gave full play to his rebounding ability, forced to let the outside shoot hi, let the elementary school student Curry shoot more.


The Knicks beat the Blazers 128-82.

After playing the Blazers, the Knicks flew to New Jersey non-stop, rested for a night, and continued to play the Nets the next day.

Nets coach Frank had a headache, he really didn’t want to develop any defensive tactics against the “big devil”.

Obviously you can’t prevent it!

The key thing is that the Knicks are in the same division as them back-to-back, and they have to play 2 games in the regular season, 4 games each at home and away!

It’s so sad.

At the beginning of the game, Lopez followed Tang Ziwen’s side with a fighting face, he wanted to wash away the shame of the previous game and try to see if he could play well.


The results were pitiful.

Especially after the dream footsteps of the Tangzi Literature Society, he was dominated, and even his mother knew the joke!

The disadvantage of Lopez is that it is slow, and slow speed can not cope with “dream footsteps” at all

Can anyone imagine a “power slam dunk” after a dream footstep teasing an opponent? It was a wonderful feast.

He has the idea to use the “destroying” hammer to break O’Neal’s record for dunking the basket!

After all, the shark dunked twice in the official competition, and the other time was in training.

He only needs to break three baskets and break the record again!

However, when it comes to the All-Star Game, “dunk the rebound” and “dunk the basket”, won’t it cause a big sensation?

Another topic can be created.

On the other hand, Yi Jianlian spent nearly two hours a day to tutor his English, and finally had a certain level, and the communication with his teammates was also increasing.

During this period, Yi Jianlian also followed Tang Ziwen’s advice, specially ordered a rare specialty from China, sent many gifts to his teammates, and began to become active.

Instead, the Nets invited him to the nightclub Hi Pi, Yi Jianlian could only smile and refuse, and said that there was a tigress, and he didn’t dare to let go and play………

In this game, it was clear that the Nets’ teammates began to pass the ball to Yi Jianlian.

This is a good development.

But 77 is, the Nets lost badly, especially after the Knicks strengthened, Iguodala integrated into the run-and-bomb tactics, and the Knicks’ efficiency was greatly improved.


The Nets lost to the Knicks 68-105.

After the game, Yi Jianlian specially invited Tang Ziwen to lunch at a Western restaurant in New Jersey.

After the Knicks’ big win over the Nets, they finally ushered in a one-day break.

Madison Square Garden Training Pavilion.

“Tang, now Quan Ming has started canvassing for you, and I also let my friends and family all vote for you, and I can definitely become an all-star starter!” Elementary school student Stephen Curry said with a look of excitement.

Danny Green laughed: “Me too, let my family and friends help vote.” ”

“My friends and I voted 10 in total!” Iguodala stepped forward and said.

“I watched a lot of forums and video sites, and many of your fans are canvassing for you, especially crazy!”

As the core boss of the team, not only Knicks fans and domestic fans, but even the players and staff within the Knicks, from the owner Dolan, general manager Donnie Walsh, down to the bench players are canvassing for Tang Ziwen.

“Actually, I’m not too interested in the All-Star Game, but I still have to fight for something, Stephen, how many All-Star votes will end?”

The schoolboy looked confused…

Kidd replied lightly: “It will probably end in the middle of next month, and the results of the first phase of voting will be announced almost next week.” ”

Tang Ziwen is well aware that Kidd, a veteran, has been selected to the All-Star team five times.

“Why don’t we go to a nightclub!” Al Harrington suggested.

“Can you not go to the nightclub!” The schoolboy immediately refused ….

The eyes of the group all looked at Tang Ziwen.

“Nightclubs? Or wait for the All-Star Madness Night! “_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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