Seven minutes into the first quarter, Duncan was substituted off the court.

Seeing this, D’Antoni also replaced Tang Ziwen off the court.

“Don, how do you feel?” D’Antoni asked worriedly.

Tang Ziwen shook his head, “No problem! ”

Now the situation on the court is obvious, the Spurs’ offense is very efficient, Parker’s rhythm has finally opened, but the Knicks’ rhythm is not bad, after all, it is Kidd who organizes the offense.

Tang Ziwen played 7 minutes and already scored a team-high 16 points.

After the first quarter, the score was 26:19!

D’Antoni turned his gaze and found a hint of a problem, although they Knicks have been scoring, but they all rely on Tang Ziwen, and the rhythm is not turned on at all.

At the Spurs, on the other hand, everyone’s stats score almost evenly.

Lineups for both sides in the second quarter.

Knicks: Curry, Tang Ziwen, Danny Green, Jason Smith, Iguodala.

Al Harrington and Elder Kidd will continue to rest.

Spurs: Ginobili, Duncan, George Hill, Richard Jefferson, Roger Mason.

“Don, I’m resting now~!” Stephen Curry looked up and smiled.

Tang Ziwen chuckled: “OK, since you have a good rest, let’s shoot the basket, my purpose is to grab the rebound, and Danny, you too…”

The two nodded.

The Knicks’ outer 28 line, must also fire!

This time Ginobili had the ball in possession, and it was Stephen Curry who was defending him.

The demon knife came up to be the unreasonable Crossover, with George Hill lightning past Curry, and then a glide to avoid Iguodala’s assistant defense, and the left hand was thrown directly into the basket.


Two-point hit.

“Run, run!”

At the critical moment, Tang Ziwen commanded.

Spurs have a saying that good times rely on Parker, adversity depends on Duncan, and desperate times rely on demon knives!

“It’s fast~!” Li frowned, and then seriously controlled the ball and walked to the half.

Since joining the Knicks, he has become less possessed on the court and seems to have truly become a shooter.

But in daily training, he never gave up possession, especially Tang Ziwen occasionally practiced one-on-one with him.

“Bang!” Curry’s swift Crossover, lightning crotch dribbled to the right hand, one accelerated to break through the inside, and then another stopped and threw the ball to Tang Ziwen.

Tang Ziwen grabbed his claws and swung one to Iguodala, who hit the ground and passed the ball to Danny Green on the sideline.

Danny Green threw another ball to Curry.

The Knicks’ passing is dazzling and very fluid.

Popovich’s worst fears finally happened, and the Knicks’ pass match opened!

Just as Curry ran out of the open space to get the ball, he quickly shot a three-pointer.


This is Kuzhitian!


The crisp sound of brushing the net sounded.

The Knicks quickly returned to defense.

“Pretty, Stephen~”

Curry chewed his braces and hit Tang Ziwen directly into him to celebrate, and high-fived Danny, a brother.

“Danny, while the fake shot caught George’s attention, he threw the ball to Stephen, he felt very good.”

Danny Green nodded, “OK, question!” ”

After a wave of violent wind and rain, after the demon knife was assisted in defense, he threw his left hand to Duncan.

“Oh, it’s Duncan who singles Tangzi, can you prevent it!” Zhang Cheng shouted excitedly.

“Tang Universe?” Popovich muttered, picked up the hot water from the thermos cup, and took an unhurried sip.

Although Tang Ziwen’s defense is strong, he is a veritable old fritters.

Tang Ziwen immediately stepped forward, raising his left arm in a standard guarding posture.

“You’re old!” Tang Ziwen smiled slightly.

Shifo Duncan played very crisply, he did not speak, after his body was pressed against Tang Ziwen, he immediately turned to the right, tilted his body forward, and threw the ball out.

Duncan’s pace is not very elegant, but “big base pace”, and it is quite obscene.

But it’s practical.

Tang Ziwen’s reaction was indeed fast, but he still took a step.

“This old fritters, I have to pull away a little~!”

Offense is not the same as defense, and he has 100% confidence to blast Duncan on the offensive end.

But the chance of defending Duncan is more than 60%.



Two points into the net.

“So calm? I’ll just calm you down! The corner of Tang Ziwen’s mouth smiled, being able to hit the ball steadily under his defense so calmly shows how strong this historical level power forward is, worthy of being called the “Stone Buddha”!

The game continues.

This time, the Spurs’ defense is even more undisorganized, they do not assist in defense, do not wrap.

Pure one-on-one can avoid the Knicks’ run-and-bomb tactics.

“Snap~!” Tang Ziwen, who took the high position, received a pass from Curry.

“Bang bang~!”

He clapped the ball with his right hand against Duncan to play inside, Duncan’s defense is the tightest player he has ever seen, almost no dead ends; Crossover is basically of little use to Deng, after all, he takes big strides, Duncan also strides big, and his psychological quality is very calm.

This old stone Buddha’s career is 15 times named to the All-Star Defensive Team…

Defensive ability can rank in the top five in history.


Tang Ziwen has a stronger style of play.

Overlord beats Duncan.

“Strength, so strong.”

After a long day of defense, Duncan said dumbly.

Within seconds, he was squeezed into the basket by Tang Ziwen.


Tang Ziwen grabbed the ball with his right hand pincer claw, and the whole person jumped in the air instantly like a cannonball, and Duncan also jumped up quickly, wanting to block, but Tang Ziwen was too brave, faster than the partition of the beast Griffin.

Moreover, he has a long arm span and strong muscles.


There was a boom in the basket, and he smashed it into the frame.

Duncan’s block didn’t touch the basketball at all.

Simple and effective, it’s like going back to NCAA March Madness.

For Tang Ziwen, this rough muscle-dunk attack is the same no matter who will defend.

Kidd, Harrington and several people got up and couldn’t help beating their chests, pacing back and forth, and almost went on the field to celebrate with Tang Ziwen.

There were even more fans with excited faces, directly tearing their tops apart, and couldn’t help shouting “big devil”!

“Oh, Duncan is detained!” Zhang Cheng shouted excitedly. 533

Yu Jiadao: “Tang Ziwen’s playing style is too domineering, too strong, the same as the partition button O’Neill, it is a strong fight!” ”

Popovich had long been expected.

He had watched a video of Tang Ziwen’s match against O’Neill.


Duncan didn’t jump up and block, it should be Jue’s own strength that couldn’t seal Tang Ziwen.

After all, Tang Ziwen grabbed the ball very steadily, and it was with his domineering style of play and strong strength that he was called the “big devil” by media fans!

“Wow, is this kid crazy?”

Olney’s spiritual eyes widened.



Too brave, right?!

Countless fans are crazy about it and can’t help shouting!

Duncan was snuggled, and Popovich was also taken aback.

He was amazed by Tang Ziwen’s strength and offensive dominance under the basket.

It’s so strong that it’s heart-shaking…..

This is not like the method of the four quarterbacks at their peak to dominate the game, but to properly eat Duncan, a real peak “big shark”!

It does not have the physical tonnage of a big shark, but it plays a more terrifying dominance than a big shark.

“God, poor Tim has become a background board again~!”

Barkley grinned.

He is now more bullish on the Knicks.

Tang Ziwen is too brave, it is simply fiercer than his attack back then, and he is desperate.


PS: I owe an update, I’ll make up for it tomorrow, and the notebook that has been used for many years crashes continuously…. Please, come and fancy, the All-Star Game and Slam Dunk Contest are coming soon.

With such a physical talent as the protagonist, the dunk contest is a big climax in the text.

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